Prisoner of Ice...

  • _rumors abound the romani camp of a dozen gali and gaje including some of the mightiest of the Legion, and Cotton herself, taking up a hunt with a dark-armored man to seek a faery of noble blood held captive by the cold ogres of the Giantspire caves…all emerged alive, in scattered groups, their hands holding gold and glittering jewels but with no sign of their prey...

    the ruling fey is said to be of the of the tainted pixie clans and his violence towards humanity is reknowned (( lore dc 20, he is oft called The Bleeder of a All Mankind by his kin, a testament to the thousands of humans he's abducted and tortured to death...slowly ))...

    after coaxing by the romani King's agents, the huntmaster in the blackened breastplate reveals the source of his urgency. A ballad, revealed through divination..._

    <credit to="" william="" blake's="" grey="" monk…an="" excellent="" poem="">**I die, I die!" the Mother said,
    Her body streaked with lines of red
    But more has the merciless Tyrant said,"
    The Hunter sat down on the stony bed.

    The blood ran red from the Hunter's arm,
    To bleed and course and cause much harm.
    His body bent, his arms and knees
    Like to the roots of ancient trees

    Her eye was dry; no tear could flow:
    A hollow groan first spoke her woe.
    She trembled and shudder'd upon the bed;
    At length with a feeble cry she said:

    "When Tyr commanded this mouth to speak
    In the darkers hours when corruption reeks,
    He told me the words I spoke should prove
    The bane of all that on Earth I lov'd.

    My Brother starv'd between two walls,
    His Children's cry my soul appalls;
    I mock'd at the rack and griding chain,
    My bent body mocks their torturing pain.

    My husband drew his sword of fire,
    With his scores strong he marched in ire;
    My Brother had arm'd himself in steel
    To avenge the wrongs his Children feel.

    But vain the Sword and vain the Bow,
    They never can work War's overthrow.
    The Hunter's prayer and His red tear,
    Alone can free the World from fear.**</credit>