'ello der

  • hello there everyone,

    I have been playing for about a month and just now decided to get things started on the forums. I played Narfell for about a month about two years ago and loved it but left due to friends playing other games etc. I changed as well. After becoming sick of monthly fees, the same dungons week after week and most of my time looking for something to do I came back! My log in name is Sabrink but my current character is Labur Strin, I remembered narf being really hard for clerics and magic so I started with a warrior to get my feet wet again and then switch over to a wizard but low and behold I got stuck on the fighter and my wizard (Sarbrink) is still lvl 1 and hasn't left Peltarch. Send me a message in game if you get bored because I'm always looking for something to do!


  • First sample is always free, but we know you'll be back for more! :twisted:

  • Welcome back! 🙂

    And welcome to the cult :twisted:

  • ICC

    ….I like Labur...He laughed at Brendel's jokes...

    Welcome to the addiction!


  • ICC

    Welcome to hotel Narfell… :twisted: