Bard's Tale: The Story of Garanor (The Dead)

  • -A retelling of events witnessed by Daller Bross through the mouth of Celfarin Thensbane the Bard. (not meaning he witnessed these events through my mouth)

    On a day much like any other a group of three left the walls of Norwick to venture forth along the Nars Pass and inevitably, to their hopes, the town of Jiyyd.

    Among the three was a halfling rogue by the name of Garanor, the hero of our story, also his companions Isaramir the elven ranger and Daller, a sturdy human fighter type.

    Many a fortunate event occured to aid their steps to Jiyyd and on a bright blue skied evening they arrived at the gates of the small rural town. Weary of travel they took advantage of the local inn, and purchased usefull equipment from the near by blacksmith. Afterward they spent the rest of the day they had relaxing outdoors within the safety of the ever welcome walls

    Satisfied with thier journey, aswell as their new belongings, they soon packed and made ready for the return to Norwick at nightfall. With full stomachs and smiles on their faces they stepped out of the town gates and were instantly ambushed by marauder cutpurses, Isaramer and Daller fought the good fight and eventually drove the rogues off, but to their greatest sorrow they saw as they turned thier attention back to the halfling that Garanor had been stabbed twice in vital areas and was indeed quite dead.

    There was nothing they could do, they grieved but could not even carry the body for it was too dangerous, they left sadly as they heard the vilest of laughters from nearby warriors who had been there all along but were too cowardly to lend a helping hand. Perhaps those warriors knew what Garanor and his companions didn't, one does not face the night unwary and without resolve, or maybe they were just filled with evil emotions which are appeased by death and sorrow, no one shall know, but to this day Garanor's bones still lay beneath the surface of that pass, a silent warning to those who would ignore the dangers of the night.

  • I am sorry for poor Garanor, may Tyr avenge his death.

  • Nods in agreement Indeed that was a most grievous time for our adventurings Isaramir. Well told story by the way Celfarin, reading your story was like being in the Nars pass again in the heat of battle while I watched my friend Garanor slaughtered. He shall be missed becomes sullen

  • Bows and then pauses for a moment of respectfull silence to poor ol Garanor Thresweild Many thanks friend. ^_^

  • Considering I was there as these events happened infront of my very eyes, i must applaud you Celfarin the Bard, that was very very well told. Indeed it brings back memories of a night full of sad memories and darkness.
