Player: yeahchrisbo Char: Drin Yeagel

  • ICC

    What can I say, excellent rp. Stays IC, havent seen anything that even remotely would be cheating/ooc trouble. The char is a gnome here to study the wild magic, got the gnome part down. Seems a well prepared char. Also good at taking IG events/news and using them to further the character. Look forward to seeing more of this un.

  • Got the token. Thanks everyone. This thread can also be locked.

  • tosses in a vote and gives a thumbs up for Laucian

  • Yup, seems solid.

  • Nothing to add to the above.

  • I have also had extensive contact with Laucian. This player is always in character no matter what happens. The character takes things that would make some people mad well. Has a consistent character have yet to see a ooc hic up and to top it off he / she has made a character that is not one of the standard elves you see around Narfell (being that most play elves as if there some perfect being IMHO). Though the constant stuttering of Laucian takes a while to get used to, the stuttering just puts the finishing touches on a well made rp character. Finally to add the cherry on top of the ole mix he/she uses many emotes to add realism to the character. Tokens ahoy and well may the click kill hit your neighbor instead of you. 🙂

    In Summary:

    Friendly character, IC and occ
    Does more than farm for gold
    Emotes often (plus in my opinion as it adds more realism)
    Talks on the hunting trips

  • Although I have not played with his character Drin, I have had extensive contact with his character Laucian. They have been involved together in some plots and events, and he has kept his character extremely consistent and well played, which makes it lots of fun to play with him. Although his character is quite different, which is in my eyes a good thing, he always plays off of things that happen IG really well while staying true to what his character would do. In short, great RPer, fun character, nice person IG and out, and very deserving of tokenization!

  • Never met Drin - but Laucian I know. Tokenize.

  • Laucian's great (even if the speech can be maddening. 😉 ) Vote here.


  • He also plays the wonderfully stuttering Laucian. And gets my vote. 🙂

  • I had a pretty funny encounter with this guy. He came to Norwick badly wounded and asked if I would pull the hobgoblin axe out protruding from his back. Ive seen him other times and he always rps his character very well. Good player, heres another vote for you Drin 🙂

  • A good, fun character, plays the nervous mage very well. I agree with Johant, worthy of a token.