Orc Man moves in

  • Orc Man enetrs the town that will be his new home and trudges off to the Trade hall then the inn, if any one mentions Norwick to him he growls and mutters obscenitites

  • With a smirk on her face, Ginger approaches Drudo in the Regal Whore and is heard quietly chattering in hin. For those who know hin are are within earshot, she seems to be bartering with Drudo over the price of arranging to have Orc Man's bed shortsheeted.

  • Aelhaearn watches what appears to be daily caravans of refugees coming into the town.

  • Tyche idly eavesdrops on the conversation with Orc Man from a corner table, sitting by his lonesome and quietly spooning up a stew while nursing a cheap ale. His face is statuesquely straight—his gambling face—but the torch on the wall catches a glint of fire not its own in his eyes. Finishing his food and drink, he flips his hand over and produces a playing card—a Joker—and then a stick of graphite that he carries, mostly for marking scores in dice. Drawing a little smiley face on the card's back, he leaves it on his table, stands up and walks to the bar, then reaches a hand in his purse and takes out a few gold to pay his meal. Casting a fleeting, bemused glance over at Orc Man, he makes his way out of the Whore and out of the town, hands in his pants pockets and humming a soft, Hin melody.

  • plops him self dow nafter hiring out a room
    The place be going to hell, Lucius has taken over, he's running the town now….....Farking cowards, tried to kill Rando, 20 to 1 till I jumped in, and then we still stood no chance. And ya know that Uthgor fella, the on that leads the Nars folk, he's an even bigger farking coward, he jsut stood there and watched us, get beaten to death. But his time will come, some one will end him and we'll have the last laugh. As far as I am concerned, Jandor and Lucius can be each other's bardic lovers.

  • Ezachiel is seen often, making some calculations

    Well, if they all have their name added to the book…plus the ones already in...and statistically...no, that can't be...there's no way that we outnumber Peltarch!

    grumbles, and begins counting again

  • Tolcrack's sitting at the inn, planning something out with fairly crude, long strokes from his pheasant feather quill; he looks up to see Orc Man come in with a foul look on his face.

    An ale, Mary! An ale fer this man 'ere, eh? Cheers.

    Invites the orcish man to have a seat with him and (assuming he does) starts to probe into the situation in Norwick.

    Was down there mesel' fer a farmer's market wi' Jaher, but couldnae distinguish 'fit was goin' on from all th' different gabblin' farm folk an' their wifes.