Map Contest

  • Greetings to all potential devs out there!

    With 1.69's spectre looming so closely, we have begun considering how it will affect Narfell and the current maps that it has within. The general thought that most if not all of us have is that they will be redone in some way to encompass the new placables and tilesets.

    This is a given.

    The problem is the amount of work involved in redoing just about every map that Narfell has currently as well as making new ones. In light of that, I am proposing a little competition for those who are interested in map design ; Pick a map or two that you think could use improvement in Narfell and then using the 1.69 toolset, see what you can create.

    There are a few current maps that we would like the players to consider reworking to see what they can come up with.

    Requests :-

    Far East Rawlins map - Redone as a wasteland.
    A tightly knit warren type map.

    If you'd rather do something else, the choice is yours!


    There exists a few current limitations for Narfell maps and these are as follows.

    ~If possible, redone maps should resemble the old ones…but if it's not possible, it shouldn't be considered too much of a problem

    ~16x16 areas. This is a hard limit, no map should go above this.

    ~100 placables. This is also a hard limit for much travelled areas. I would prefer less but 100 per area is the absolute.

    ~ Unique resref/tag. Given that I am going to have to look over all these maps, I ask that you put a unqiue resref and tag on the maps. You can do this by naming the area on creation with the resref you want.

    example : if you name an area osc_coppers_inn , then the resref will be osc_coppers_inn (with some possible truncation. Resref has a hard limit of letters allowed). The Tag can be changed at will. All submissions MUST have a unique resref.

    Or I will get cranky.

    ~Submissions should also be in ERF format, which can be achieved by exporting your area and then saving it as an erf.

    ~Absolutely no scripts.

    I will be giving 1000 1e per map and a free reskin for every two maps done. If the maps impress the dm team enough, there is a very good possibility that they will replace the current ones.

    Otherwise, they will still find use as custom maps

    All submissions can be sent to, they should also have 'Narfell - Map redux' in the subject.

    Now is a big chance to contribute to the server on a different level.

    Happy toolsetting!

  • Sorry for the delay folks… Build 883 and 1.69 have been keeping me busy. But now, the moment you all have been waiting for.

    Dungeon Contest Winner(s)

    Rhisto and Andrew

    Yes, we have a tie. I will be increasing the size of the dungeon to a 16 x 32 map (so that both maps will be included and linked). Some changes to both stage 1 maps will need to be made. I'll be in contact with you soon. Thank you to all those who sent in entries.

  • Thanks for the all of the dungeon map submissions folks. The project itself (primarily stage 2) is going to get held up due to the 1.69 release, but I'm still going to announce the contest winner this weekend.

  • Alright folks, it's been a long time coming, and I've coming to the conclusion that my map is just not up to par… in light of which, I am requesting a dungeon map be done in two stages with the following particulars:

    Stage One


    Stage two will occur after alterations have been made on my end and the map is returned to the author.

    Stage Two

    Rewards may include but are not limited to 4000 1e xp, a custom item of "quest" value in an upcoming plot revolving around the dungeon. I'm serious about this, folks.

  • Updated teh rewards. Keep those maps coming!

  • Bumping this. It is going to stay open indefinately.