Need help
well this is my first post so im a low lvl 2 and the problem i have is that nobody is making new people to use cause there happy with the high lvls they all ready have so i have nobody to train with so i am asking if any body can help me lvl
Hahah look at me now
Well dern!
I think lootbags persist through server resets. It's just the body that doesn't.
I think.
They do not.
I think lootbags persist through server resets. It's just the body that doesn't.
I think.
A DM could always toss it into DM storage until you can come back, if they're willing.
Picked up all your stuff and placed it in a public storage area out of view. I'm not sure if it will stay there if the server is reset. That's the best I can do.
Need a favor in the ruins I died and I am grounded for 2 weeks so can some one grab my stuff plz
I have a low level pc, and despite what the forums say, I've only really been playing here for the past month or so….
As soon as my Internet woes are fixed and I can get back in game, I'll look for your pc. Keep an eye peeled for teu'kiira... She can always use more meat shields!
Good to see you finally on the forums! Also keep an eye out for Andelas (Fyre) as he often runs very low level events, and encourages veterans to make new characters for said events.
There's also a lot of friendly players who have low level characters that they are often only too willing to log in with to help out other low level and new players to get going. If you're not sure, ask a PG to direct you to someone they can recommend.
I know that I personally have a host of different PCs of different levels and abilities, so if you see me online, feel free to send me a tell.
Hi Colin,
Please have a look through the links in this post for tips: at this one in particular: should be a good help to you.
You can also post the background of your characters in the Historical Archives section of the forums for a small XP award. there are some automated quests which can be done once per reset. If your PCs ask around in game theyll be sure to meet somone who can steer them in the right direction.