Nomination for Daerius/ Mars Cymber

  • Seen him around a bit and he is a great player. His character, Daerius, seems well thought out and is also very well played. Give this guy a token as soon as possible.

    tosses in his vote

  • Yep yep yep.

  • more fodder for the aslyum .. tokenize for what I'm worth

  • Tosses a rare vote in

    I'm prolly too late, but what the hey

  • ICC

    tosses his vote

    Definatly CT worthy.

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

  • tosses a vote in the ring

    impressed with this one.

  • I've seen him play a few times… great RPer. Token him up now! NOW I SAY, NOW!!! 😄

  • Seen him around Great rp , stays ic , Always a pleasure to talk IC and OOC

    • votes -

  • I've rp'd with Daerus a few times now with two different characters, his character is well played . He definitely would make a great addition to the citizenry. Oh yeah… and I nominate him as the new leader of the Crimson Knights as well!

  • Seen him around a while and finally got to Rp with him a bit, I think this guy should get a token, his character definatly plays the Knight persona well.

  • Great Rp, stay Ic all the time, plays his character with some special features pokes his chest with his right fist, martial like my character Kadosh we get along very well, he seems to know the forgotten realms and D&D pnp very well.. he is also a good guy ooc, so, many reasons to give him a token !

    Also, I forgot to mention he writes a very good ENGLISH so he will probably help some of us, starting with me*, improve their skills in this language.

    Tokenize him please !!! 😄

    • As english is my second language.

  • Very good rp and a nice person ooc. He has my vote 🙂

  • I don't vote here often. I have been seriously impressed by MarsCymber though. He deserves the token.

  • Well… wow! Thanks alot guys. I don't usually have much time to post on the forum (indeed, this is my first one :-X) due my work schedule of late and the fact that most of my free time is spent IG :-). But reading these posts you wrote about me have really made me feel like I am part of a community here. That was a feeling I was lacking two years ago when I quit NWN and the servers I played on. It was only a few weeks ago that I decided to check the status of the game and saw that people still played. I basically stumbled into a great thing here in Narfell and I only hope that I can add something to this great server and community. Again guys: thanks! -MarsCymber

  • Two words: hell yeah.

    I've played with this guy a few times. He plays character, Daerus Olarryn, really well. He is great at conveying his hardened soldier character's frustration at emotional displays of others. Especially people that his character would consider a coward. Like my character.

    He was the first person to not coddle Laucian when he was having one of numerous 'freak-outs' due to an awkward social situation. In stead of feeling pity, he just gets angry. (Clenching and unclenching his fists, scowling, etc) Whats cooler is that he adds an afterthought of guilt. So the character is unable to empathise with others, but, on some level, knows it.

    When he yelled at Laucian to stop being a coward and stand up, it just screamed originality.

    He has my vote in any case.

    thumbs up

  • I'll add my vote for Mars Cymber.