The trap

  • Chapter one

    Spellweaver Acadamy, institutional archives.

    Personal log, Devaron Stormweaver

    Kara laughed, I was rather devoted, almost insanely so. The priestess turned to me, and spoke, “you should demonstrate your conviction by learning to use the weave.”

    “Yes, milady, it should be done, correction, it will.” All the while, I was staring at her robe; it was made of most interesting material that glowed in the dark, perhaps I could make ink out of these so scrolls could be read in the dark. These, can at least save the institute a great deal of candles, which translates to more gold to procure magical tomes, scrolls and items.

    And then I notice my bag has reduced in weight. I turned, and found nothing; fortunately I am so broke that being striped naked would remove most of my material possession. It was Kobolt moonshine, not a big deal.

    And there was, the Halfling. Her black leather armor glittered against the camp fire, and so does her hair. I remember seeing another one earlier, but for now, she is alone.

    “You must have taken the Kobolt Moonshine.” I spoke, “You may as well ask if you want some of that, I don’t mind sharing.”

    “Keep them, I wouldn’t drink that stuff.” She turned, and smiled, and at this very moment I had a flashback.

    “Constantine,” I said, to the man before me, “We could spring a trap, they are better at find us, then we are at finding them. Let them come to us by appearing venerable.”

    Constantine Nodded, and then Miss Elvadrial spoke, her voice like music to our ears “Be ware of the Halfling, very dangerous, don’t trust them.

    And at the moment I know who I was talking to, when we met, she said her name was flower, and she gave me a flower earlier. Although I could not derive where the flower’s origin, I know her motive then.

    “Flower,” I said, “let’s hunt some goblins. I am sure you don’t want to miss out on the riches”

    And so, a few minutes later, we found ourselves stepping out of south gate of Norwick, melting into the darkness. With us, there was a half-Orc, great in stature and strength.

    Stay Tuned for more !

  • comments welcome

  • Chapter five

    An unknown number of days later I woke up in Fiar’s house. If anything was said about the old man, his compassion was never in question. I have being patched up. I will definitely complain to the academy about the senselessness of the guards! They are paid to protect Norwick’s citizen, not to murder them!

    At any rate, with my weapon magically vanished, I have to procure one. I made my way to the bristling town of Jiyyd. (Compares to Norwick at any rate) Wasn’t a big surprise when I saw Constantin there sulking away?

    As I entered the gate, a commoner came and passed me a note. “Peltarch Market” is the only thing written on it. I told Constantin of my failed operation, and the note, and he went to shop for a silence scroll.

    Fortunately there weren’t any on sale. He agrees to join with me on the head hunt. Judging the fact he has all his possession to re-acquire. With us was another half Orc, like any other Orc, he is stronger then he is intelligent. We made our way to Peltarch and chaos resumed.

    The villain was exactly where my sources told me he is, but Peltarch authority prevented us from arresting him. We bickered for better part of the day in the commons area. Nobody was convinced of anything. In the end, we decided to settle on a dual.

    Then sun came over the horizon like a sphere of blood. And on the Nars pass stood a very angry warrior and a panicking thieve. I watched as them approached each other from a nearby cliff head, and I knew that the end is beginning.

    • The end

  • Chapter four

    Three thieves arrived at Norwick at dawn. I was sitting on the watch house as they enter. I greeted them. The one to the left was flower, the one to the right, I do not know. But I know who walked the middle. It was none but seaeak, the villainous mastermind.

    He was surprised I was able to identify him immediately, and became alerted. Men like him are tyrannical and paranoid. It was a simple matter of deducing his identify from the various tip offs.

    “What do you want” the man said, as he coughed and wheezed. “There is no point hiding since I KNOW who you are”

    “I know who hunts you, you are not afraid nearly enough” I replied “I can keep you safe. I know the woods south of here like back of my hands. You will be safe there, and we can hunt goblins and sale their gear for supplies.”

    “How can I trust you on this” he said, great, the point is, he can’t.

    “What do you prose then.” I replied, in the lowest tone I can master.

    “We need to talk, in private, follow me.” He said as he stood up from the bench in a way that betrayed his true physical strength.

    We exited the town via north gate; it was dark and cold outside. Even the insects are silent. As the surrounding grew steadily darker, I realized his intention.

    He snapped his head, but I were No longer there, years of hunting and survival taught me skills that were put to good use. As he was looking around for nothing, a guttural tone was heard; he turned, then fell face first and slept soundly.

    “Attack, what you are waiting for!” I yelled out to the thieves. They did nothing. Then I realized my weapon has vanished, without a mean to actually inflicting any damage, I ran for the town.

    Then four crossbow bolts flew out of the darkness and stroke my back. The suffering was immeasurable, but I kept running. More bolts sizzled past as I ran behind an outcropping rock. He arrived a moment later and I was gone again.

    “Why you are not defending me”, he yelled out. Then his eyes shut again as the door of Nowick slings open and the enchantment took hold. And then the impossible happened.

    “Sir, casting spell within these walls is against the law of Norwick.” The gate guard spoke in a professional manner.

    “oh great, can you guys learn to be less pot headed ?” I replied, the dull side of the blade came down on my face and the world faded to darkness.

  • Chapter three

    “No!” I said, loud enough to wake the dead “If you want to jail them, jail me as well, I will be dead before I see good man locked up.”

    Beside me stood a Furious Constantin, His face is red and twisted. He is barely restraining is rage and desire to cut down the two thieves before me. I rambled about passion, and potential to turn the pawns against their masters but he is just not listening, he want his revenge, want it hard.

    Ving was in no better shape. Saying he is sparing an eye on the thieves were an understatement. And then there are a few other legionnaires, each expressing their anger in a way that is suitable to them.

    How stupid I was to lead to the home of the legionnaires, I thought. Maybe I was indeed drunk on healing potions after our escape. Miraculously, flower survived the onslaught of the tide of green vermin, and fled to town. After a bit of food and a lot of healing potions, we decided to hunt some Orcs, and know each other better.

    The Orc hunt was fruitful, but the subsequent sale was much less so. We reached the smith in Jiyyd. It was mother of all mistakes. I suddenly sensed a shadow behind me.

    “Run” I called out. And it was too late.

    Obviously Constantin could not trust me, every last thieve is a murderous villain to him, and anyone siding with them are just as villainous. His hatred was overpowering. I explained to him that I wish to have the thieves released so they could help me, but the seasoned warrior seems to insist otherwise. Then I whispered to him.

    “The greatest battles are fought in the hearts of men.”

    He paused, thought about it for a very long minute, and spluttered a single word.


    And we did exactly what he said. Before they vanish into the darkness, I withdrew my shorts word, a ceremonial weapon, and a present.

    “I give this to you, flower, as a gesture of good will!”

    She took it

  • Chapter Two

    Half an hour passed, Arrows are flying and we are barely staying cool. North Ralinswoods Is wonderful woodland filled with flora fauna. It was night, and the moonlight filter down the branches and imprint on tall grasses as ghostly spot of light. We used it to our full advantage.

    And what followed happens in countless adventures. Goblins suffered just about every path to death imaginable, from an arrow to the head, to be sliced cleanly to two, to have a blade embedded silently into his back. The root was plenty and the wine was good. For once I enjoyed the senseless slaughter.

    The goblins didn’t stand a chance, we made many jokes. At one point, I pointed out we should burry them all in a graveyard, complete with undead. At another point, I wondered which is more stupid, goblins or the rocks they threw. Soon I would have to regret that statement.

    Then I noticed the silent art that is flower. She is quiet, graceful, and deadly. She strikes like a cobra from the darkness leaving only a cold corpse behind. Then I wondered why I was assigned to entrap such wonderful creatures, which could assist humanity as much as it would harm it.

    Perhaps there are more to thieves, then murderous villains, and whoever plots against us seemed to force that identity upon them, so they would be bent to serve his will.

    There was a change of heart. We started to talk, about many things, with a healthy number of shortness jokes thrown in. she appears to be just another person living her live, under those black leather.

    And then the goblins stroke, there seemed to be no end to their numbers. I was surprised; they could track my scent even though they could not see my tracks. I was graciously wounded, the only thing going though my mind was running.

    As I ran, I saw flower, standing firm against the tide of vermin, gleefully cutting down each with graceful strikes from her two knifes.

    And to this day, I am in her debt.