Outpost in the rawlinswood

  • Given the numeric and overwhelming attacks on the town of Norwick by hordes of Goblins, Cyrian has taken it upon himself to travel out into the deep west rawlinswood in an attempt to cull the numbers of the hordes of goblins, he leaves word to anyone who will listen that he intends to stay out there as long as he is capable. His intentions are to construct a fortified outpost on the hill near the entrance to the goblin hold using supplies he can find from the forest, he asks anyone willing to check on him as often as they can, with supplies of food, clean water, healing supplies, tools, and reinforcements in case the goblins attack in force, he will be exchanging materials looted off the goblin invaders for supplies, and will be asking for materials from the crafters union to aid in the construction of the fort. If anyone is willing tp help in the construction you are asked to make your way to the west deep rawlinswood and meet up with Cyrian in the forest.

  • _Cyrian is seen much less standing over the location of his future Tower on the west rawlins lately, instead people have seen him spending significantly much more time in the far east, though he still makes regular patrols in the west.

    An even stranger sight yet is that now and then Cyrian is seen watching the lesser goblins from behind trees, or in deep grass, he also is seen wearing a suit of masterfully crafted steel scale armor instead of his regular full plate, some might suggest he is trying to hide and spy on the goblins, those who do take notice however might comment that his stealth skills are on par with an armless swordsman's skill with a greataxe.._

    • Foilir grabs to milita guards and has them haul a 10 foot long post resembleing a tree trunk into the woods.

    Once they march far enough into the west woods, he has them stop and guard him as he removes his armor and digs a farily deep hole into the ground.

    Then all three plant the post into the hole and while the two militia hold it straight up, Foilir fills in around the post with medium sized rocks. Then he fills in the rest of the hole with the dirt from the excavation.

    Once done he bats his hands and admires his work. *

    "Who wants teh break in deh Outpost?"

    • The two guards look at each other confused. Foilir shrugs and steps up to the post and relieves himself on it. Once done he turns to the guards and replaces his plates. *

    "Feel free teh use dis outpost on yeh way back frumma town, if yeh nae think yeh cen hold it."

    • The guards start to chuckle and Foilir motions them back towards town *

    "Tell yeh wut. Say wut yeh will about dat der outpost. But it be easier teh build den a full outhouse!."

    • The three laugh as they head back towards the South gate. *

  • Genzir makes it known that Spellweaver is willing to offer any needed support and advice to these efforts, whether they take the form of more active scouting, fortification, or some combination of the two–which, in his opinion, is the preferred solution.

  • presses a hand to his chest and bows slightly to the former archdruid

    You have my thanks.

    turns and makes his way quickly back to the hall

  • The Halfling Defence League

    she shrugs

    Or you could just come to the circle's next gathering. Might even be able to get results sooner that way. It will be in just a day or so. ((tonight, 9pm EST if you've forgotten…;)))

    Either way, I'll let her know you want to talk to her if you don't show up.

  • listens to faida for a bit, lets out a sigh about half way through, then waves her off dismissively at the comment about a conflict between norwick and the circle

    If you truly wish to be heard, prepare your ideas and have the archdruid present them at her convenience. I can make arrangements at the hall, Fendon can even record the session if you'd like. I will not debate each and every member of the circle, nothing will ever get done that way. Have your archdruid speak your concerns and we will do what we can to address them.

  • * Foilir stops dead in his tracks listening to Fadia speak. He seems to be looking for his breath in the cold air then holds two fingers two his neck to check for a pulse. *

    <d>Me thought deh day me would agree whole heartedly wit a bard instead of me militia would be deh day me met Moradin. Apparently, me wus wrong.</d>

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Building the tower of solid steel is…foolish. That will take a long time to build. On top of that, goblins could attack it before it's even done being built, thus rendering this entire plan moot.

    Look, I respect what you want. Hells, keeping the goblins at bay is something we all want. But you're going about it the wrong way.

    Goblins are mobile, this fortress is not. Drive them out of one hole, they will find another. So the need for another tower will arise.

    You will build another tower, and another, and another, until you don't have enough men to defend them all and the town. And then the goblins will strike, while your guard is spread thin.

    Now, you talk about building it below the treeline, rather than above it. Will this work? No, it won't. Before, you'd have been trying to look through the canopy for the goblins. Now, you'll just be looking through the trunks of the trees. You've already said you don't plan on damaging the forest here, so how do you plan to go about this? Will you cut down a section of the forest? Then you will have druids on the warpath towards your town, and the goblins will have an even better idea of what area to avoid. Will you stare really hard, and hope to see through the trees? We all know that won't happen.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again. An auxiliary unit of scouts in the Norwick militia would be much more effective in this regard. They know what to look for, they can move with the goblins, without the need for costly, time-consuming, resource-consuming, gold-consuming construction. They will avoid these disputes with the druids by not damaging the woods as this tower, regardless of the care that Cyrian and the Gondar take, inevitably will. Concerns on their ability to warn the town as quickly as possible? None necessary, simply equip them with arrows which, when fired or upon the speaking of a command word, are enchanted to light up. A simple enchantment that most any mage in the land could create for half the cost of the construction of fireworks or a system to launch flares. Or if that's not to your liking, then arrows with holes drilled in them to make the wind create a whistling sound, and enchanted with a spell to make that sound into a near-deafening roar? Again, a simple enchantment, very cost-effective.

    Hells, I'd even be willing to help in their recruitment and training of such a unit if need be, without compensation, just because I believe this strongly in it. Imagine that? A druid working with the militia on something.


    If the circle has anything constructive to offer, my door is always open.

    Lucidious, I realize that your first priority is defending this town, and this exactly as it should be. That being said, the circle has offered constructive criticism based on what we see day after day, year after year…and, I might add, has done so repeatedly even before this tower's construction began, and was ignored every time. That the town chooses to ignore those who live in these woods, and the agreements they make with them, does not instill me with any sort of confidence for this endeavor.

    I do not, under any circumstances, want to see this town harmed. Norwick and the circle have a long history of working together for a common good. Why allow the construction of a system of towers in this forest get in the way of that, especially when the suggestions made by myself and so many others in the circle would be even more effective, both logistically and financially?

    To be blunt…I find the unwillingness to listen to the opinions of others to be most disconcerting. I pray it's not the start of conflict between this town and my family.

  • Cyrian lets anyone interested know that he has decided that half the towers structure will be located underground, he believes that this will provide the tower immense stability such as that of a tree, also that the structure will in fact be made of solid steel.
    After having much discussions with Dentin it was decided that the towers peak will not be above the tree canopy after all, instead the signals used to alert the town will be in the form of flares, and fireworks fired into the sky, causing enough noise to alert everyone in the area and near town, as well as providing a significant light show to alert the town watch.
    With this in mind Cyrian lets it known that he will be needing large supplies of Steel.
    Further discussions were about the entrance to the tower, Cyrian was hoping for it to be hidden and not actually visible from outside the tower, this way anyone who hopes to attack the tower directly will have no easy access to the inside without climbing the surface of the wall to get to the top.

  • @38fd66b187=Clan:

    I wonder what the local folks thought when Peltarch built their outpost south of the city?

    "The bandits wont let it happen."

    "They'll kill ya before its built."

    Well, if they can build an outpost and maintain it all these years, by Moradin so can we!

    <d>Peltarch got more folk teh get demselves killed on a hill. We are pretty sparse in deh numbers cousin.. Nae sound wise teh me. Just put yehself out der on a tower made of wood, sorrounded by a moat dat goin teh catch fire.

    *Motions with his staff as he talks *

    <d>All sorts of shite in deh woods around yeh. Gobbers, wigglers, greenskin archers, grenadiers, umbers, yuan ti. Anna yeh cen nae see em frumma yeh vantage point cus of deh foliage.

    • Plants the staff in the ground *

    <d>Unless yeh is plannin an archery contest fer deh critters dat live in deh woods, me think yeh been misled about dis tower. We nae Peltarch, we cen nae juss draft countless folk fer deh militia. Ne'er mind dey is goin teh hate yeh fer sendin em into dat death trap.

    • Shakes his head as he makes his way towards Oscura leaning heavily on his staff *

    <d>Nae wise. Nae wise at all.</d></d></d></d>

  • The Halfling Defence League

    she shrugs

    Regardless, I'm not going to waste the abilities my goddess gives me on something that, on the one hand, won't last more than a tenday, and on the other, is being built in violation of agreements that have existed between the town and the circle for years.

    I've said why I think this will be entirely ineffective, and what I think would be much more so, and if you don't want to listen to the input of someone who's in this forest nearly every day then the consequences will be your own to deal with.

  • Uh.. Peltarch tower is like fortress. Cyrian want to build small wood one…. and farther from town than Peltarch's... Dwin...

  • Mord puts in a quiet word to his commander after lseveral ong patrols to the west and surveying the lake just south of the gates With the Saurian pushing from the south what of a tower in the middle of the lake. It would provide warnin from the south and provide strong crossfire on attacks on the gate. Mayhap start with this and look further out as time comes. The construction and supply could be supposrted easily from town and skiff or a sunken causeway could provide acces to it.

    I have too often seen what over extended supply lines can cause.

  • I wonder what the local folks thought when Peltarch built their outpost south of the city?

    "The bandits wont let it happen."

    "They'll kill ya before its built."

    Well, if they can build an outpost and maintain it all these years, by Moradin so can we!

  • _Wolf shakes his head, sighing..

    Is good you want to get goblins out, and is good you trying, but… this wont work.

    Is being built in the middle of goblins, will be surprised if even get finished. They going to throw grenades, fireballs... trails off ...while you build it. And once it damaged, or destroyed, going to waste more resource to rebuild? Not best plan.

    Druids can have birds watch the goblins, and see what they doing. Norwick can send scouts to see too. One tower not going to make goblins go away, just annoy them. And isnt just goblins in the woods..._

  • after hearing Raisa, lucid seems rather disapointed

    Cyrian has shown undeniable results in his efforts and I will continue to support him in any way I can.

    If the circle has anything constructive to offer, my door is always open.

  • Make sure deh tower have a few tombs in deh basement… Save us deh trouble of draggin deh dead back teh town.

    • Foilir smiles and walks off leaning on his staff *

  • Fill the tower with kegs behind the walls with a magic key word trigger. Wait for some big powerful goblin to take charge of the tower. Send a note in goblin to the goblin king. And BLAM! No more goblin king. Might discourage future take overs.


  • The goblins are going to do everything you just listed wether or not there is a tower anyway. . the difference is that with the tower it may change the focus of the attacks from the town to the tower, and of course we can monitor the goblins better from the tower, also once the tower is complete the goblin population of the forest will inevetibly begin to diminish.
    I don't know about you, but I would rather defend the town from a location where the town and the citizens within cannot be harmed by the stray magic that destroys someones house, or by the stray foe that gets past the defences and begins to slaughter the people.
    No matter what there will always be some way to destroy the tower, kill the guards, bypass its line of sight, take control of it etcetera. . but the same goes for anything, we can see proof of this by looking into history, as far back as the Lost City destroyed by its own peoples wreckless desire for power, the city of Peltarch, fallen apart by the corruption that grew within like a cancer, the Gypsy camp that was destroyed when the Gnolls gained access to powerful magics by their gods, no matter how well defended or how advanced any of those places were they still fell, if building a tower will decrease the chance of that happening to Norwick by even the slightest, then it will be worth it.