Rumors of the Valley
Word spreads from a night watchman that Benji was seen entering the bath house with a gnome lass in each arm.
Strangely, he wasn't wearing his glasses.
Dietrick is seen in a listless mood lately in the valley. He sighs sometimes to himself, his face often brooding.
Rumors say a spirit, looking like the late Captain Dietrick haunts where the captain's body is. Sometimes in the late hours, some of the guards or residents nearby thought they see the captain himself standing near his body, looking out over the horizon, as if waiting for someone, or something… Others think the ghost-see'ers are just imagining things out of their reminiscence of the captain.
Between yawns, the guards nodded to a rather disheveled Gears in the wee hours before dawn as he pushed through the gates, a generally unseen grim expression on his face.
Dietrick returns one day in the valley striding into the council office with a paper parchment on his hand. He carried a serious look with a quirked brow seldom seen…
Scattered word has been drifting around concerning strange hin seen in the hills and forests south of Jiyyd and Norwick… those who see them rarely catch more than a glimpse, and there is some disagreement on whether they are hin at all.
Dietrick's brows quirk as the rumours sift into his ears. He looks towards the south with imploring eyes…
Scattered word has been drifting around concerning strange hin seen in the hills and forests south of Jiyyd and Norwick… those who see them rarely catch more than a glimpse, and there is some disagreement on whether they are hin at all.
Dietrick is seen of late training alone in the "stout fellow" building alot. He seems to be practicing at times some form of agility dodge training and at others, martial combative moves that gets faster and faster.
Dietrick is seen lately spending much time going through the written laws and rules of the Silver Valley, acquiring aid from friendly kin about to translate it for him, though he seems recently able to understand them himself lately without aid. He seems to be going through the personnel list as well , looking at it for long hours and is often seen in deep thought, looking blankly over the lake in the valley.
Dietrick can be seen more often lately in the valley, especially during evenings. Often lying on the grass with his head atop his pack and his sword at the side, sleeping through till daylight.
He seems to be proactively attempting to interact with the dwellers of the valley, especially the militant defenders.
The Silver Valley's been seeing a lot more comings and goings of Benji, often accompanied by a huge sack of tin and pine.
Scutum seems confused by the words on the whispering wind. She heads off to find Aelthas and when she gets back she heads into the swamp to look for a troll.
A swirling gust of wind blows up and seems to cyclone a moment startling everyone there before a voice speaks out from the wind..
Greetings and salutations. Feel free to join the festivites celebrating the marriage of Parsley Tealeaf and Peppy Twiddlefingers this week ((Monday 10pm Eastern)) at the Sisterhood in Jiyyd.
almost immediately the wind dies down and quiets out, leaving people with a surprised and confused look to their face.
Parsley has been seen watching Ginger with an odd look on his face.
Ginger was spotted spending an afternoon in the local shops trying on all kinds of robes and dresses. She fusses over colours and sleeves, then leaves the shops with an armful of packages and heads off home. A short time later, she emerges from her tent and is seen walking towards Peltarch. What's the occasion?
Several Valley citizens stop by the Council Chamber. It seems the hins are electing Councilors.
tiff is seen more offten around the vally now, makeing visits to ginger and and any other hins houses she knows talking then leaveing a smile on her face and then she makes her way to the hin fist building and leaveing the vally many hours later
Dietrick can be seen recently in a hearty mood , getting fellow dragoonaires to drink along with him as well as get into friendly wrestling or sparring matches after their duties. And if he beats the them, he would kindly direct them with pointers and tips regarding battle.
*No stranger to the Silver Valley, the long shanks known, silmply, as "Z", has recently been spending a lot of time at the Tealeaf Bow & Pipeweed shop.
As he exits the shop, bits of pastry crust and filling on his hands and face are telltale signs of the purpose of his frequent visits.
One anonymous local reports that he saw the phrases…
" <h>A dozen pastries, please."
" <h>Fenberry pastry, please."
" <h>Apple dumpling pastry, please."
" <h>Nature's thanks to you."...written on the palm of his hand.
However, since Z usually wears finely crafted gloves, those claims, so far, have gone unsubstantiated.
Most folks just nod in understanding.*
A new face arond the valy pops up, a Monk holding proudly up Gold Seeker proudly, when asked her name she proudly proclaims "Hi, Im Tiffiny!" Then hasa conversation and skips away joyfully wavesing