Kallowein - Fighter/Wiz of the Northern Sword

  • Accnt - KahzModan
    Char - Kallowein

    The child of rare union, Kallowein has the traits of both elven and dwarven parentage. His father, Kahz Modan, left his dwarven home to experience the world outside his clans mines, and settled in waterdeep, meeting a young elven lass Ellowein Auslieln. Upon Elloweins death during childbirth, Kahz gathered his possessions, and his son, and returned to the dwarven mines, cursing ever coming to the surface. Within the mines Kahzs depression grew from the coldness given to him by his clan for mating with an elf, eventually leading to taking his life. And so Kall was left on his own, within the midst of a strict clan, whos detestment of elvish blood readily aparent, since none offered even the remotest amount of friendship to the lad.
    Upon one day within the caves, the sounds of battle echoed through the caverns into the central housing and smiths of the Modan clan. Many went to investigate the disturbance, and few returned, all bearing wounds, some mere moments from death, the Red Wizards had attacked again, seeking the rich veins of Mithral controlled by the Modan clan.
    During the fighting, the Clan mage, a wisend old dwarf by the name of Ghurron, saved many with his abjurations, causing an emense amount of awe within young Kall, whos detestment of magic shot instantly to the surface from the devastation caused by the Thayians.
    Eventually the Thayians were again repulsed, with much thanks leading to Ghurron. Kall sought apprentiship to Ghurron, seeking to unlease his anger upon all Thayians, and many mages in general, but knowing that to do so, he would need the power to protect himself from the magic harnessed by such foes, yet vowing to himself never to use magic to strike another down, he would use his Warhammer for that.
    Ghurron took him under his wing, teaching him to recognise which spells caused which effects, to properly counter them, aswell as strengthening his mind, to allow him to keep his focus upon the mages he fights, even during conflicts that would cause much confusion.
    His tutoring would never finish, as during one such day of training with Ghurron, a portal opened directly behind the elder dwarf, a gate summoned by a hidden Red Wizard, allowing a field from the Abyss to draw through, and literally devour the mage before Kalls eyes. So stunned by this was Kall, that the creature had time enough to finish its meal and disapear back into the abyss whilst laughter echoed through the halls as the Thayians appeared, a host within the main cavern undetected by all! The battle was fierce and the dwarves defended their homes and families valiantly, yet defeat was a forgone conclusion. Activating the trade portal in the center of the cavern, which lead to a small village outside of waterdeep, the remaining living dwarves fought a defensive action through the portal, with Kall waiting upon the recieving end.
    Without notice, a red wizard gifted with invisibility, also passed through the portal. Once the dwarves were through, less than a score, the portal was closed. Many passed out upon the ground from wounds held at bay by simple determination, and such was their thought of hopelessness that none heard the utterance of a spell, deadly in the extreme, by the hidden red wizard. Suddenly a creature of nightmares appeared in their midst, tenticles swayed and swatted the bearded folk aside, draining the very life from their bodies, yet somehow Kallowein survived, and suddenly the creature of illusion, for thats what he recognised it as, since the tentacles simply sped through him leading no effect, and turned his attention to the surrounds and locating the mage. With a cry of pure rage he flung his warhammer with all his might, bursting apart the mages slight frame, and promtly passed out.
    Awakening he found himself surrounded by several people, an odd collection he had never seen before, each bearing a small tatoo upon their right hands, a sword and dagger crossed, backgrounded by the moon.
    During his recovery in their midst, he learnt friendship, yet his hatred and desire for revenge against the thayian red wizards didnt lessen, he put it aside to aid his new friends, and fought beside them often, gaining acceptance and a brand upon his own hand, naming him a member of the Northern Sword.
    Upon hearing the troubles in the town of Norwick, and the surrounding cities and towns, the Northern Sword decided to travel there, seeking profit by aiding those in need, yet also simply seeking excitement from the many adventures they might have, and the treasures they might find. And the hope for vengence burns brightly still within young Kalloweins veins, as does his hatred for magical combat.

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