Upon visiting the Office of the Arcane Advisor of Norwick

  • _…you are greeted by a thin blonde elf.

    "Welcome to the Office of the Arcane Advisor of Norwick. Please state your name and the mystical nature of your visit."

    "Do you have an appointment?"

    "All non-emergency visits with the Arcane Advisor are by appointment only."

    "Would you like to make an appointment?"

    Alternatively, he may offer to assist himself, when he can.

    His disinterested attitude and habit of silent meditation makes you wonder sometimes if he's even listening, but never the less he responds to each inquiry.

    At other times he's seen around town, sometimes lucid, sometimes spilling nonsense in a variety of strange languages._

  • _A more lucid Sirion warns of "spectral lupeforms loose within the hobgoblin's domain."

    "Similarly, the following behavior was exhibited:
    The ability to vanish into the Etherial Plane at will.
    The ability to detect invisible individuals.
    A freezing and life draining bite.
    And in particular, a desire not to reveal itself until battle had been initiated."

    Whatever that means. For his part, Sirion looks completely unharmed, though his favorite shirt needed too much mending to be salvaged so he purchases a new one._

  • _In one of his loopier moments, Sirion refuses to allow Aramuil into his own office because he does not have an appointment.

    But at least he's wearing pants._

  • Aramuil, for his part, seems to rather regularly appear; as if out of no where, while Sirion is doing this…or maybe he really is appearing out of no where.