• Talk spreads across the lands Norwick is Retaken right has prevailed !

  • ((Did something happen in Norwick, then?))

  • Corde not being a fool, seeing the majority of his forces apparently desert back to the forest and the hordes of dwarves and defenders gathering on Norwicks gate, gave what aid he could to the battle and vanished shortly before the gate was taken

  • Mord reports what he observed near the Norwick gates the previous day. Word quicly makes it around camp of the group that came through a portal from Thay to meet with the current occupants of Norwick

  • Sharn is dead, slain in his lair by the combined forces of the Legion and Spellweaver Keep. Who is the new Red dragon to appear at the same time as these Fire Giants, offering more aid?

    ((Thanks to Nilla, Andelas, Scutum and Coann for DMing and the many many players that slogged through the mammoth and rather tense expedition))

  • *Word spread quickly of the fire giant contingent camped just to the north of the refugee camp. The large figures came from the north led by a tall woman. Word is sent out for Chancellor/Commander Dwin through the guard further spreadign the rumor that the giants were called in for aid. *

    Angry dwarven words are shouted through the camp followed by much stomping and clashing of weapons. Words were exchanged with the guards and also with the dwarves present. Several stomped off toward the hold fmming

  • _A disturbing tale rises up from the southern front. Numerous victories were had over the bugbears in the past tendays, with large amounts of them dieing by the Defender's blades and magic. However, even death did not seem to quell the bugbears numbers.

    Legions of undead bugbears poured forth from the gates of Norwick, some with heads smashed in from catapults, others with visible wounds from the swords and axes that bit into them, and still others wearing the arrow shafts that ended their life the first time around. They came forward with a freightening bloodlust, seemingly ready to die a second time for the chance to spill more blood.

    Yet perhaps even more disturbing was the creature leading forth the charge. A strange man, his skin grey save for one arm that was pure black, his eye missing, led the undead masses wearing the pink armband and signature armor of the Gypsies of the camp. The man Aelthas, whispered to have been captured in Norwick, was at the front of the enemies rank. He hacked into many of the defenders as they lunged at his strange body, and in the end he was killed by the blades of his friends…his body dragged away from the battle field.

    In the end, the shambling corpses of the bugbear dead fell once again, rotting on the battle field along with a number of other live bugbear bodies. The priest Corde was seen, for only a moment, with few knowing how long he was truly present at the battle.

    In the end, a War Machine strode forth from Norwick, causing a bit of a panic that allowed the last few remaining to pull back to the town and secure it.

    What effect the return to battle of those that were already slain will have on some of the less experienced and hardened defenders, only time will tell._

  • _The gates of Norwick open, goblins rush out beside bugbears. Easily dispatched, it seems they were just the beginning of the latest attack.

    Commander Aelthas walks out after, his left eye gone, his skin a grey color, several old scars all over his undead body as he wields a bastard sword and charges at the guardsmen and defenders of the pass alongside an force of undead bugbears.

    As arrows stick into his body, swords cut away his dead flesh, he finally falls on the field, finally put at peace and his now lifeless body is dragged off the field to safety._

  • _For what seems like the millionth time, a heavily armored dwarf looks at the dead carcass of William Morrison, then gazes at the rest of the evidence of a battle gone awry.

    Unpleased by the result, as well as the disappearance of the dwarves he called for to guard the hill.

    He is not surprised at the betrayal in this "honor duel" and is more shocked that most folks still fall for the tactic.

    If fighting dirty is what they want, then this dwarf is going to provide it._

  • One barbed arrow lands with a thunk, burying itself half way through the bugbear guarded gates of Norwick, a note attached.
    The tall woman in blue and brown armor drops her bow, a cold smile on her lips as she turns away…. her message delivered

    Don't worry Corde. We'll meet again. Very soon.

  • Late one morning before the recent honor duel at the north gate, there is a commotion by the Shrine of Dawn in Norwick. Angry words are spoken between the bugbears at the discovery of some of there own dead within the shrine.

    At that very evening, an ominous pillar of fire rises from the shrine.

    Even the shadows of the night seem to move and whisper angrily…

  • _What sounds like a great battle could be heard echoing through the south valley coming from Norwick. The name of Tempus was grunted in the air as the sound of steel struck steel, then flesh and bone. A few scouts report seeing orcs entering Norwick and fights breaking out amongst them and the bugbears before the orcs turned and left, marching back towards Jiyyd, bloody and cursing in their own tongue.

    Whispers spread that the so called honor duel followed immediately by the bugbears attack… did not set well with the orcs._

  • In the Norwick refuge camp quick rumors spread. One little old woman who loves to talk while stirring some stew over a fire is happy enough to tell anyone the story over and over again.

    "I was a sittin' here, mindin' the stew ye know? Got to tend the stew if yer wanting it to be good stew. And that sandy haired feller, he went on up and over the hill, bunch of folks followin' him. Then a little later, about twenty of them there gypsies, ye be keepin' an eye on them gypsies now. Things be disappearing when they are around. Steal the pot right out from under the stew an' yer nose if yer not watchin' an paying attention, mind. But anyways. Lot of shouting and stuff to the south and they's saying some dead, but I gots to mind the stew. Then that sandy haired feller, he be comin' back all covered in blood like, an' he starts a' talking to the guy leading them gypsies. All whispering like about while the buggers were distracted, that now is the time.

    Then the oddest damn things start happening. The one dark haired feller starts barking orders, something about when spheres be going up that silence spell be after and hand signals, and a bunch of other like things. I ain' minding much because I'm a tending my stew, but I'm a noticing this girl the dark haired mate be calling his sister makes sure that there is a girl about every five or so in the line being tied off in a long row, with ropes about their waist. Make themselves a long chain like. Then, she nods and starts playing a harp and, the other girls get to joining in, and that's alright, I never did mind that gypsy music, so I was smiling and nodding to them. Then…. they all just faded out of sight. Heard the music playing for awhile, kind of drifting south, before it just stopped all the sudden. Don't know what to be making of that.

    Want some stew?"

  • _Word spreads that strangely, an honor duel was called and accepted for three prisoners in Four Stone Walls. A dark figure, some called by the name "Corde", appeared on the cliff's overlooking the duel between a bugbear and Jonni of the camp.

    The duel was quick, with Jonni easily dispatching the bugbear "Champion" and the three being agreed to be set free.

    While they were being set free, its said there was much reparte back and forth between the man on the cliff and those on the ground. Talk of gods and goddesses were had and in the end he stated an offer:

    "Turn from this endevour now, focus your men and effort towards Jiyyd and conceed Norwick to us; spare yourselves the death and loss that will undoubtably happen if you continue this foolish effort. If you do not, all the blood that is spilled hence forth falls upon your hands."

    The offer was declined, and with that the Dark Figure turned away as the three prisoners were brought out. That proved to only be the start however…

    Raver, Vidar, and Will were returned to the others. Healing quickly began but unexpectadly magic exploded from somewhere on the three's persons. In the surprise of the trick, bugbears rushed forward through teh gate.

    The ensuing battle was fierce, with many bugbears slain but a number of the defenders fallen as well. In the end, both armies seemed to retreat being their walls for the most part. It seems however, that Four Stone Walls has revealed its unknown leader._

  • Kalith, long having been in seclusion in his tent recovering from injuries is seen slowly walking around camp with a slight limp. Noticeable to all is the fact he is no longer wearing his fullplate nor his militia tabard. Often he is found just staring at the ground as if in a daze.

  • Mord can be seen pacing along the defenses and setting guard rotations. Supplies are brought up for the seige engines and incindearies placed far enough away to be somwhat safe but close enough to load into the weapons of war. He can be seen next to Corana on occasion but few or any words are exchanged. He can be seen smilling thinly as he moves away from these exchanges.

  • Amid the troops, a menacing looking figure with a golden greataxe and a Norwick Militia badge stands on the hill looking toward the Norwick gates. A few of the militia men give her space as she walks amid them, much like they did when she walked the streets of Norwick just before its fall. What benefit, if any, she might provide the war effort is known only to the gods, but her taunts and swearing directed at the occassional bugbear archer to let loose an arrow leave no doubt that she is eager to make her presence felt.

  • _After the recent successes of the Norwick-led defenses, and the quick work of the Dwarven Hold's expert engineers and masons, the battle map has yet again been redrawn.

    Refugees and visitors in the camp will notice that the number of defenders has slowly diminished over the last ten-day.

    There is still a sizable force defending the camp and the surrounding hills, made up mostly of the Peltarch forces. Most of the Norwick Guards, Gypsie Archers, and Dwarven Defenders have now moved south and taken up commanding positions on the new front… within a stone's throw of the North Gate of Norwick.

    Several siege weapons are in place, and barriers and walls have been constructed to mimic the "kill zone" that was built south of Piss Hill. Given the success of the defenders near the hill, they have learned how to best fight these foes and are anticipating the next big battle.

    Some rumors spread that they will be back in Norwick (or whats left of it) within a ten-day. Others say it might take longer. What's changed amongst the troops is the idea of "when" Norwick will be retaken, not "if." Battle success can do wonderful things for morale.

    Chancellor Dolvak can be seen moving amongst the men, slapping them on the shoulder and wishing them battle-luck. Other officers from the Militia, Legion, Gypsies are doing the same. As the lines fill with veterans, the tension fills as well. Soon, very soon, there will be more blood shed._

    ((the front is now south of the hill, just north of the gate))

  • An oddity on the outskirts of the refugee camp as a small menagerie of animals speed through from the north on the way to Jiyyd. No animals or refugees were harmed so the strange occurrence will be mostly unnoticed.

    Trackers that care would be able to identify 3 large cats and something the size of a dire wolf, so it's probably just foolish druids larking about.

    ((Prompt and skilled tracking shows the animals coming from the direction of the spider pass and leaping the defensive wall near the Sisterhood. One of the cats seems a bit fatter than the others and had to make a couple of attempts to clear it))

  • Morning dawns upon the camp of refugees, huddling in tents against the bitter chill of the Nars Pass. In the gray haze of early morning, the light hasn't risen above the mountains yet; but off to the north some begin to hearing a rumbling accompanied by drumming. As the dawn comes closer, the rumbling grows louder, and some can't help but wonder if this isn't some new threat. But then somebody spots it, a banner, a diving eagle upon a field of blue and green; it's a Defender unit, their green and blue armor glinting in the dawn's bright rays.

    Captain Talgrath's Talonguard has come to the camp; they've seen combat, but they are almost entirely unscathed. With them they bring wagons of supplies, food, warm blankets, arrows and bolts and of course, more able-bodied warriors. Some Defenders begin to hand out the extra blankets and food, giving equally to each individual while the rest begin to set up camp.

    After resting for a day, the men of the Talonguard are ready for comat, and proceed to reinforce the eastern and southern fronts in shifts. They fight in well-disciplined ranks, forming shield walls from which they can stab with their swords or spreading out to avoid arrow fire when necessary. These Defenders seem more disciplined than most, and Captain Talgrath seems to know each of them by name. In any case, Norwick could certainly use the reinforcements.