Westran's Journal

  • A smooth text, written in mulhorand

    I have been living in this city for a few days now. It is cold here. So cold I have to find the warmth of the fire quickly. The wind is cold too. I met Clandra, and Hedia, and Maria. Clandra is nice, and smells pretty. Hedia is also nice, but I don't know her good yet. Maria is very nice. She went fishing with me, and I gave her a big one. She also has a black cat friend, who was not good at fishing.
    After feeding, Maria took me to inn room to sleep with me. So I lay down on soft bed and sleep. But she does not mean that sleep. She means making kittens, but I don't want kittens yet. She says she won't have kittens. I don't want to bite her neck, and leave her alone after, but she says I don't have to. I was very confused. Then Maria put her arms around me, and I got scared, and ran off fast. I am not a strong tiger, but a weak cat. I saw her in the streets after that, and she still smiled. I hope she's not angry with me. Maria is nice, and also follows Mother of Cats. I hope I can understand what Maria wants from me, and not get scared anymore. I lie at fires in Norwick inn now, far away from Peltarch and Maria. I will head back soon, the people here look strange at me, like people back in Mulhorand.

  • Star is nice, and I play a lot with her. She can pounce good to. We hunted spiders, and we did a nap.

  • I was in the forest of Norwick today, and I met a big cat called Tindra. Tindra is nice. We hunted some big snakes then, and Clandra was there too. One of the snakes bit me hard, but Clandra killed it quickly. Tindra and Clandra are strong tiger cats, but I'm just a weak kitten. I also saw ancient ones in the snow. They came right after me, but Clandra and others killed it quick. Clandra then told me to go back to the city. I hope she is careful.

  • I talked with Clandra. She says sex is good, and Sharess says so. Clandra says she does it a lot, and has a weak back. I hope I don't get a weak back. It was turning night, so I followed Maria to the inn room again, and I did it. It was good and fun, but I was very tired and fell asleep, and I could already see the sun trough the window. Then I was very hungry, but I still had some chicken. Chicken is good. Something also happened in the streets. Everything went dark, and armored men chased me away. I don't like armored men. How can they climb and run in that? They smell bad too.
    Then I met Eowiel. She smells good too, but not as good as Clandra. She has green hair, but Eowiel is nice. I like the city. Everybody is nice to me. Not many cats in the streets though, but maybe they are all hiding. Tomorrow, I'll look for them.
    I also killed a few snakes outside the city. It was a nice green place, but I hate snakes. I killed some of them, and Clandra killed a lot. Clandra is a good snake hunter, and I think Clandra hates snakes too. She likes cats. Someone put a big cat head in the street, and she found who did it. I clawed him good, and Clandra put him in a cell. He deserves it, that snakeliker. I also sniffed two men. One is called Anakore, but he smells of bad drinks. The other is called Nate, and he has orange hair. He smells of snake. I'll watch him, and make sure he's not a snake.