Kobolds, bigger scaly things, and Yuan-Ti

  • Recently an unlikely group set out into the foothills consisting of an elderly samurai, a retired halfling captain, a sneaky elf and a priestess of bad luck. Obviously they entered one of the caves infested with kobolds and fought their way through to the end. According to their tales, there they ran into bigger things that roughly resembled kobolds, just were way too big to be kobolds. After they cleaned out the place from these abominations, a Yuan-Ti mage of significant power appeared and chased them outside, invisibly following them even through the outer gate. There the Yuan-Ti apparently cast some viscious spells. Though the exact name of the spells remained a mystery, it was clear that they were extremely dangerous spells. Especially the spell that was meant to prevent them from following the Yuan-Ti, when it decided to leave, was of a particular nasty design.

    ((This was also reported to the guards at the gate briefly and discussed for some time in the commons. Elissa probably also seeks out Anakore and tells him the story personally, seeing as it's obviously a magic wielding Yuan-Ti.))

  • _A young, dark-cloaked priest in the garb of a ranger can be heard to express concern over the prospect of an alliance of lizardfolk, kobolds, and yuan-ti taking root in the foothills so near Peltarch. He also mentions reports of an old temple containing evidence of the worship of infernal beings, apparently described to him by the off-duty guardsman who first brought reports of the creature.

    While he seems mostly concerned about the yuan-ti consortign with demonic powers, much of his vitriol is expended on caustic remarks regarding the 'astonishing coincidence' of a priestess of misfortune discovering this reptilian allaince, as well as his apparent displeasure that both survived the affair._