Recruit Trainining with Colonel Mord Cabro
_I have made several patrols into the Rawlins of late, encountering only Goblins. Nothing unusual to report from South. Of my checking on the North gate, there has been a lack of care in keeping the gates shut. I spoke with advisor Aramuil of my "vision" during the recent Bugbear attack at the gate where there were Fell Magicks used.
Sela Thenders, Recruit_
Bob is seen doing what he can during these troubled times, helping out where he can with getting food to those men on the front line and doing short patrols into the near woods
Mord paces out in front of his troops and inspects them before th days assignments. He gestures to a middle aged man off to one side who come forward.
this be Bob, a citizen of our fair city, some may have seen im about already. As of this day he will be trainnin as a recruit. All officers make yerselves known and then git a regimen set fer im.
Mord looks over the group then nods abruptly and heads toward the barracks.
((I will be asking for updates on our other recruits. Please let me know how they are doing. We need to bring them on or drop them off soon.))
tyler scribles a report down and sticks it under mords door adressing it as important
At the next muster Mord asks his officers and Seniors aside
We has two recruits at the moment thet Ineed a bit more infermation on afore I take em in as full guards. I would like more reports on Tyler and this Blackmoor fella over the next few days so I can move ahead.
tyler once again asks if anyone would like to go partrol the woods with him, he asks that at least and archer would come wiht him for suport if needed and for some extra help
Mord nods With the loss of Elyl hes been mopin about a bit. Good to see him active. I would like to git his trainnin finished. Please keep reports comin on him and I hope to hear from other members.
- Tyler has been seen asking for many other millita trainies to go on patrols wiht him, if he can not fin anyone, he simply goes by himself and comes back the way he went, unharmed. His only words usualy being, Goblin are normal or Hobbers are still geting bigger*
after a walk through the eastern Rawlins with Guardswoman Kresha and trainee Felix, Albry strides quickly to the barracks, spending the next moments writing a report and placing it on the Colonel's desk
Tyler is seen looking for outgoing patrol Millita, or just others and he offers his healings and other skills
Mord introduces Felix Aurelius to Senior Albryanna
Git im settled in Senior and then take im out in the woods and give him a lay of the land. I would like a report on me desk when ye git back on what he needs learnin in as well as what he may add to our cause.
_Adrian continues to actively stand around and vigilantly guard the town. He also goes on patrols and sings the occasional song.
Though one recent night, he was found to be staggering around the town with a bottle of spirits in hand, until a small group of helpful adventurers and a bear helped the friendly, elf-hugging knightling to an inn bed. Quite unusual, though he claims to have been following an order from Celestria.
// thanks for all those involved. Great fun._
OOC ((time to clean up the Militia Roster. I am going to wipe out a bunch of names at the end of this month.))
I need to see these names more often in reports. I know that Adrian seems to be active. Please file reports and include their names.
- Recruit: Adrian "Silverbolt" Petrarch
- Recruit Grif (Unknown Traveller)
If these are still active recruits I need to see their names in the trainning thread or in a report. If I do not see anything by the end of February I am going to drop them from the lists.
- Recruit: Kelinar Thund
- Recruit: Tyler Wefneran
- Recruit: Toma Arna
- Recruit: George
- Recruit: Friend (Shamman) Named "Smash" by Devlin
- Recruit: Kastin
Thank you,
On one rainy night within the Norwick Militia, shadows seem to play around as silent steps are thought to be heard. Those within the same bunk as Dietrick who haven't been sleeping early might have seen the hin whispering with what might be himself. And if looked closely , the bulge of what could be his body shape seems larger that night under his blanket.
/ yes well, it makes sense that there should be one
so yeha but annnyway
((as far as i know there are no combat dummys in norwick!))
tyler is seen in the early mornings of the day beating on the combat dummys with his sword going through manouvers with himself
Albryanna is seen taking the newest recruit Grif (Unknown Traveller) and three dwarves, Bagnar Steelfist, Colin Nighteyes, and Tornar RedAnvil, out southwest into the forest. The cries and screams of fallen goblins fill the woods, swiftly followed by the yells and growls of dieing bugbears. The troup returned looking barely scathed, and Albry immidiately strides towards the barracks.
Grif reports for duty.
((We will skip, a lot of real life has shown up recently))
When the ragged trainees and Militia arrives back in town as the sun rises, Mord is there for morning muster. He looks over the squads and nods once and gestures at a man off to the side. Unknown Traveller, Grif, steps forward
Our newest trainee could not make the last trainning exercise but I am sure ye will bring him inot the fold. New duty rosters have been posted, ye may wnt ta look em over afore gettin cleaned up.After a prolonged silence Mord focuses back on them I hope this exercise will nay have to be soon repeated.
Officers, they be yers.