Wren, Darya, etc

  • Hopefully to be regularly updated.

  • Lope (Hyena)

    Physical Description: A sturdy young human woman, blessed more by Tempus than Sune, with a square jaw and a healthy, if unlovely, look to her. She has short, bristly, blue-black hair, and a nose and laugh that have led uncharitable people to wonder if she has any gnoll in her family tree.

    She generally has a wide, open, guileless grin of the sort usually worn by paladins, farmboys, and really good cardsharps.

    Lope usually dresses in shiny, well-cared for silver chainmail. She has used a variety of weapons in her career, graduating from 'a big ol stick' to 'a ball with spikes on' to 'a stabby thing'. She seems particularly fond of crossbows, the bigger the better.

    Common Knowledge: Lope seems like your typical young knight out to make a name for herself; she hasn't done any deeds of legend yet, but in between bothering the local humanoids has managed to help rescue travelers from a hobgoblin ambush and expose the Black-Robe Highwayman in Norwick.

    She seems amiable and friendly, although sometimes given to black humor in an irreverent sort of way.

    It's likely that she'll eventually find a home within one of the local fighting orders or town guards.

    Current Rumors: There's talk that Lope fought the Narswoman shaman Kerrith to a draw in a duel over the Sharessite Hedia Gend. This seems unlikely at best.

  • Kim Adderglee

    Physical Description: A gaunt young human woman with greyish skin and prematurely white hair. Her thin frame is corded with ropy muscle, but the flesh over it seems stretched too tightly, as if she hadn't eaten much recently. Her cold, dull eyes are a bit too bulging and her teeth are perhaps a tad too pointed. Many people have noticed an odd odor around her, a faint (and sometimes not so faint) smell of decay that ranges from offputting to nauseating.

    She dresses in somewhat corroded-looking plate armor the color of dark lead and old brass, with a white-enameled helm cast in the shape of a skull. She carries a large, wicked-looking hand-and-a-half sword.

    Kim speaks slowly, deliberately, and formally, her tone somewhat mechanical. She frequently seems to pause for thought on even simple questions, as if answering required effort or great deliberation.

    She has what has been described as a truly evil laugh with all the warmth and humor of tomb doors clanging.

    Common Knowledge: Kim used to work for the city of Peltarch as the Registrar of Graves. It's unclear why she left the position, although possibly the plague of undead shortly after she left had something to do with it.

    She has been seen more than once walking among the gravestones in Jiyyd, or in the Nars Pass near the Tomb of the Unknown, going about some unexplained purpose.

    Several people have concluded that she is, if not a necromancer herself, an undead being. On the other hand, others have seen her in the company of the Kelemvorite paladin Kara DuMonte, who presumably does not take tea with the living dead.

    Current Rumors: Several people in Jiyyd whisper that if you have a look in the town records, you'll find that Kim was born and raised and died in Jiyyd. Over 100 years ago.

  • Darya Frost
    Alias, 'Call Sanner', 'Aninador Silverleaf the Elven Prince', 'The Great and Powerful Ogg', 'The Gardener of Lathander'

    Physical Description: A deathly pale dwarf, with skin almost a bluish white, and scarlet-red hair done up in braided knots. Her looks, for a dwarf, are an odd mix of exotically attractive and alienly repulsive. Her eyes seem to glow from within with a hard, cold light, and her features often twist.

    She wears ice-colored robes with blue trim, and has two scimitars buckled to her hip. She often leans on a staff. An assortment of wands, bottles, and other implements can be seen on a bandoleer across her chest.

    Common Knowledge: Darya is a longstanding resident of the region, albeit one with a habit of vanishing for years on end. She is held to be alternately very wise, very cowardly, very powerful, a con artist, mad, saner than most, a polymorphed silver dragon, a former avatar of Moander, or Adam Bromley in disguise. Or maybe just a really pale dwarf.

    Strangely for a dwarf, Darya doesn't speak a word of dwarven. She does speak flawless Orcish, though.

    Involved in a number of past exploits, she is best remembered for saving Peltarch from being burnt to the ground by rampaging fire elementals, and as acting as sidekick/advisor for actual legendary heroes of Narfell.

    Current Rumors: Darya has seemed unusually pleased lately. This bodes ill.

  • Wren Halfabrick

    Physical Description: Rather dark of skin for a dwarf, a sort of dusky coloration that hovers between tan and light brown. Usually armored, although has been known to wear daring clothing at times. Wren's arms and neck tend to be liberally festooned with amulets, charms, medals, medallions, holy symbols, and small icons, all dedicated to various Ilmaterite saints and reputed to be sovereign at warding off harm. If they actually work, she should in theory be invincible.

    For reasons best known to herself, she has dyed her hair a virulent shade of green. It is usually covered with a patterned kerchief to keep the dye from running in the rain.

    She wears a Sembian-style longsword; unusual for a dwarf.

    Common Knowledge: Wren is supposedly a sellsword, although people have very seldom seen her working in this capacity. She is a lay deacon of Ilmater, and has minor healing abilities; she is not, however, an ordained priest. She was trained in a Sembian sword style, although her skill at it is open to question. Her command of common is much better than most dwarves.

    Wren has the usual dwarven durability, and has been seen to shrug off extreme cold and poisons. She has a reputation as a collector of rumors and information, and is usually happy to share her knowledge or listen to a good story. She has a weakness for alcohol.

    She is extremely cautious by nature, and tries to ensure that every venture she is involved in comes to an end with no fatalities or major injuries on her team.

    Current Rumors: Wren abruptly vanished without a trace eight years ago and has not been seen since.