Login: ManMyths PC Hunnar Holdorric

  • I been rping with this guy for a bit, and he seems pretty deserving of a C-token, Also very friendly OOC

    I thought he had his token, when he mentioned I thought Id vote for him, but then he tells me hes been on the server for over a year and never recieved a nomination

    cant let him slip through the cracks no more


  • Casts vote

  • Thuggrim is awesome

    just had to say it too

  • Thuggrim is AWESOME. 😄

  • what the grumpy dwarven bastard dwin said 😉

    good character.

  • thumbs up from me!

  • ICC

    This player shows promise. I've been involved in situations and/or around this PC several times. His manner of play is conducive to our community. I'd like to see this player progress. Narfell can only benefit from granting a token here.

  • I asked this guy in passing whether or not he had a C-Token after some really good roleplaying, as I do with all people who aren't super high level. I had assumed that it was a mid level character of a vet. What I learned was that he's the mid level character of a vet that has no C-Token. It's not an alt account.

    Okay…. reasons...

    1: From what I saw, his RP was very good.

    2: He's been here for over a year and a half without a C token, this implies two things-

    2a: He's good enough of a roleplayer, that people who are voting here now have assumed that he had one all this time.

    2b: He's here for the RP, because he's been here, stuck at mid levels for probably a year or so without making so much as a peep of complaint.

    3: Lastly, he's extremely nice ooc.

    Please tokenize him or I'll start a narfell riot. I'll attack placeables all over the server.

  • Definitely deserves a token! Hunnar and Thuggrim are great to roleplay with and he is a friendly, polite player too. Token Time!

  • yup yup, took sitting in fugue well, went on a crawl way way out of his league and took it all in good humor


  • Very impressed with this one, wouldnt be surprised if it was an alt account.

    drops in a vote

  • Will has had only limited contact with ManMyths' PCs - but I've been impressed with what contact there was.

    I figured he already had a C-token.

  • i'd give this guy a token asap,just spend one or two hours hunting with this guy out in the rawlins and you'd understand why.He always stays IC and plays his charicter realy good.i say give'm a token he deserves it.

  • stares at his register date TBH it doesn't feel that long, having too much fun for it to drag out 😉

    Tyvm for the nominations, it really makes me feel like a real, contributing part of the community.

  • Aye hes been rping with Daeran for the last 2 days, Said that he has been playing for a while. He is great rper Always IC , But when hes OOC (tells) Hes always polite and nice. I actually got told by someone that hes a great rper before i rped with him. He said he hasnt got a c-tok and my mouth dropped.

    -VOTES 100 TIMES-