Sywyn Mozhnye played by mrivories

  • Another great addition to the server, a pleasure to RP with, even when he's giving my character a stern lecture over a particular Hobgoblin kegging incident. Consistently stays in character and good to talk to out of character too.


  • Token awarded. Please send a message to DM channel to receive it.

    Grats 🙂

  • experienced player, long overdue for a token I'd say, I thought he allready had one acually, but yeah my vote is in

  • Ive seen him improve over the weeks. He's on bunches too. I shall give him my vote. Hurray!

    tosses in his vote

  • This player is on the server more than anyone. Plays his PC pretty well ( he didnt like kegging that hob one bit, and let the other PCs know it, heh…).

    And the longer he has been around, the better at RP he has gotten. There arent many NWN servers that really are big on the RP aspect of the game, it takes a little getting used to. Well Sy has gotten used to it pretty well. He stands to be better still with some more time.

    Dont see any reason for Sy not to get a token.

  • Gots my vote. Basically for good RP, but also, I talked with him OOC and he seems a nice person too.

  • I'll toss in a vote I remember this guy from a long whiles back, and also have seen him around more as of late, he solid as far as i can tell