Assaulted by Lizards

  • Oreth rolls his eyes as Foilir walks off

    Oh, you're absolutely right, I'm totally out of line. Me stopping by here, a city where several of my friends live, and where the Circle and Myself have been engaged in the past for various projects, and taking part in a conversation happening in the middle of the damn street…..why, that would be like a peltarchan walking to the damn camp and having a drunken temper tantrum about a housing auction. I should be ashamed of myself.

    He turns to Dwin, and raises an eyebrow

    Go ahead and ask the greenskins if they object to your name. Bring someone who actually speaks their language, though. I hear that gambler crush of yours is back in these parts….you know, Ty, the one we had a conversation about you and your cousin making love-eyes at a couple years back? I'm sure he'd be glad to help.

    The druid grins wickedly, and mutters in a latin-esque language

    drac> Zyphlin, if the half-pint heathens take an axe to me, make sure the guards actually pay attention here, aye?

  • // Double-Post.. eek!

  • Dentin looks from party to party, and then simply states
    "Is there -at all- a point in this discussion? Are there not better things to do?

  • Dwin smirks at Belade

    keep that tongue where it belongs lass, before ya lose it! Or before Foilir thinks of a better place fer it…

    Fer all you BLEEDIN' hearts that are so farkin WORRIED about the tree-huggers losin their land to Norwick... go talk to Fadia. Just because ya dont communicate to each other dont mean that this issue hasnt been covered.. well over a month ago.

  • Belade coughs

    I have always assumed that the druids are the ones responsible for the Rawlins. And I never heard Norwick asking their approval before they claimed their land, or before they gave it away to the Yuan-Ti, a most vile and foul breed of half-snakes.

    And, if I'm not mistaken…we were talking about a couple of over-eager lizardfolk, not about holding a "my defences are bigger than yours!" competition

    Belade sighs as she walks away

    Men and the size of their defences..

  • Dwin turns back and slaps his knee laughing at Oreth's comments

    Wait….now the Rawlinswood.. a bunch o trees, greenskins, and badgers, mind ya... gets to approve the name I give a town?

    Ya got to be kiddin' me! You been visitin' yer dancin friends too much up here thinkin' there's rules like that!

    Next time I'm down south I'll ask a badger, or even a goblin if he minds Nor'ick bein called a 'Jewel.' If he objects then I will choose a new name. I promise!

    Me thinks yer panties are in a bunch, Oreth. Go relax a bit. As fer settlin' issues.. all is settled. Ya weren't at the meetin' so ya should check in with one o yer fellow tree-folks. All is good, nai worry.

    Dwin leans on Foilir's shoulder and chuckles

    [d] these beardless, tree-climbin' gas spores are unbelievable! I'm gonna piss meself if they keep makin me laugh like this!

    • Looks at Oreth *

    "You e'en live eer? Er yeh juss walk all deh way to make comments in sumun else's city?"

    • continues east towards the docks *

    "[d] long way to walk to be a smart ass"

    • waves to his cousin to let it go *

  • Jewel of the Rawlins? I don't remember the Rawlins consenting to that title….In fact, last I checked you were busy claiming up chunks that don't belong to you. An issue that still remains to be resolved...

  • @7a0832df5f=Zyphlin:

    Looks at the dwarf a moment, sniffs a bit, and then sits there thinking for a second

    Hmm, sound theory. You may want to take care of yourself before you breed. If it looks, smells, and all that jazz…

    But yes. I'll go find a "real" magistrate. I think Barrim is over in the non-Union owned, public and free, craft hall the senate denied you all over in the Civic District. I'll go find him.

    • Foilir raises an eyebrow. *

    "Are you insultin me kind? Me would like teh remind yeh dat deh stonemasons that built dese eer walls are dwarves as well. I am a long time citizen of this city and a merchant."

    • Straightens his beard as he speaks *

    "Feel free teh insult our kind as yeh will. But expect me anna me cousin Nor the shopkeep to file un complaint against yeh as un public official. If dis is how yeh represent our intrests in a fair anna objective manner, me takes offront."

    • Shows no anger but is clearly a little redder *

    "Expect deh Magistrates as well as Miss Eo to hear of my complaint against yeh comments.

    I will speak to deh stonemasons anna make sure dat dey understand how we are viewed by some Peltarch officials anna citizens."

    • Turns quickly and heads to speak to his Peltarchian kind *

    "Speak to us dwarves alone, aye yeh cen get away wit an insult. But you juss wait until us dwarves speak wit un voice…. Yeh walls nae get built, yeh stones nae get cut, yeh sewers nae get dug.

    Yeh here to protect us. Now git! Git to protectin anna enforcin!"

    • Mutters *

    [d] Racist fek!

  • Dwin mocks casting a fishing rod, and then reeling it in.

    ya just make it so easy, lad!

    Its very true that the threat against Norwick on a daily basis is much more than all o yer green-guards see in a month. Tis our lot in life to be in a fertile, yet dangerous area. We like it there, and based on how many folks are movin' there, I guess others do too. Folks like it enough to come help us defend it. I aint sayin' we NEED that help, but I reckon folks like to do what they can fer the Jewel o the Rawlins.

    Fightin' hobs on Norwick Hill… I think alot o people view it as sport! We never really felt that we were in danger...

    Fer whatever reason folks like to come to Norwick and help us protect it... I aint gonna refuse their help! I view it as a blessin. Alot o them folks end up stayin fer good. Its the difference between someplace bein' generally welcomin' and growin'... and another bein' a cold, and turning into a ghost town...aye, an over-guarded ghost town.

    he chuckles and walks off towards one of his homes

  • @22a5f11aad=Clan:

    _Dwin begs to differ and resepectfully tells the tale of helping to save a fleeing magistrates life and being one of 3 Norwick residents that held back an army of Ogres once (alongside Rando and Foilir).

    He also mentions that such egotistical self-assuredness is typically followed by an event to correct such attitudes, and begs that the Senator "touch wood" before such an event comes true._

    Wow Dwin. That was…::thinks a bit:: over a decade, maybe almost two, ago? If we're trying to dig that far into the past, I may as well bring charges back up for Rando's murder threat on me.

    Norwick is besieged by Goblins, hobgoblins, and ogres almost on a weekly occurance...and is generally defended by non-citizens as well as citizens. The amount of Defenders, Far Scouts, and Ceruleans I've seen down there throughout the past few months is staggering. Even myself have been down there more times then I've seen your shining face Dwin. So before you go dragging up decades old memories while toting that the southern town is somehow the pillar of defense that needs no help from outsiders, perhaps you should attempt to do this amazing thing that others have found useful....its called, thinking.

    A few lizards, probably out chasing someone that was hunting them, were a bit to fervent and trigger happy. This, days after FOUR HUNDRED hobgoblins "assult norwick" and are turned back by a combination of Peltarchans and Jiyydians, but somehow you like to make the couple little lizards seem like the hordes of the Zhentarim have swept down on the land.

    Dwin, you are a humerous sort but truly…there is no reason to take your bitterness that your monopoly couldn't spread out on Eowiel.

  • I'd add a second bag on a bet that the guilty party justifies it with the excuse that the lizards attack humans sometimes. Just one big circle.

  • @e1e7b760d9=Oreth:

    Oreth sighs

    It's just like the eastlanders, and a hundred other problems…both sides fail to police themselves, and both sides use the others' failure to keep to the treaty as an excuse to break it further.

    Until the "adventurers" and profiteers of this land can be kept in check, no treaty will ever hold so long as the other side carries weapons that can be sold for pocket change.

    He mutters

    Greedy murderous farks….

    Genzir: "I have to agree with Oreth on this one. A hefty bag of gold says this is because somebody was raiding the lizardfolk's lands."

  • "I have the utmost faith in our Defenders. They defeated the Eastlanders. They never once let their forces within our walls, though they assailed us for years. I fear, sir Dwarf, that you underestimate the resolve and tenacity of our brave men and women, and of General Lavindo."

  • _Dwin begs to differ and resepectfully tells the tale of helping to save a fleeing magistrates life and being one of 3 Norwick residents that held back an army of Ogres once (alongside Rando and Foilir).

    He also mentions that such egotistical self-assuredness is typically followed by an event to correct such attitudes, and begs that the Senator "touch wood" before such an event comes true._

  • Senator Senella asks Dwin how he thinks these towns, all of which have been overrun frequently in recent and past times, are defending themselves better than the City, whose walls have never yet been breached by an external armed force?

  • After a few days when the smoke settles, Dwin mentions that he would be happy to consult (for a fee of course) with the Peltarch Defenders if they are having a hard time properly defending their borders. Other towns in the area seem to be more successful in that arena.

  • @de25d97509=Darkpowder:

    "Statements saying "The guards didn't react" are not to be stated IC if there was no DM as i presume this was the case to control them"

    We have had comments like this before, if you wish to state you went "into" their lands to fight them so be it. Please make that clear.

    ((guards did not react, facionally or elsewise, I asked for a dm, none responded, or all were unavailable at the time, my original posts says nothing of me going ther to hunt them, and the ooc truth of it is two lizards transitioned across, a woudner ran at slip after rolling intitiative the nturned around and ran bac kacross the trans, while one of the ones wit ha crossbow shot at slip before running away also, Feel free to let me know how the guards woulda reacted and I'll add that to my rp on the situation))

  • Mercy's ears perk as the druid grumbles, but realises his comment was general, and not just to get her attention.

  • Oreth sighs

    It's just like the eastlanders, and a hundred other problems…both sides fail to police themselves, and both sides use the others' failure to keep to the treaty as an excuse to break it further.

    Until the "adventurers" and profiteers of this land can be kept in check, no treaty will ever hold so long as the other side carries weapons that can be sold for pocket change.

    He mutters

    Greedy murderous farks….