Andrik Kley

  • Character: Andrik Kley
    account: matthiasbauw

    Andrik was born 35 years ago in a woodcutters settlement near the Moonwoods. He was known to everybody as a very friendly and open person, always ready to help and very good at his profession. Just like the other people in the settlement he honored the god Helm.

    Adrik met the human woman Lorisa Rogers together with their 2 children (Carry and Tannie) they lived in a small but cosy cabin near the forest where Andrik went everyday to help his collegues with woodcutting. The pay wasn't that good but they had enough to buy food and lived a happy life.

    However, this changed… The woods were known to be swarming with orcs. The woodcutters had no problems with them because the orcs lived very deep in the woods and Andrik and his companions cut the trees that were at the outer parts of the woods. One day something drove them to the woodcutter's settlement.

    Andrik was out in the woods when it happened and threw himself into the bushes to hide from the orcs. He did not know that it was his settlement that they were after...

    When he came back everything was burning and they were all dead. Andrik found his wife and children dead. It seemed like he was the only one who survived, he was the only one that did not fight... he left his woman and children alone to die...

    Andrik was in shock and left... he ran away. He walked for over 2 weeks without sleep, barely taking the time to eat.

    On the 15th evening he came to a village with a lot of activity, Norwick, here nobody would know what happened, maybe he could stay here and try to forget what happened.
    He had no choice, he had no strength left to go on.

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