OOC: New Norwick ((updated))

  • Due to inpopularity of certain stuffs, opening this thread for feedback on the new look Norwick. Fire away.

  • A second tweaking has been done to Norwick. South Gate has been redone, have a look and give feedback please. Main Norwick map is a bit laggy atm from an excesive number of torchesm this will be remedied next build.

  • Looks great!



  • I like it.

    If you must change something, please don't touch the path around Norwick. I always used it when it was there, and glad it is back again. If it was there the whole time then…I'm either blind or senile. :?:

  • I have wandered around a litle. I have not been on much lately so I have not explored it too far. Same issues with the south gate area. I like the town changes and the bailey wall around the government buildings. I also like the target range.

    So far lots of likes.

    Thanks for all the effort.

  • Did i tell anyone i like it. Well done baboo and thanks for the effort

  • @11b213ec03=Ruger:

    Hewwoooo First off Id like to thank Baboo for all his work on the new norwick. Anyone involved in the Magic fightnight in norwick that stayed to the end should know that infact Norwick WAS shifted back in time by the Dead Nars tribsmen with the wild magic wanting to see Norwick like it was long ago.

    If it is IC then any criticism is irrelevant. Maybe there was no dock then. Maybe Praeth didn't have a building yet (his conversation might reflect that: "I cannot believe I am back out selling my wares in the muck and mud.") Complaining about the look of the town now would be like complaining about the look of the town after the drow razed it. This wasn't city planning, this was city regression by design.

  • Hewwoooo First off Id like to thank Baboo for all his work on the new norwick. Anyone involved in the Magic fightnight in norwick that stayed to the end should know that infact Norwick WAS shifted back in time by the Dead Nars tribsmen with the wild magic wanting to see Norwick like it was long ago.

    There are several buildings still to be added to the new town and that will help with filling it in more and player houseing will be addressed. Kara's, the phonix guild house and several others along with some other modifications it interiors.

    The southgate is also being talked about and changes will be comeing shortly.

  • Love the new look to norwick.

    I like having green grass near Vino's fire again.

    Missing the archers hill though and the dock. Although I really liked the island in the middle of the lake.

    Oh and erm… the commoner lasses that stand near the market... well they look like a woman in that dress, but they sound like James Earl Jones. :lol:

  • I think you'll find that's 'Kyra'. Keira is a lovely sweet elfgirl who looks after orphans.

  • i noticed that whats-her-name, the sales-lass from the old Keira store still refers to Keira as being "in the next room" even though she is outside now. Just a reminder to change her conversation…

  • I'm here to agree with what's been said already about space and the gates..especially the south.
    I'd also ask that some Trashcans be put in…couldn't find one in the new town...maybe I wasn't looking hard enough or they've all moved inside.
    One beside each gate would be favourite as I on occasion clean up pelts strewn about in the rawlins.
    Eventually dumped it in Waldt's barn crates...and sniggered at the thought of one of Waldts 'helpers' finding it. BTW...that's quite a walk up on the ridge...and is crying out for some development. Selune's tear anyone ? 😉
    Another ramp might be nice to save there being only one approach to the barn..and a darned long one at that. 😛

  • looks good for the most part…...im glad the snow is gone!

    I just think the wall by the south fire needs to be removed completely...

    Theres also alot of wasted space where all the trees are in the southeast.
    I've been waiting for a house for years, and theres lots of space there!

  • Generally I like it, but I still need to look at it more. I agree that the whole south gate needs re-doing, basically along the lines of what's already been suggested: make it so you can shoot from inside the gate, from a tower or raised ground.

  • @af57c5fc21=Scutum:

    3.) The area south. I'm not sure how much change here was the goal or if it was primarily snow removal. Instead of having the gate funnel extending back towards the town and cutting off the fire, I would rather see the funnel go out towards the lake, creating two forward areas for the towers to sit in, commanding the gate and all approaches to it. Adding a second gate is all the better. Replace the dock. Rethink the layout and wall of Vino's area, it looks a bit awkward. Raise the towers.

    Funny enough, I told GW the same thing last night and such a thing will be in the next build

  • I never liked the archer towers much anyway, and I spent a whole lot of my town attacks on those things.

    Why don't I like them? They are either

    a) A deathtrap to those on them (they are hardly a good newbie hide out) when casting attackers become involved.


    b) Useless, because non casters always rush up to the gates, and the walls leave a neat little blind angle for them to hide. You need at least 7 bugbears to form a neat little line in front of the gates in order to be able to target them.

    Now, raising them one level from the ground would help.



    I would rather see the funnel go out towards the lake, creating two forward areas for the towers to sit in, commanding the gate and all approaches to it.

    Would work even better.

    I would like to see the wall on Vino's hill removed again though, as the hill was a good position to shoot from, until you got targetted by casters/bowmen.
    However, the hill didn't become a deathtrap, even in those cases.

  • I mentioned this to a DM or two yesterday, but please check the width of the transitions between the map south of town where the goblin hideout is and the south Rawlins. One player was stuck on/behind (I haven't actually seen the new area yet) the goblin hideout with no way to get out for 15 minutes or so while I scurried about to find a DM to free him.

    Thanks, and sorry again for the associated confusion yesterday! 🙂

  • The open lay-out does leave room for future buildings. Last thing I heard, four people (including me), have applied for housing in Norwick.

  • @4d35d3a26e=Oreth:

    In reference to what Scut said, I'd like to ask that any attempts to expand the town into the Rawlins be roleplayed out in the forums and IG before they're toolsetted and implemented, so they can be appropriately protested and/or sabotaged.


    Naturally I was speaking irrespective of ongoing player actions. I'd agree with you.

  • @242f9ca41f=Oreth:

    In reference to what Scut said, I'd like to ask that any attempts to expand the town into the Rawlins be roleplayed out in the forums and IG before they're toolsetted and implemented, so they can be appropriately protested and/or sabotaged.


    too late. we pwn you. all your tree are belong to us.