Time Spent in Narfell: on and off since 2003Raisa Dyernina
Full member of The Circle of Quercatha Terr, since nov 05. Currently Archdruid.
Member of Spellweaver Keep since September 06. Currently High Priestess.
Gypsy papers, but ICly lives in the glenn and Keep.Guild Items:
Counselor Staff, Elder Iceblade (being held until Fadia behaves)Custom Items:
Amarathana's Gift ((Nilla))Other items with magical/enhanced properties.
Fine Scimitar (on loan to Fadia), Drow Mage Staff, Pot of Sound, Masterwork Sling +1, Healer's Belt ((Oreth)), various +1/+2 enhancement items from the shopsThe scimitar and sling are secondhand, so I don't know who crafted them.
Nars Huntress
Jiyyd papers, but ICly lives with the Featherflights.Items