An ancient dagger
*As dusk falls on the leaf canopied Gypsy Camp, a figure pads quietly up to the evening cooking fires.
Many are surprised, and many indeed do not recognize the elven woman without her heavy and noisome legion plate in which they have grown accustomed to seeing her.
Like some errant butterfly freed from a cumbersome metal cocoon, there stands Lyte of Jiyyd, late of the southern Rawlins elf camp.
Dressed in simple cotton cloth dyed forest green, trimmed in red, with unusual leather gauntlets, straps and shoulder pads that remind some of some odd green insect, she stands armorless with only her katana and bow. The blade sits in a wooden sheath emblemed with a profile of a unicorn. She wears the sword simply tucked through a green cloth sash at her waist.
Walking up with a serious countenance, she drops to a knee in front of the group, fluidly pulling the still sheathed katana forth, presenting it on her flat palms raised slightly above her head, which she bows slightly.*
_"I offer my sword and arm to you in your noble quest, not as a legion soldier, but as a knight of leaves in the service of the Lady, Mielikki.
It is intolerable to me that the Lady's Grace is gone from the land of my people, from the brook in which I born, from the voices of her little fish and furry badgers. I can think of nothing I would rather do than see that Mielikki's Guardian Spirit is returned to the Forest.
Please accept my sword in your great task."_
Elridith smiles at Lilly's last words.
I was hoping that Lyte would be able to join us. She has been a great help and guiding light (
) for me in the past, and do very much wish she would join us as well.
Lilly lets word spread around
The Incubus is dead, Drelan, Fadia and myself killed him, he wont be a bother again.
The Seer is found, a dark haired male elf, who is not young, and carries a staff made from the last of the trees of the old circle called the Grandfather. His name is Lunit, and he is currently residing in the Glenn where fadia has an eye on him. I'll be filling him on what he needs to know. He was found in a weird outer plane that the Incubus brought us to, it seems that the Incubus knew of his importance and wanted to keep him from us.
On another note, i've informed Lyte of most of the proceedings, being that she is a devout follower of Mielikki, I see no reason she should be excluded from the trip in to free the Stag. If any disagree speak up.
I would be happy to search for these things, or aid anyone already looking. Besidesā¦these woods are my home, and have been for nearly one hundred and forty years. I can, at the least, lend my knowledge that I've accumulated in that time to any group entering the deeper woods.
On top of that...despite the risks involved, I would very much like to travel to Dun-Tharos. Perhaps, in doing this, we could search for a way to counteract the yuan-ti's perversion of its defensive magic?
waves her hand, smiling Either way, I happily volunteer for any expeditions.
The silent swordswoman known as Sara continues to follow Lilly around.
Elridith mentions she has been practicing with her newly learned flight, mass flight, and teleportation spells. If the use of those wouls be useful in dealing with the Yuan-Ti pit trap and not being able to go out. She suggests perhaps fly above and out or teleport everyone back.
We defintely have more information now, firstly, on the Grandfather Oak, which is the spirit of the Rawlinswood. How it is carried we don't know, but the elf should be coming to the circle, so I have been told. As well, it has been confirmed that the Stag, Mielikki's champion, is imprisoned.
Nothing should be attempted until the seer has been found, he is the one who will lead us to the prison.
The Incubus, I will kill. I have the means now. Mielikki herself has blessed my sword and given her permission, as well as supplying the information above.
Of Treants? There have been many. An army of them once marched through the spider woods just south of usā¦.and they have been known to emerge to protect dryads....we've seen them in the woods near Jiyyd, as well...
They are not enormously talkative, and almost impossible to find if they don't want to be found, though, and I don't really know if any of them were among the trees kept by the old circle....
Kharbeh spoke of a race of tree people that live somewhere in the lesser treants....called the Volodni....they may also know something...
We could always go looking....
Jeni nods as she thinks*
An excellent idea Oreth and one we had not thought ofā¦
Do you know if any of the great trees were present within the Rawlins back then? Is there any mention of them in your histories?
Oreth approaches Jeni and Cera in the tree
If our correspondence from the Circle at Dun Tharos, the Circle of Leth, is true, approaching Dun Tharos may not be a problem. Apparently, the yuan-ti turned the wards around the Tree-Fortress inside out, made it easy to approach, but nearly impossible to leave or see out of.
Essentially, the place is a pit trap.
I would not recommend an expedition there unless you've devised some way to get out.
As for this Grandfather Oakā¦.have you considered the possibility that this stand of trees were not all normal trees? There may have been .....treants, I think they are called here....among them. One could easily have fled or moved. Especially a large one. A servant of Silvanus, of that age and wisdom, might be able to go a long way towards helping Mielikki in this area.
In other words, we should not limit our search to wooden objects and immobile plants alone.
::After speaking with Jeni and the others, Celebring heads back towards his tent in the inner camp. Taking some ink and a quill pen from the top shelf of a bookcase near to his desk, he seats himself quietly, not wanting to wake Val, and gathers up some blank papers. Dipping the pen in ink, he begins writing down what was said for his own reference, as well as the others involved. A pixie flutters down to land on his shoulder, tilting her head a little to read the writing.::
An Incubus has taken interest in Lilly and the dagger in pursuit of his own agenda.
Tales were mentioned in ancient text, a White Stag, champion of Mielikki. The Defiler could find no way to destroy this champion, and so it was imprisoned someplace deep within the rawlins so that it would cause no more trouble.
Elridith and Aghila made a trip to the South Rawlins many weeks ago. The badger Aris lead them to the old circle. As Elridith entered, they saw a vision, a vague outline of a White Stag.
A set of tracks lead them deeper, to the old ruins, and atop the ruins was a portal none could enter. Instead a woman appeared and spoke, saying that Mielikki did not live here any longer, but that there was hope.
The old ruins are those of the old temple from the days of Acwel and his circle when it was whole, the Rawlinswood was a place where people lived, worked, and played without fear. Perhaps the Stag was trying to lead them here, but they were unable to enter the portal, thus unable to find out the meaning.
Jeni had a dream of the Stag, we must find the one who carries the Grandfather Oak. He is an elf with dark hair, he was young, but is no longer. Now he is seer and protector. He will lead the way.
There is mention of the Circle opposed to the Defiler. Their Circle once held a stand of Grandfather Oaks. The trees were destroyed long ago, during one of many battles. Speculation of what could survive these oaksā¦ A staff made from the wood? an Acorn?
Jeni is convinced we must find Dun Tharos. An old, worn book found amongst Katya's belongings speaks of a cage of thorns and a spell to entomb someone, as well as to free them. The pages are worn and faded, what can be found out is that only a Druid of great power is capable of this.
Find the Grandfather Oak, find the old Elf, find Dun Tharos, kill or otherwise evade the Incubus that seeks to prevent this from happening...
::Satisfied he has recalled all that was said in brief form, he leans back and looks it over, after a good long moment, he sits back forward to dip his pen in ink, the pixie instinctively flying down to push the bottle closer to him. He smiles to her warmly, thanking her as he begins making copiesā¦::
// Sorry guys, I need to push the meeting in the tree back an hour to 3pm Eastern. I've got a couple of things to do today, and I'm fairly certain I won't be back by 2.
I'll give a shout in game when I get there!
//I'm at work until 18:30 EST, so I cant be there :x ā¦ but Aghila will (just imagine he's there :P)
//Not a problem!
//Any problem with saying, IC, that fad shows up with oreth or Penny or someone? Being that she's also been consulted on this and would realistically attend a meeting about it, but i'm gonna be stuck in work until about 5 pm EST.
Jeni is heard speaking to Elridith, Celebring and Alexi
Find those involved, for we have much to speak of.
Aghila, Oreth, Elridith, Penny, Lilly, Celebring, Elridith, Zomaā¦..
All of you, and any one else who has helped in the research, meet at the Tree as soon as possible.
(( Sunday September 10, 2006, 2pm eastern American time))
Elridith is seen walking into the circle, and spending a quite a bit of time in it. She hasnt been seen in the camp for a few weeks. As she enters she pulls out a small green journal to write in. Her body looks frail, her skin scratched and cut. She also has a splint about her left arm which she seems to adjust constantly. She regards all with a faint smile, somewhat afraid to approach anyoneā¦
After having an emotional conversation with Lilly, Zoma goes forth to seek of the others involved to speak regarding of this 'dagger'.
"This concerns the safety of my Sister as well as a problem that may be the reason of her being plagued with low self-esteem. I won't allow that any longer by being ignorant of this problem from now on."
Elridith mentions only to Jeni what she has found recently out in the deeper rawlins.
I was with Aghila, and as were we were talking, I don't remember the exact course of the conversation, butā¦ I had found out that Mielikki had appearred to him before while he was on the verge of death out in the rawlins. I asked if he would show me the place, and luckily on the way we met up with kulin and juster. Juster had to leave early but after we saw the place where Mielikki came down to Aghila, we continued a bit further into the rawlins. As we got deeper, near where the stronger sarus live. We saw one of the rocks in the middle of the cremonial looking circles in the forest was active. The large rock was glowing with magical energy. However, I was able to aggitate the stone into producing a discharge of energy. Bright white lights speckeled alout the stone, but on a rather significant scale. After spending time to note the various symblos near the stone and circle, we continued a bit further out of curiosity. Then on one of the ruins there was what looked to be a portal. I decided it would be safest for myself to go through as if in the case I did get stuck i would be able to get back sooner than aghila or kulin due to my magical practice. They both agreed, but when I stepped into the portal nothing happened. It was rather disheartening at the moment. Aghila tried to step within the portal as well but nothing happened to him either. Soon after we had decided to leave, a woman appeared out of the portal. She was holding a longsword which seemed to be flowing with magical energy. A bright light about it, perhaps imbued with electricity or some divine energy. She mentioned that Mielikki didn't live within the forest anymore... We tried to ask further questions, but that is about all she had said. I wish to make a trip back eventually to try and excite the stone into a different reaction or try to get through the portal if I can. I have been having the Lantern Archon I often summon check the celestial planes for the woman who appeared, or a way for me to get through the portal, as it can move back inbetween that plane and ours. I will try to organize another trip to there so I may gather some more information, if there is anything specific you would like me to make note of please let me know so I may do so. The sarus are fairly dangerous there and I will likely require help, I would request aghila come back as well.
Also there was a badger... Aghila was speaking to it with some strange amulet. He said it was your badger so i assume you know all about it, but it proved quite helpful while we were out there in the rawlins, and would also like to have it come back with me when I go if you permit it.
:: A quiet elf calmly makes his way each and every day to Jeni's tree. Why, he will not discuss with anyone, and simple dismisses them with a smile and a bow.
Anyone who asks him any questions only get a taste for Siri's backhanded comments ::