Rumors heard throughout Oscura.
An EXTREMELY smelly sword of goblin enchantment is left at the door to Oscura's temple. There's no sign of who left it.
One of the temple's faithful spots the sword and immediately covers his nose. After a (f)ew moments of pondering whether he should toss it in the Well of Souls, he simply decides to stuff it in a bag, hoping to find some use to it…
((Not sure if the blade is still there or not, but if it is, I want eeet!!))
An EXTREMELY smelly sword of goblin enchantment is left at the door to Oscura's temple. There's no sign of who left it.
Rumours say that Mystic is seen in the library again, this time researching and reading books on Night Hags, some sort of duplication spell, and the various uses of rat poison
_::Word goes out about the Senator of Peltarch María entering the Grand Arena contest of The Brawling Bodak with the ashen-haired soldier Shallyah Rethshinei.
Sorcery and steel raged for hours in the Brawling Bodak as all kinds of monsters and vile criminals joined the Arena in a fight to the death against the female duo. Amongst other things there were bandits, Runeskin Minotaurs, mummy lords, bodaks, undead death knights, colossal trolls, elite assassins, and even a gargantual spider that was terminated rather disappointingly quick.
Even though the two Peltarchian women were repeatedly offered to withdraw, or at least take some rest in between rounds to restore their spells and loosen some tension from their muscles, they kept going on without a break until all ten rounds were left behind them, and the sponsors had no choice but let the duo leave alive and sound with a king's hoard in their purses::_
A couple weeks after leaving the pale faced woman returns to Oscura seemingly annoyed by some news she heard concerning the Spellweaver Keep. She returns to the library and closes herself in a small room with dozens of books. She then sends her pixie familiar to go around town and listen for any new rumors of interest and to report back immediately should it hear anything important.
A pale skinned woman was seen recently getting off a boat in Oscura. The folks who got a good look described her as ghoulish with black soulless eyes and a feeling of unease when near her.
She went straight to the temple before going to the library.
Those who went in to see her were met by a pixie which tells them she went on an errand to spellweaver keep and should return in a few days.
A fine lady and a duo of respectable gentlemen were seen teleporting suddenly into the Undercity. Shortly after, a tied up, unconscious fire troll appears next to them, immediately being dragged along to the entrance to the mines by one of them, where a dwarf was expecting them. The purpose of all of this is unknown, but folks suspect it has something to do with a mad mage's attempt at improving the oven of his tower's kitchen…
Chea, witch under service of Peltarch has been noticed in Oscura, chit-chatting with Jario and Len occasionally.
Around the Crumbling Docks, it is said that someone's hiring "independent contractors" for some "delicate work" just beyond the border of the Giantspires…
Overhearing this, a wiry framed Gold Dwarf with a long silky black beard shuffles over towards the conversation, introduces himself as Dogun Deepvien and if need be, buys the fellows a round of ales before inquiring more about this "someone" who is hiring folks and why.
Around the Crumbling Docks, it is said that someone's hiring "independent contractors" for some "delicate work" just beyond the border of the Giantspires…
Chea, young sorceress has been noticed at Shiny Coppers, sit waiting for something.
On two occasions now, a pair of "surfacers" have battled it out in the arena at the Brawling Bodak. The patrons might well recognize Vash't, a frequent Bodak-wings customer, though the young blonde in his company is unknown. In bouts both unarmed and using simple quarterstaffs, the young woman beat the ranger with the slimmest possible margin, both of them bloodied and bruised afterwards, yet in good spirits.
On one of her visits to the Coppers, Mystic takes an special interest in the "supplies" as the rumors say.
_News indicate that areas in Soravia still under the Damaran goverment's control have shrunk, as the insurgency rages on and more towns fall under rebel control. The unrest seems to be spreading to neighbouring Polten where a magical explosion killed several Council members, during a festive event, amidst rumors of corruption in the local council.
Although the recent uncovering and destruction of a sizeable cult base by the Helmite church and its allies near Wayward pass have rendered that area safe from undead, they still run rampant in other parts. Tensions have risen between the Damaran military and Helmites, each accusing each other of complicity as several military officers were detained by the Inquisition and in a tit-for-tat move, several Watchers were forcibly arrested and await trial by a military court.
The chaos in eastern Damara seems have made the fortunes of several in Oscura who have the right connections, as supplies, gold and even slaves exchange hands in the markets._
_News from Soravia indicate that another cult base was recently discovered and destroyed by faiths allied to the Vigilant One, in the midst of an ongoing inquisition to strike at the source of evil.
Travellers report less instances of undead, but raids by rebels against the rule of the current administration are still a threat. Several town mayors have made a public call to lift the martial law which has curbed their economies and freedom of movement.
In Polten, several government buildings were torched by suspected insurgents, after a protest against the forcible shutting down of several mines._
_News report that the Dragonsbane administration has accused "external foreign influences" supporting the unrest in Soravia, pointing to arms and armor smuggling uncovered along the kingdom's border as proof, but stopped short of giving names.
Reports of undead plaguing the county is rife, believed to be caused in part by cults taking advantage of the chaos caused by the insurgency.
Signs of unrest are beginning to spring up in the Barony of Polten after a protest against martial law led to the arrest of several prominent merchants._
The two dwarves drink late into the night at a private table. Moigan seems to be different, with heavy dark bags under his eyes and no longer seeming to having a sense of humor, could the election of changed him?
Dwin Dolvak, having a stink of his own, pulls Moigan aside in the Mug one night for a conversation.
Former senate candidate, Moigan, is seen spending all of his time between the Shiny Coppers and the Mug, almost constantly drunk and slowly developing a stink.
_Sources from Soravia tell of how a Helmite task force managed to uncover the location of a cult base in some ancient ruins and of the some of the undead horrors found - and yet to be found deeper in the sealed ruins.
Rumors swirl of an agent at the Crumbling Docks recruiting mercenaries and those who "came to terms with their conscience" for assignments in Damara. Those with skills in stealth seem to be much sought after…_
//Plot event tentatively planned for Dec 1, 2130 hrs GMT+8; mini event planned for Nov 24 same time. Those interested / able to make it can PM me