Mojo & Me: The Life and Rantings of Cera Amalith

  • ::scrap of parchment, with the same old child-like handwriting in a soft rainbow of glowing pastels::

    Clover is growng so fast, Mojo.. It seems only yester day she was still a baby….and she is so more used to you then we ever were or are... Iknow she is the one who must go Home first... but.. I have never felt more alien to this plane.. SPending so much time abraod the the planes..the Wind.. It is a wonder we cn even call this place home anymore.. Home weknow is far far from here but where do we live until then? The Stones.. are key to going there so.. where we are is probably best... but.. oh Mojo....we just do not belong here. SOme Family.. frinds don't even loves us anymore....they know we do not belong... stil.. maybe how we helped wif Teapot Sam wil convconvince them to love us until its time for us to realy go? On the good side... teapot Sam does seem to be getting bettewr finally.. And one mkore thng.. it is not just our feeling of being alien.. Auntie Cotton feels a change in the air too.. how big? how broad? is iit for the ill? Maybe it's a sign Moj should just go Home anyway we can?

  • ::torn scrap of parchment…who woulda guessed.. ^.^::

    We dun like to admit it, Mojo…but oneses by oneses they turn agasinst us or turn their back on Mojo, Mojo. Oneses by oneses. Norwick...Family...Friends. I wish I was going Home with my little Clover, Mojo. But i know I cannot. I will go Home nne day. But not until she has. Mojo cannot let Clover listen to your Voices, Mojo, not for 40...50 years like I have. Only to have them do the same. Nope. Nope. We must not allow that. She must go Home now. Ijust wish I could go Home with her....but maybe they have not turned away from MOjo after all? Maybe.

  • ::on a fresh sheet of parchment, in the same, same pastel rainbow, child-like hand as every pasage on other scraps of parchment before it::

    She's not an old lady. She hasn' even ever swallowed a fly yet she will die. And now… I know why.. I know why now, Mojo. Our litle Clover..she was the one born to to go Home.. we will have to wait to join her.. or I will.. you..y ou are alwaysw ith both of us. But Mojo.. how can .. I be so sad? still? She' smy little Clover.. I don't want her to die.. But..she must go Home.. She is not meant to stay here.. She will be Home first.....that is why we had to make you silent in her head... so she could go home.. But the kind Lady saw..i was not time yet.that is whys he kept her from us.. it must be. But now..we must get our little Clover to Norwick..and she may go home.amidst the Standing Stones.

  • ::salvaged parchment::

    Aha! We found it! the right mixture of dust and water and heat to make the dust tea perfect! we did, Mojo! Hmm we gotsome old spider eyes to serve as o'deurves But they are kinda wanky by now.. mm better than nothing though. Tea party here we come!

  • ::salvaged parchment::

    Mojo, Mojo, Mojo….you know as well me his name is Cyric...not SpongeBob. Don't be silly.. SpongeBob lives in the big city north of Norwick. You know that.

  • ::Cera's child-like handwriting in the same glowing pastel rainbow as always makes up this passage on this slavaged scrap of parchment::

    Once upon a time, Mojo…. once a upon a time there was a little girl... once upon a time her name wasnot Mojo. Mojo.. whad di you do to me? My name is not Mojo but is Mojo.. Mojo. right back to getting the house ready..ready for the tea party.. I hope they get here soon.. though..even if we are not all rights now.. Cyric's peace sound so good..but it would not help our little Clover.. or would it? oh Auntie Berret... are you right? no trust Teapot Cyric? Teapot aers is what we needs to be happy..but which is that?

  • ::yes…more salvaged scrapment de parchment::

    HaHa! That' all the invitations! well not all of them… maybe stil a few more to do as you remember them, Mojo. But we got them done! Now about that dust tea. I just do nots think its going to cut it. wW has tried warming it up even! with cantrips...with just tastes a warm icky instead of a cold icky.. Maybe we can see if we can finds any herbsses to flavor it... there are lots a spidersses around here you thinks we can gets them dry and all powdery in time for the tea party? I hope so! They just might give the dust tea that kick we been looking for! Hmm oh our little Clover.... Do not worry.. you momy misses you so. we do not think we will listen to ..him... well maybe he would let us bring our little Clover with us.. Auntie Berret oh yeah1 she said do not listen tohim.. not at alll.. but if Auntie Berret is one of your Voices come we can'ts reac her no more. She had to go and we can'ts hear quite as well It was outside our new house.. yes and it was even outside our ehad we heards her but that was just weird...and that other Voice.. I know those were you Mojo but why did you start speking on the outside too? It's hard enough telling what is you on the inside. Oh pineapples and Teapots... time to go Mojo! We dun want to miss our walk with Teapot Aers.

  • ::yet more dusty, salvaged parchment with glowy script in Cera's child-like handwriting::

    MOjo I can no decide how many invitations to make. I know let's just invite ALL the gali there okkay umm no.. SpongeBob can just stay home he thinks we are a little spy.. Stupid SpongeBob. You know. MOjo almost forgets what we were so confused about wea e so confused.. oh well we wo not want think about it ..We are hating him for it tha's why. HE is not invited to the Teaparty for sure.. I'ld rather have SpongeBob. you think we have enough tea? Enough tea for everybody? Sure we can make some we've got enough dust. OH yes Teapot Tirreth! He must of course come too.. and Keeper Teapto Myeil.. she can bring all the Keep Teapots.. yepyep. Alright.. mm so many invitations.. Silly Mojo .. here we thought we had made them all.. and there still billions and make.

  • ::s'more salvaged parchment::

    This is the way we make invitations…make early in the m Mojo how do you think we should get these invitations to our Family? Yah we will have to think on that. Yes? Yes yep. Spongeapple pine needles or not. We have to get these invitations out very soon. I hope they come.. Mojo will be sad if they miss our tea party. Maybe there is away we can make stye donot.. o think on Mojo.. This the way we make invitations..make invitations. OH so sparkly invitations...

  • ::salvaged scrapiness::

    So much cleaning to do. So much time to do it in. I hope we can invite everybodies to our tea party soon, Mojo. All this dusting is getting boring. There's dust under that dust…and even more dust under that..Maybe we should stop dusting, Mojo. What if that is that is left our our new house after all this time? Maybe it has been here so long... all that is left is dust. so if we dust it too much.. Poof no more house.. We would have.. to move into that pineapple. Hmm alright. No more dusting. we do not want our house to blow away in the wind. No not in a huff and puff either. mm maybe Teapot Aers would ike to help us make the invitations, Mojo.. okkay? Okkay Let's go find her. Prettyful little invitations we will make.

  • ::another salvaged scrap of parchment with faded text..Cera's glowy child-like penmanship::

    Don't you just love our new house, Mojo? What? well it is kind of dusty. But he won't bother us in here. Ihope. Teapot Aers… she will be back... I wish Mommy were here. I wish Daddy were her. They would now what to do. But we are a mommy now.. our ilttle Clover...Mojo! we cannot leaver our little Clover but..if w...accepting peaceo r not we cannots leave her! And the Kumpania what about the Kind Lady and Teapot Elera how are they doing with our little Clover? Even now we know she cries But maybe she is not so scared of you anymore MOjo....maybe... I know we should invite everybody to our new house for a Tea Party! And it wil not be scary at all..bcause it will be OUR Tea Part and no one elses. NO how do we get all our Family heres, Mojo? oh so much to do. well clean up ..a little....make the tea. Do we have any? We hope we have enough.. we better get started. Maybe even SpongeBob will come... oh don't star with that whole pineapple thing again. we just wanted to see if Teapot SpongeBob knew the answer to that riddle. it may ehlp us firgue out oh i know! if SpongeBob cannot make it we will just have to havea vote at the tea party... okkay YAy! we will not be confused for long. We must end out the invitations.

  • ::adusty, old, moldy and obviously foraged scrap of parchment, the child-like, glowing soft pastel rainow handwriting over ancient and faded text on the delicate and threadbare vellum::

    I wish there was a way to stop him, Mojo .. Leave all these pretty..dusty houses ….to him.. we can't but we still have to away.. HE is confusing usso.. Teapot Aers has her own worries.. we cannot worries her much.. What do we do? The more we try to think it and decide. The more confused all over again we are. And this headache... IT's YOU, Mojo.. but HE is making you do being so loud.. I know why.. you are noth appy.. HE can't do this to US! But peace.. Mojo? Peace...

  • ::on the back of her one other scrap parchment rests yet another child-like manuscripted andscrawling passagewitht he same glowy pastel rainbowness as usual::

    I am so sorry my little Clover. She must be so scared with her mommy not there. I AM her mommmy too. you know.. She must be SO hungry…..I owould..give her peace first... Mojo would you leave her alone if I accepted this ...Teapot Cyric's..pace? Mojo..we can't leave her like that... we can accept peace...but not his peace..'s been so long MOjo..we could be happy again! But.. would we? knowing our litle Clover mights not be? OH Curses! Cure you! Curse you! So many days of thinking...and even iwth Teapot Aer's advice... I still do not knowwhich home is home if home could home home....home ow... our head hurts too much on thinking of it.. we can think more on it later..

  • ::written on the back of another scrap of parchment::

    The ghost town in and this land, Mojo. it is…so far from home..our Kumpania...our little Clover and the Kind Lady and Auntie Cotton and Teapot Dram and big brother Vilmar...just all our family.. Yet it alwlays feels so much closer to home ...than...home.. oh.. that makes no sense either Mojo! Pineapples under the sea! strange places that are more hom than hom.... That nasty. Cyric did thist o us.. Promised us peace..I'm a good girl aren't we? Yes I am .. yes I am.. all those good fibres of being...why won't they let us have peace,Mojo? we want that peace? I don't know... at least we have Teapot Aers here.. she was here before She beat that nasty ol' sleepwalker...and also away from that scary old tea party we finally found back in Norwick... I dreamt all our friends were there or manyof themm like.. Teapots Shinsuke from our Kumpania I bets the rest of them were there somwhere maybe... and thenewsest Power PIxie.. he actaullylhad tea but I was too scared to say anyfing even to to Teapot Kasumi maybe he was not fellinng well.. he looked kinda green oh Mjo even that teaparty is kinda blurry.scared... that man Teapot Aers says he is probably sleepwalker like the last one..saying all those things.. or one thing.. that sleepwalker was the last one who talked like that he scared Mojo...scared..confused...we're so confused, Mojo who's right anymore... Mojo...which of me.. I just wanna go home..go home, Mojo...go home..but where's home?

  • ::scrappy-type parchment::

    Enough already, Mojo! I no want to know anymore who lives in that pineapple! Clearly it is far too soggy to live in. I will just ask that shadowy Sponge Bob fellow next time we see him since you are so insistant he is the one who knows. Hmph though we will have to also tell him we are not little spies. Are we Mojo? Of course not. Wait.. what about Teapot Dram? No.. I didn't. I thought you did.. Well..why did not say so before? Remind me later toask him okkay,Mojo. Don't forget. Oh! The Kind Lady says it is time for my little Clover's dinner.. YAY! IT is the only time we to see her anymore. …She does want us to go find Teapot Redjack too.. I wonders why.. maybe totell him little Clover is here? She cries stll you know.. Mayb e I'll have look in on her and shut you up in her head when the Kind Lady or Elera or Jeni are not looking..anyway...dinnertime! for my little Clover!

  • ::same kind of pass upon same kind of parchment scrap as many before it::

    Mojo…. I dun care WHO this SpongeBob is. I just want to know who lives in that pineapple. And why is it under the sea? And how do they fit inside it? SpongeBobSponge SpongeBob oh shut up already, Mojo... if you are not going to tell me. Just shut up.. We have other things to think about.. LIke our Litle Clover.. And the Kind Lady and Elera said something about Auntie Cotton.....She is too tired... I think.. so she rests? Um we will have to ask her again when we see her.. Hey maybe whe will know who lives in that pinapple. An oh remind me... we WILL have rematch with...the Well.. I beleive it cheated in our first staring contest with it. hmm what? oh yeah.. the Kind Lady katya suggested something about Teapot Dram also... did he want back on the Council, Mojo? OOh...will you shut up about SpongeBob already! wait..wait..maybe that is that strange man's name little spy he said? OH Mojo you I LOVE yo uso much sometime... That who that is.. we wil have to askhim if he lknows who lives in that pineapple if he is keeping poor Teapot Daisy there.

  • ::one greatly meandering passage, written in the manuscript of a six year old child…just this side of legible and in a distinctive glowing pastel rainbow lettering::

    OH….who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Square, yellow and porous is he... hm? Do you know, Mojo? 'Cuase I sure don't. Sometimes I wish you stop singing such perplexing riddles to us. Now... if cannot tell me that.. can you at least me WHY I cannot have my little Clover? I..I would make it so she never had to listen you like we do. But I don't want to go to the MIsty Plane tos ee my litle Clover! Leve her alone Mojo! Leave her alone!...oh .. Mojo... did I not have two little Clovers? oh well.. I know only was born.. so.. I guess I have found all the little Clovers there is to find. hmm oh well talk you later, Mojo.

  • ::parchment, scrap::

    Mojo…we do not feel so good. nose all runny and stuffed's so cold even with all our blankets. My tummy hurts. Yu still wil not leave myl ittle Clover alone.. At least that drink. That drink of the Kind Lady Katya's mae everyone talk straight. HOpefully for good good.. I think we passed out from this one's smell this time. You were there. OH yes it as more than horrid. But since the Kind Lady did nots water it down at all... and gave it to us straight it should make teapots talk straight from now on without no need for drinking any more Oh but how icky we are. Mojo I dun even want to get up. But both the little Clovers need to be fed.. still why wonn't theylet me near my first little Clover? They let me feed her and all but they will not let me goes to her when she is crying all the time..I knows how to shut her up ..You in her mind.. she would not hear you anymore if she were asleep for always.. You said yourself, Mojo. oh.......there...she goes agan..we cannot stay and listen to our little Clover suffer like this.. get...up...UP!

    :a couple of angry pastel scribbles follow the passage..and fills up the entire other side::

  • ::le parchment scrapness::

    Soooooooooo shiny! Sooooooooo pointy. So bee-youtaful. Ow! a droplet or three of blood splots on the passage Yes. Very pointy indeed, Mojo. Very pointy indeed is our little Clover.. our second little Clover. OH well..isnt she pretty?

  • ::parchment scrap::

    I showed them, Mojo.. I showed them the Wind.. Where I can track down you cursed Voiceses.. So they see now.. Auntie Cotton and Kaona.. They understand now.. They will explain it maybe to the other Teapots We can keep out second little Clover… Do you think The Kind lady will ever let us have our real little Clover back? he still cries all the time you know... Sh! No! Last time I listened to you say that..they took her away!