Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • ICC


    points up

    pssst, that was Ormpur, nai Oscura, lad.

    I know, I know, they sound alike.

    oops. My mistake. I've been away too long.

  • points up

    pssst, that was Ormpur, nai Oscura, lad.

    I know, I know, they sound alike.

  • ICC

    _Dwin, Pete, Ginger and Rugg'var are witnessed by two commoners as they enter the township dragging along a large sled of copper ore. The town was observed to be painted in blood and found to be abandoned. These two commoners were actually the masters of a caravan of sorts which had made its way to the township and likewise discovered the strange spectacle of an empty town bathed in blood.

    The ore was off-loaded in the barn and a dispatch sent to General Grag informing him of the ores location so he could see to it's delivery to the legion._

  • Nickolai's dead body was seen being taken into the temple in oscura, it's not known if he was ever ressurected.

  • Eastlander violence is increasing in the Pass outside the cave entrance. Multiple sneaks and soldiers with Priests and other mages commanding are commonplace.

    Newer units noted - War cats and skilled skirmishers in dark orange and black armor.

  • Rumor spreads that the Chancellor of Norwick was seen leading Tolin, Nickolai and Nicahh into the caverns surrounding Oscura. It is rumored they were hunting grey dwarves to recover a stolen item they had taken from the shrine of Lathandar in Norwick. The four are seen entering the caves, yet only one was seen emerging from them only hours later and he came out grumbling about meeting Rando in the caves. Days had passed and yet none of the adventurers were seen leaving the caverns.

  • A man in obsidian armor is usually seen just keeping an eye on said halforc

  • A large halforc in Legion colors is often seen about town just seemingly looking around.

  • A man in an obsidian robe has been spotted spending days at a time in the Oscuran library. Judging from his choice of books, it seems he is performing research into the demonic, and related topics.

  • _An injured dwarf in dented silver armor and a large babbling half orc who looked to be in even worse shape were seen exiting the Entrance to the Kuo Toa caves carrying a large quantity of ore and some Duergar trophies.

    Before leaving, there was a long conversation through a fissure in the cave wall with some of the dwarves that are busying themselves with the bridge construction.

    Promises of future ales to be bought for each other were made, and the injured dwarf was heard commenting that he would like to follow up and see what assistance he and his kin can offer to the effort._

  • Rumor has it that the dark stranger has been seen more frequently as of late. Some say are in the city looking for someone, some say they are just passing though. When approached they simply nod and move on their way, never speaking. Some claim to have seen them packing a large morningstar at their side, but no one can be sure.

  • Ting, on one of her infrequent visits lets it be known that she has a pair rapiers that are apparantly the work of a master banite craftsman and she's looking to sell.

  • The young Banite known to some as Carico is seen following Li into the town, a fresh scar on the left side of his head, running down the side of his face. After that, he ventures out often to the entrance of the cave, grimly killing any Kuo Toa or Eastlanders in his way.

  • Rumor has it an officer named Reylon, of the eastlander armies, came to attack a few oscurans though defeated his troops marched into the chasm as the oscurans retreated into the gates.

  • _At times, it seems the shadows themselves move to parallel this dark stranger, but nothing more than darkness is ever seen.

    At the west end of town, the SkullKrushers dwarves have started what appears to be the construction of a bridge to cross the chasm and river below. From the height, dwarves suspend from ropes with pullies, while others set up an intricate array of scaffolding. Blasting is heard from time to time as areas of the ground itself are shaped by the ambitious dwarves. Below, near the docks, dwarves have been out on boats and skiffs, building what appears to be the support pillars for the bridge above._

  • The dark stranger seems to come and go on a regular basis. Spending many long hours in the inns and taverns, just watching and listening. The stranger orders bottles of ale, but they are all left on the table when they leave, still full. Some say they have seen them walking in the streets lately making sure to keep to the sides but nod when they are seen. It seems they are polite at least.

  • The dark figure is sometimes seen in the back corner of the Coppers sipping on ale and watching the patrons of the inn. Always keeping his or her face hidden and his or her dark cloak pulled tightly around them. Whatever they are looking for they seem very patient.

  • ((or to put it in other words…))

    A small group of four Banites can be seen being led outside the caves by one of them, obviously not the most experienced. They return much later, one man exchanged, and weary from battle, bringing with them some carts with crates.

  • There was another group of Cyricists found just north of Norwick today by a small force of banites being led by a Clerics Vision, they managed to defeat the Cyricist threat and managed to rescue a Zhentarim Priest in the process, almost on cue members of the Legion showed up mid way through the afair to harass and threaten the group of Banites but they did not let the interuption stop them from completing the will of their Dark Lord

  • Some talk of a dark figure roaming the streets of Oscura. He never reveals his face and often just seems as if he is watching and listening. That is on the rare occassion that he or she is spotted. Whoever it is, they appear to be waiting on something, or someone….