'Ello Gov'na!

  • dusts off the NWN disk

    Oh! I remember that game!!!!!! * mental images of servers played way back when…*

    signs in online, checks out old servers AAAANNNNDDDDD.... they're still dead. Damn Swine Flue!!!!! I mean... inactivity... lol

    So yeah, decided to play NWN again and the after trial running several worlds today, Narfell got the best experience! (not that some of the others weren't cool or anything xD)

    So yeah, I'm RoseWarrior (picked it cause I just got studying the Wars of the Roses (in england) and thought it was kinda cool sounding). I make a mean Cleric of lathander, had a fun sorc/cleric of Mystra once. that hafling was a hoot! oh yes, and I've been known to make attempts at trying to take over the government from time to time. =]

    Right now, Im playing a fighter cause when your looking for worlds, who wants to spend time picking out spells. Am I right? lol anyways, rafe will be fun, kinda hope he doesnt die soon.

    I live in the Nice and Wet pacific northwest of the United States so, im in the pacific time zone, but i tend to have odd playing hours. The Work/school build (favored by life) keeps me away from the computer most of the time so we shall see how often I get to play.

    Thanks to Benji, Re'rith, Thomas, and Sabre for a fantastic first day of Play. and oh yes, the unnamed DM who awesomely Rped with me after the others left!

    Anyways, hope to see you guys ingame !

    RoseWarrior 🙂

  • Glad you enjoyed your first day, and here's hoping there'll be many more! Check out Fight Night for a fun weekly event which usually draws a crowd to Norwick (every Sunday). The host is none other than the illustrious Benji, and it's always a blast. 🙂

  • Hi, Welcome to the most addicting thing not regulated by the government. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    See ya IG

  • Legion


    Welcome to the Clusterf…

    I mean.

    Hello! Enjoy your stay! :twisted:

    Clusterfark is ONLY on Sundays.


    See you there. :twisted:

  • Welcome to the Clusterf…

    I mean.

    Hello! Enjoy your stay! :twisted:

  • Get out while you can! It's like the goddamn Hotel California. :!:

    I'm kidding, of course. (But not really.)

  • Welcome to Narfell 🙂

  • Wellcome to the server, I hope you enjoy your stay…because it'll last forever...MUAHAHAAA :twisted: :twisted: