Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • Strange things happening around the slave pens lately. Food and clothes appearing in the cages (and quickly divided amongst the slaves), whispered words spoken yet never clearly overheard by the slavers and guards, and occasionally the faint outline of a person against the light.

  • A growing number of persons can be seen heading toward the Temple of Mask, although due to their nature it is often hard to even Identify them as anything more than a shadow.

  • _Aelthas was seen exiting the mines in a hurry and later a small group of Skullcrushers was seen standing outside the mines.

    Apparently Aelthas killed a duergar in the mines and heard what he could only explain as a marching army heading for Oscura. One of the Skullcrusher mages entered the mines and heard nothing, the supposed army having turned back.

    When not watching the commons near the well, Aelthas is seen spending alot of time in the mines now, sometimes exiting with ore and sometimes coming out with blood on his armor and sword._

  • A small group of mixed ethnics mentions to the guards that they encountered dangerous gnomes who seemed to be fighting Ettins in caves. But neither group held back towards the adventurers, either. The elf of the group seems particularly vocal about the fact that the gnomes seemed to destroy objects of art or beauty and keep them in holes.

  • _Aelthas, the young blond haired Selunite seems has taken his oath and become a citizen.

    He has been seen alot near the well, fighting off gnomes on one occasion already with the other citizens of Oscura and apparently has been staying at Nicahhs house.

    He greets everyone with a smile and has mostly kept to himself since his arrival._

  • It is rumored that the Gnomes who attacked some of the residents were extremely skilled, often fighting off two or even three well-trained warriors and guards.

    However, it is said that one of the members of the Black Sails, a woman carrying a staff with a cold blue light, was responsible for the death of over a half-dozen of the Gnomes. Simple whispers and gestures often resulted in the Gnomes being paralyzed, thrown to the ground, or clawing their faces as they died, terror stricken.

  • The report log of Senria read's thus:

    On this day, the people of Oscura were subject to two attacks, the first of which was executed by the Gnome's that worship the Crawler Below. This was met with resistance from myself, and other blooded of Oscura. No deaths resulted, luckily though. Now the holes in which the gnomes used can be seen throughout the city.

    The second attack occured later and involved a massive assault on the city gate by the Kua Toa who broke through the sealed entrance in the cave outside of Oscura, and attacked the city. This attack was halted by the captain of the Peace Keepers, myself, and another of the Peace Keepers as well as a few helping hands who were just passing through. The massive brigade was halted by the captain who called upon the protective forces of the Lady that watches the city, and sent fire raining down upon them. There were minimal injuries, and the city remains safe tonight.

    Report end.

  • _He is quite often accompanied by a woman in golden and black armour, whom too dedicate hours to aid Father Dagon.

    Though her skills isn't as honed to the task, she is still finding things to busy herself, leaving the more serious and challenging cases to the father and his companion.

    When the other man are discussing with the father about the injured, and contemplating how to deal with severe or urgent cases, the woman is tending to sore throats and running noses, patches up bruises, and fractured bones.

    When upset members of the family of the wounded comes to the area, it is she whom rushes to their side. And as the two men keep their concentration on the patients, she explains the situation to the family, offering comfort, guidance, and often a shoulder to cry on._

  • _A man clad in blue-grey armor can be seen helping Father Dagon tend to the sick and injured in the docks with a skill so honed that it seems as if he was made for the task. On very rare occasions, he can even be seen performing raising rites on those wrongfully taken from life.

    Occasionally, when there's a lull in the need for care, he can be seen talking to Father Dagon about something which seems unsettling to both parties._

  • One of the Peace Keepers, Senria, when not on duty, has been seen pouring over books in the ancient library. It seems strange that the combination of books she is reading is a combination of Underdark languages and the history and notes on the deep gnomes….

  • Members of the Black Sails and a noblewoman of Peltarch are seen exiting the Brawling Bodak, talking excitedly of a skilled illusionist creating very lifelike monsters for the group to test their strenght against in the ring.

  • Probably hunting after the fabled riches of the Ettins, a small group of Sails discovered just how those riches are accumulated. They were seen half-carrying a blood covered priestess of their ranks back into Oscura, heading straight for the docks and Father Dagon. Then they spend a while in the backrooms of the Coppers and later wander over to Marshby, those paying close attention notice they didn't sell anything in his shop, and might suspect he had another job for them. But after that visit, the group wanders to Jiyyd and returns to Oscura a good while later, bringing winter wolf pelts to Father Dagon.

  • A rumor says that a group of sails worked together with quite a force consisting out of members of the divine shield to get back an item. Already when they left Oscura, they were arguing back and forth, the motivations and leadership questions clearly unresolved. In the end, it was a lone man with black clothes that came running back into the city, followed shortly by a female knight of the shield. It seems the man cashed in the item they recovered for himself and left quite a few others grumbling. Whether anyone else got gold out of that job or what the Divine Shield meant to gain can only be speculated.

  • _Rumors of the gladiators that call themselves The Rashma begin to circulate around the city. They seem to be earning good money with their promise of a big prize, while besting most of what Oscura has to offer. They're slowly gettting a reputation as the strongest warriors the city has.

    It is said though that two of their good fighters were in fact bested. The names Natanya, Cyrian, and Lily, become whispered legends amongst fight gamblers.

    Curious thing is, The Rashma themselves, seem very vocal and not the least bit angered by their defeat to these warriors._

  • If she aware of the bickering going between the people regarding her presence, she seem to give no reaction to it. That there are those that disapprove of her, seem to be of no surprise nor does it seem to discourage her the least.

    She is often sighted standing near the mushroom by The Well, speaking with the guards outside the Copper. One in particular seem to enjoy her company, and laughter is not uncommon. The guards by the entrance too, (though a little more dubious to her presence,) has taking a more positive attitude to the blond paladin.

    It is frequently asked, what she is doing there, what has brought her to the city, (or the priest of Torm that in occasions has been seen in her company.) Natanya tends to chuckle at the question, and ask in return what better place for a knight of light to be, then to a cavern of darkness. She sometimes elaborate, saying that the recent appearance and attack of undead and outsiders, has made her being there a necessity, as it is her area expertise, and she goes where she is needed. She with a kind smile and a wink remind people that she has a duty to mankind, and their chosen location is hardly an excuse for her to not give her help.

    (On the subject of Banites or Zhents, which is often brought up, her features harden and she expresses in few words, she is not there to cause trouble with their church, and as long as they avoid her, she will return the favour.)

    She has made it publicly known that if there is any attacks from the Well or on the city itself, that she can be found near, or inside the Copper, and to not hesitate to seek her out.

    Fairly open, she seem to enjoy company and laughter, and with only a few exceptions, she seem happy to speak with all and everybody about the subject of their choosing. All Oscuran's with questions are encouraged to approach her, as she approached them in turn, and as long as the tone is kept polite, she answers their every question, and offer what help she can in form of advice, comfort, blessings, healing and gold.

    _"Many will say this is a city of evil, and I can not ignore that there are things looming in it's shadows, but I also find much light here.

    Just as the people has enlightened me, and proven that the average Oscuran has it's heart in the right place, I hope in turn I will remove some prejudices made regarding those of my calling.

    I am a knight. I did not come to preach of Tyr and his Justice, my actions will do that for me. I go where I can serve and help."_

  • A smirk present on his voice as he replies to Allanon

    The oath, the common bond of every person in Oscura, meaning little to you? How quaint…it seems you've fully accepted following in your former footsteps. A pity. But whether it means nothing to you or not, if anyone violates the oath simply because it "means nothing to them" I assure will be dealt with. YOU may not care about the Blood Oath but I assure you I do.

    With that he turns, heading to His temple, chortling darkly at the irony Vincent's comment lecturing him about the "Churches" in the city

  • Vincent smirks, "In a city of evil churches and followers, i can see nothing but harm coming from her presence and that of her kind. They may be welcome by the law, but i wager many citizens wish her gone."

    Without waiting for Corde's impending rebuttal he waves his hand dismissively and wanders back towards the church.

  • So long as Corde is omnipresent, apparently, Allanon is as well

    Of course, a Paladin has so much light to hide from…why would she want to be caught in its rays?
    Welcomed to take the Oath of Arnath? None of her kind would have ever dared set foot in that place. It is a joke to even attempt to compare the level of acceptance and tolerance of Arnath to what is Oscura.

    It may be allowed, but that doesn't mean it has to be welcomed by all.
    Her bloodied rag and palm mean little to me.

  • Dark eyes watch Vincent from under the Tan and Black armor of the Captain of the Peace Keepers. A cold voice echoes from beneath the helm after his comment

    Perhaps you should study some history of the place you call home before making ignorant comments. Any and all were always welcomed to take the oath of Arnath and later Oscura. They were meant to be cities of refuge, of escape from the light and troubles upon the surface. As long as the Paladin follows the oath true she has as much reason and right to be in these lands as you or any one else. Those that dress in black and brood do not hold soul dominion over Oscura.

    And just like any other, if for some reason she breaks the Oath and brings harm to her fellow Blooded, then she will suffer the consequences as well…

  • Vincent spits and scowls upon seeing a bloody rag ion passing, "Look like they'll let anyone in this place now… thats too bad, there goes the neighborhood."