The death of Rando

  • The following is an account, as told by the Herald of Norwick, of the turmoil and troubles surrounding the town, the Chancellor, and the great adventurer known as Rando…

    Tensions have been high within the great town of Norwick. No matter the cause, those residing in the town can readily attest to the fact that there are great forces at work in and around Norwick that would see to her demise as a great power in the land of Narfell. The town is perhaps a bit sleepy at time but still remains a force to be reckoned with in times of conflict. It is in relation to these troubles that brings me to my story.

    The Yuan-ti, a lizard-folk that reside deep in the Rawlins to the south of beautiful Norwick have been at war with us for a time longer than even I can recall. Another faction of evil that unites its forces against Norwick is that of the Drow. Being the greedy and vile creatures they are, not only do they war against Norwick and those in it but also against the Yuan-ti… greed and evil. In an attempt to find a way to save themselves, the Yuan-ti moved to make a pact with the town of Norwick and ask her for her aid against the treachery of the Drow. Not to be trusted, the Yuan-ti, by their asking, put a great conflict into play within the leadership of sweet Norwick… a conflict that has spilled over into her fair streets and stained them with blood.

    Enter now the plight of the militia. Its back against a wall with attacks from both the North and the South, seeing that a treaty was being sought by one of her attackers, many within the militia would rather abandoned their posts than willingly enter into a treaty with the very creatures that had mindlessly slaughtered so many Norwickians – soldiers and commoners alike. The Chancellor, in an attempt to put the town at ease and give a respite to the attacks by the Yuan-ti, moved to persuade his command to accept the terms of the truce and cease aggressions towards the Yuan-ti. Do keep in mind that many brave guards have fallen to them and a treaty would not be entered into without great conflict in the ranks… it is this great conflict that ends with spilled blood.

    Enter now the plight of the Grand Champion of Norwick, former Chancellor, former Militia captain, Rando Di’ran… a man of great influence. Perhaps not well liked by those he has opposed at times and perhaps not the most subtle of individuals, he has bled and died for his beloved Norwick on many occasion and there will be another occasion on which his life will be taken in Norwick’s name but I will get to that in a moment.

    Both of the afore mentioned will come together in a clash that will spawn one of the greatest stories in the history of this town.

    Taking from the stories that have been told since this clash, I have formed the rest of this great tale.

    Argument after argument with the treaty of the Yuan-ti at their center took place within the Great Hall of Norwick. Shouting, yelling, threats, and promises were all made… all made with the grip of anger driving them ever forward. At one point, a very heated exchange took place between Chancellor Lucidious, Rando DI’ran, and the Militia Commander Dwin Dolvak. Many threats were heard and at one point the guard were called into the office to aid in the settlement of this grand exchange. One of the guards tells of the Chancellor declaring that Rando be escorted away from the town and not to be allowed to return… an order that turns out to have dire consequences for the Chancellor. Not sure who to follow… remember, Rando has many loyal to him still in the ranks… the guards stood dumbfounded. Orders were barked by the Chancellor, the Commander, and Rando himself and they all fell on deaf ears. The guards stepped away to formulate a plan of their own, leaving the three in the Chancellor’s office alone.
    More arguing is heard and, at one point, the Commander appears, slams the door behind him, and heads to the barracks, a head full of steam and his face red with anger.

    What transpired next can only be described as nothing short of horrific. More yelling was heard, a heated exchange of serious magnitude and then all was quiet. It was said that a slow trickle of blood came from under the door after quiet finally prevailed.

    At this point, according to the stories told, one of Norwick finest, Krig Skullboil, made his way into the Great Hall seeking an audience with the Chancellor. The guards, engulfed in an argument of their own as to what should be done, seemed oblivious to the blood collecting under the door to the Chancellors office. Himself seeing the pooling blood at the door, Krig burst into the office, at which point the guards rushed in as well. What they found will haunt Norwick for the rest of her days… there, standing with a blade in his hand was Rando. At his feet was the lifeless body of the Chancellor… a fatal wound running across his pale neck. Blood oozed fromthe mortal slash and the Chancellor’s eyes, though barely open, showed no sign of life. Looking to Rando with nothing but confusion and terror, the Krig and the guards quickly formed into their ranks and overtook Rando. I heard that the Grand Champion did not resist his arrest and was willingly escorted to the cells.

    Word spread quickly of the assassination. The town was ripe with gossip as the guard to the inner square were tripled at the orders of Krig. One commoner, who’s name I will not mention for fear of retaliation, tells how he was able to climb to the top of the wall along the inner square and saw the Commander rush from the barracks and into the Great Hall only to reappear a short time later carrying the lifeless body of the Chancellor and head directly to the Friar’s. The Commander barked the orders to secure the inner gate and all NO ONE to enter under any circumstances.

    It is said that, a short time later, the Commander and a bloodied Chancellor emerged from the Friar’s with Tristina at their side… bloodied and dirty but very much alive, the Chancellor walked with great purpose into the Great Hall followed shortly behind by the Commander.

    I cannot tell with great accuracy how much time passed but I am told that some time later the Chancellor emerged from the Great Hall with an exquisitely crafted long sword drawn escorted by no fewer than 10 of his guards. The group headed directly down the steps of the barracks and with great purpose.

    I can only imagine what followed within the confines of the barracks but here is what I have learned…

    Himself being held in the very cells he had filled on so many occasions with the rot and stink of Narfell, Rando the Grand Champion awaited what was sure to be his ultimate fate at the hands of those he had sworn to serve. The guard, under penalty of death themselves should they disobey, were ordered to rush the cell that held the Grand Champion. I hear a great fight took place within the cells… being of considerable ability himself, the Grand Champion felled the first guard that was unfortunate enough to be in first. Brandishing the newly taken shield and blade, the Grand Champion fought as though his life depended on it… sadly, it did. Taking numerous blows himself, most of them fatal to the common man, the grand Champion managed to fall 3 more guards before the remaining 6 were able to overcome his defense and take him to the ground. I am told it is at this point in the great struggle that the Chancellor made his own way into the cell. Badly wounded and with no fight left in him, the Grand Champion himself had his throat opened by the very man he killed only hours before.

    I am unsure as what transpired from this point but I can tell of darkness and cold that washed over fair Norwick. Rumors tell of a small, stout figure, clad in black and carrying a good sized load headed out of the inner square later that night and headed north into the darkness of the pass….

    ((OOC- much confusion has come from the numerous posts regarding the events surrounding the assassination and execution. This story is to replace all of the posts and has been agreed upon by all parties involved. Please RP accordingly, thank you))

  • _After several ten-days pass and the visitors stop coming,the guards are eventually redeployed to more pressing duties.

    A simple stone marker with the symbols of the Militia and Rando's name is placed at his grave. It is draped with the red sash of the militia, as is custom when any Norwick militia soldier passes on._

  • @68455f3212=Gonnar:

    A small hin sneaks into the graveyard at night, stays some in front of the grave, not moving a single finger and suddenly stabbs a sword near the grave. Then leaves…

    Watching this silly spectacle, Plato (one of the on-duty guards) walks over and picks up the hin-sword from the ground.

    "I guess that lil fella doesnt like dirt! ya see the way he stabbed the ground? I thought Hins lived in the stuff…"

    He tucks the little sword into his belt and makes a mental note to sell it to Praeth when he gets back to town. Outta be worth at least an ale.

  • The pink haired bardess known as Lilly walks into the graveyard near dusk, setting a flower on the grave.

    "Despite the nature of the man that holds it, there's something to be said for the blade that strikes true."

  • A figure moving through the shadows, that has no interest whatsoever in the grave, ends up there anyway following the fresh rut worn in the ground by all the visitors.

  • A small hin sneaks into the graveyard at night, stays some in front of the grave, not moving a single finger and suddenly stabbs a sword near the grave. Then leaves…

  • A masterfully crafted yew symbol of Helm shows up one morning fixed to Rando's gravestone. There are no tracks indicating who left it. Whoever placed it there did so unseen and unheard.

  • A shoeless druid, holding a badger in his arms, walks up to the grave with an emotionless look. He sets the badger down on the grave. The badger then begins to pee on the grave, when it is done, the druid picks the badger up and heads off into the woods to release it

  • ICC

    During a dark stormy night, a huge hulking half orc with a massive war axe straped across his back was seen heading towards the cemetary. Once he arrived at Rando´s final resting place the halfer took a knee next to Rando´s tomb stone, he poped open a bottle of ale and symbolicaly shed some ale on his grave offering his friend the first sip, he then whispered

    Untill we meet again friend stands up and salutes, turns his back and leaves

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

  • Another guard comments: While they are there can solve the darnable undead problem.

  • A human boy who looks about 17 years old walks by and makes a counter-comment:

    That's only if you don't count the ones he payed for.

  • Plato, one of the Guards known for his vigilence on Sam the Badger's Hill, comments that they should start charging admission fees to the cemetery. "Ain't had this many visitors in years! Fark, when he was ALIVE, Rando never had this many visitors!"

  • Legion

    A large halfer is seen in regular garbs cloaked and hooded grunting by the grave. HE lays a hand down to the ground close to the casket area "Soon we will meet again old freind.. rest well…." he abruptly leaves and grunts at the militia on duty as he walks by…..

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Upon visiting the grave, the circle elder's only comment on the matter seems to be a simple, blunt "Good riddance."

  • Another hooded figure takes some time to take a look at the grave.

    Those who laugh last, laugh best.

  • A pale elf, clad in the red and black of the Sisterhood, visits the grave and offers silent respects.

  • A hooded man with a dark cloak stands overlooking the gravesite and remembering the legendary Rando.

    "So pasty didn't have the strength or manhood to do it alone and against an unarmed man. Why am I not surprised. I wonder if the barbarians will tolerate such a lack of dishonor, and weak leader."

    The figure then leaves.

  • Several guards approach Milshot, and with firm respect inform him that Commander Dolvak awaits his appearance in the barracks. They inform him that they are there to "escort" the Champion of Norwick to Dwin so that he can explain the recent goings-on in town.

  • Coming back into town from the North as the sun was setting over Norwick, Milshot catches sight of the growing blaze within the compound. Approaching the guards standing watch and speaking with them for a short time he is turned away.

    Standing out of the rain under the cover in the square, he watched curiously as the flames eventually died down leaving only the colum of smoke rising into the night.

    Seeing the casket being taken in the direction of the graveyard and draped with the colors of Norwick, he assumes that a guard has passed and has received a burial worthy of such. He mumbles something quietly to himself and heads to the inn to speak with the guards about the ceremony and see if he can learn the name of the fallen soldier.

  • _As the sun sets in Norwick on this day of wild activity, a great blaze is lit within the confines of the inner gates. The gates themselves are locked, and guards are posted outside.

    Rumors eventually tell of Dwin carrying Rando's body out of the barracks in full Norwick Militia uniform. Dwin solemnly laid the body on the pire while the guards all stood with blades drawn and raised in, unbelievably to some, honor.

    As the body was placed on the pyre, Dwin stood for several minutes in quiet thought. Dwin then turned to the assembled guards, said some words (which were not recorded) about Rando's long service to Norwick and unfortunate end, and how he believes that in his heart, Rando thought he was doing the right thing. He then was handed a torch which he used to light the pyre.

    Eventually, the guards were dismissed. Several entered the Boarshead, where presumably, much of this story originated. It is said that Dwin remained at the pyre well into the night, and even until the next dawn when the smoldering ashes and Norwick Guard armor was all that was left.

    A casket was eventually brought from the Friar's, and the remains were gently placed within. the casket was then, unceremoniously brought to the previously dug grave and placed within. A temporary marker was left at the gravesite, assumedly where the stone marker will be palced, when complete. The ground was covered over, and a pair of guards remain at the site to deal with any "curious" visitors._