Create-a-newbie event #2
Since only one newbie made it last time..
@879f70d616=Wywernywin:Hey there!
I'm planning to run an event next saturday at, say, noon my time (GMT+3).
Basically, it's only for new characters. The character races/gender etc. will be random, and rolled when the event starts. You can figure out your backstory from there.
If you survive the event, you will start at level 3. If you don't, you're permadead.
There's a possibility no-one survives.. or everyone does. Or something inbetween
Let me know if there's any interest for this kind of event.
Yes, I'm lazy and just reposted last week's post.
Sneak peek at this week's theme:
I moved the calendar event to the next week. Should be showing proper times in all time zones now.
If it starts the same time as last Saturday, then it would be 3AM Mountain Time. It was 5 AM Eastern Daylight Time.
5 am
What time is this mountain time, I'm having issues wrapping my head around this.
I'd love to give it another go. This time I'll try to tweak my computer and connection so my game isn't isn't as horrible as last time.
I might show up after family negotiations is done
I was sooooo tired last week, but I'll make a better effort of getting out of bed before noon this Saturday! :lol:
I'm in again, the last one was rad.