A Quest for Tyr - Kara Willendt's Diary

  • ((OOC - So much for soon, eh? Well, I got this up, I wonder if I can manage to continue to get the last diary entry up there? Ug, and it'll be a long one. Perhaps I won't play Kara tonight, it'll keep me from continuing this backlog of diary entries.))

    Entry 90 –

    Today I met a woman named Yhesail, who Fishel has just recruited to the Alliance. She’s a priestess of Selune. We had a wonderful chat with each other. I must say I like her. She’s got a good head on her shoulders and a kind heart.

    Later in the day while I was patrolling by the south gate of town. I suddenly heard a cry of help come from the forest. I left the town and tried to find whoever was calling out. He sounded like he was in pain. I immediately started to stumble my way through the dark, following the voice as it called out. Soon I found the source, and a couple of other people, one being a halfling by the name of Drago, who beat me to the fallen and helped him back up. There were some goblin corpses lying about too. I was glad to see the person rescued.

    Afterward I ran into Janu while I patrolled the town. It’s been some time since I talked to him. We talked about my victory over Devon, Braeth and I splitting up, what I plan to do now, his search for signs of his father’s murderer… He also mentioned that Telyle is missing. I shall keep them in my prayers tonight. While Janu and I talked, I heard somebody casting magic, which of course triggered the Wild Magic to twist the spell. Instead of what I think was a healing spell, a blast of cold shot out from me (even though I did not cast the magic) and hurt some people around me, including Janu. A bench was also damaged so much that one couldn’t sit in it. I tried to find the culprit, but he must have run away. Good thing too, he would’ve been facing a fine for sure.

    After my lovely chat with Janu, I continued my patrols and came upon Jenna with some friends of hers. Berret was there, as well as a few people I had recently met the other day, and some new people too. They were all going up to Peltarch. I decided to join them, since part of the reason they were going was to see the theatre. I don’t know what made me want to see the theatre. Perhaps because it reminds me of my mother. I do miss my family very much. I think I also hoped to see Reginald. We had a good group going. There was Jenna, Drago, a halfling named Scutum, an elf named Stealth, Berret, a half-elf named Nour (I cannot spell nor pronounce her full name, it must be elven), and another named Safinaz. We got to the first valley, and ran into Cera and Coin! Unfortunately, something came up that required me to head back to Norwick, so I was not able to continue on the trip.

    Which is too bad. I really would have liked to spend more time with Jenna. While we have many differences in how we carry ourselves about, she is a very fun person to be around. It’s hard not to be smiling when you are near her. Lliira chose well in calling Jenna to her service.

  • ((OOC - Wow. I've gone without posting in here for quite a few days, eh? I just have been a bit burnt out on writing for Kara I guess. And I likely will again. After this entry, I still need to do one more diary entry, and then also work on the "big" story of Devon's Keep. I think taking the break from writing for Kara helped a bit though. At least I put up a pretty good profile of Tindra for all of you to enjoy! (located in the Character Profile thread.) Well, enjoy, and hopefully I'll get the next entry up soon.))

    Entry 89 -

    I was greated with a big surprise when I left the Inn today. Kanen was smiling! I mean REALLY smiling! I haven't seen him give that big of a smile in… well... I don't think ever. It was so nice to see him to be not all grim and serious. And the reason for his happiness? Seven's returned! He says she's doing pretty good. I'm so happy. I wonder when Jade will show up.

    I also traveled up to the Gypsy Camp today. I thought it'd be good of me to visit Cera and Coin. She's doing very well. She's got a neat little trick she does now. She went and drew little glowing pictures on back of my hand. They shimmered through a pretty rainbow of colors. She did the same to Coin and Jenna.

    Kanen's happy again. Cera's happy again. Friends I thought dead are coming back. The guild is starting to get active again. Boy, things really are starting to look good around here. Well, mostly good. I still feel a bit bad about breaking up with Braeth. He seems to be handling it well though.

    One odd thing though. I've been having a few odd dreams at night lately. Not unpleasant, but they sometimes seem repetitive. Whenever I wake up from them, I get the feeling that somebody's watching me, but for some reason it doesn't feel threatening. I wonder what it could be? Another spirit contacting me?

    ((Yes, a bit of forshadowing about something I want to do with my character. You'll get a better picture of what is happening when I finish my big story. If this somehow catches a DM's interest, I ask that the DM in question please contact me before throwing anything at me related to this, as I have some very specific ideas as to what is going on.))

  • Entry 88 –

    I left the inn this morning, still feeling very glum. I just couldn’t get over the fact that we had to kill our friends. I know that their souls are free now, but we really wanted to rescue them. I wonder how the others are taking it.

    I passed Braeth by the well. I had wanted to say something to him about the wanted posters of him I saw in Peltarch but seeing as he was engaged in a conversation with two dwarves, I decided to not nag him about it for now. I really didn’t want to make a huge scene. So I continued to walk toward the Friar’s.

    Outside I saw Jenna. She was being her usual happy self as she greeted me. She thought that I should talk to Kanen since he seemed especially sad. I’m surprised she didn’t notice my own sadness. Still, I figured it might be good to talk to Kanen, as we both were participants in the ordeal. I entered the Friar’s house where Jenna said Kanen was.

    After greeting Kanen, he gave me a shock. Steele’s alive. He was found near the well. I couldn’t believe it. Steele alive? Suddenly, I felt my mood lighten and hope start pumping through my veins. “Could that mean Jade and Seven are also alive?” I asked myself. Kanen must have seen my eyes brighten, because he made a comment about there being hope the others are alive. He also told me that Steele fully remembers what happened. The paladin of Torm fears that his god will reject him. I feel that I should talk to him. While Steele commited more heinous acts than I did when I let my Anger possess me, Steele was not at all in control. Devon was. While I wasn’t fully in control either, there was at least some part of me that was. That Anger was, and probably still is part of me. So I was held accountable for my actions. But Steele, Jade, and Seven weren't in control at all, so I feel they shouldn’t be held accountable. I shall have to pray to Tyr and Torm to forgive and accept Seven and Steele back. They deserve the same chance I got.

    Perhaps there is a happy ending after all?

  • Entry 87 –

    It is over. Devon is defeated. But the price of the victory weighs heavily on our hearts. It almost makes the victory seem hallow.

    Jade, Seven, Steele… they are dead now. Killed by… by… us. They had to be killed, as their souls were linked to the foul wizard. By killing them, we freed their souls and Devon’s power weakened. Besides, they would have killed us, as he controlled them.

    Damn that Devon. I may be a believer in redemption, as I needed it myself. However, Devon could never earn that right. May he burn in Hell for all of eternity.

    At least our friends’ souls are free. At least the wizard is dead, his dreams of godhood laid to rest.

    But it makes me feel so hollow and sad inside. We were a forlorn hope.

    May my friends’ spirits rest in peace.

    I'll write more about the whole battle later… I just can't do it now. It pains me too much to try.

  • ((OOC - It's too bad you are having troubles with NWN. The adventure was very good and it was a grand ending. I'll have a full story written ASAP))

    Entry 86 –

    We leave for Thay today. I'm not sure if Hugh was contacted in time, so it looks like it's just Kanen, Reginald, Wilhelm, and I. Unfortunately, it also looks like Fishel won't have his plan finished in time if I understand this correctly.

    I'm leaving this diary in my bedroom at the Alliance, along with some letters I've written in case I don't return. I know it's a bit morbid and pessemistic to write those letters, but I very well might not return. I am fully willing to sacrifice myself if it means that Devon is defeated and the captured souls are freed. It'll be worth it if our friend's souls are freed.

    May Tyr guide us and let Justice prevail.

  • {{ooc- Well, I WOULD have went of the (&()&&)(*#@(&$@@ patch didn't screw up my NWN. I still can't play it…says something about "invalid file name" when I go to open it. MAN I'm ticked!}}

  • Entry 85 –

    It’s the beginning of the end. Kanen has informed me that there is a plan in motion to stop Devon. This plan will require some of us to make a strategic strike at the foul wizard. I will, of course, go. There is no way I can back out of this. Kanen, Willhelm, Hugh, Reginald, and I will be going soon. We may very well be giving up our lives, but if it means that Devon’s evil can be stopped, then I gladly give it up.

    I also spoke to Fishel, and he has a plan going too. I hope he can finish it in time. We also talked about how I was doing, and why I broke up with Braeth. Was a good chat, really. It made me feel a little better about the whole situation. Helped me to see perhaps why I didn’t stay with Braeth, at least reasons that I didn’t really think of before.

    And I saw Cera today! She’s not going to blow up! Trey found a way to save her. I’m so relieved.

    Oh, and Gulir made it official. I’m a probationary member of the militia. And my first incident involved an umberhulk that crashed into town. Jore, Lisara, and Fred started to attack it and stop it, with myself even helping out.

  • Entry 84 –

    Oh, what a day.

    Since I had traveled up to Peltarch, I decided to stop at the Alliance guildhall before I returned to Norwick. It was good that I did so, for I got to talk to Fishel and Eledaar. We talked briefly about the state of the guild, and then Fishel asked Eledaar to tell us about the ring, the Ebon Band. He seemed reluctant at first to tell it, but he did tell us all he could. I’m not going to write it down here for now, in case it’s something that others should not know. I’ll just say that it’s something to worry about for sure.

    So then I decided to travel to Norwick, since I still really had to talk to Braeth. Not that I really looked forward to the talk, but I felt Karli was right. Fishel and El were originally going to travel with me, since I really didn’t want to go alone, but something else came up that required their attention. Thus I was left by myself. I sent a messenger bird to find Kanen, and he did respond but said he’d be a while. I didn’t want to just sit there by myself though. I figured Kanen was probably coming up from Norwick if he was going to be a while. I’d probably meet him on the road if I headed out by myself.

    Actually, I was fairing much better against the bandits than I thought I would. Despite being ganged up by three of them at one point, I managed to come out of all the fights with only some minor bruising, which was quickly healed by my prayer chants. I was right and did run into Kanen on the road. He was escorting somebody else to Peltarch, but the person was glad to have been brought this close to Peltarch, and decided to sneak the rest of the way. I hope the journey was safe. I’m sure it was, as I had cleared out a lot of bandits that were along the road.

    Kanen asked me as we traveled about Jade, and our dreams. He seems so sad, so gloomy. He better not be giving up hope, I’ll have to smack him if he is. He should know very well what happened to me when I did that. He doesn’t need to go down that road himself. He mentioned that he was attacked by a woman named Aspera Chillwind. The name sounds familiar to me, I think I heard it mentioned in Peltarch, but I never met the woman. Anyhow, she was detained in a cell in Norwick for her attempted murder, and Braeth was making comments and making moves like he was going to kill her, saying it was for the “greater good.” Kanen even had to knock out the arrow that Braeth had readied in his bow. I confessed to Kanen that this side of Braeth bothers me and scares me. I told him how I talked to Karli about it, and she told me I should not keep the relationship going for now, as I needed to sort out my heart first. Kanen did seem surprised I asked Karli about it, but I reminded him that she is a priestess of the goddess of love. He nodded and then asked if he wanted him nearby when I broke the news to Braeth, and I accepted his offer.

    I found Braeth, or rather he found me. By Tyr, that elf can sneak around. I didn’t notice him until I practically bumped into him! We went into the inn (with a shiny Kanen in one corner) and sat down at the far end of the room. I started off by tackling the issue of Braeth’s recent attitude, which started a wonderful little debate about the Greater Good and Law. He really didn’t seem to understand why it bothers me so much. First of all, he’s going to get himself into trouble at some point. “Not if I don’t get caught.” Yeah, right… I’m sure there will come a point that he’s caught. And then what? His actions will reflect on the guild, and could put it in jeopardy. Also, he seems very ruthless about it. What about redemption? He says he would allow a person to redeem himself if possible, but if that person is beyond redemption then they should be taken care of. Okay, I can agree with that, but I get this feeling that he doesn’t wholeheartedly agree with what he said. I just get this feeling that he’s being… ruthless.

    The fact is, I’m not sure if I love him the way I did before. I’m not sure if he could love me the same way. Part of it is due to this new side of him I see. Another part of it is due to the fact that I DID wound him a lot when I cheated on him. Breaking that Bond was no light matter. Being with Braeth since I recovered has, yes, been very nice. But the full comfort I used to feel isn’t there. And then there were Karli’s questions… She was practically saying that… that I love Reg?

    Perhaps I’m just still not fully healed from my ordeal, and thus I’m confused as to how I feel about Braeth… and Reg. Maybe it’s not that I don’t love Braeth, but that I need to rediscover that love in me. I hope he doesn’t think I don’t want him at all. I really do care for him. That’s why I’m doing this. I care for him and don’t want to hurt him by doing something down the road because we figure out after we are wed that I don’t love him.

    That was one question Braeth asked me. Did I have these doubts when I Bonded to him. I can honestly say that I haven’t. I truly loved him, and was sure he loved me. But we’ve changed. Breaking the Bond did that. I hope Braeth understands all this, at least someday.

    During our talk, we were interrupted by Philomena, a halfling who is a member of the militia. She joined in on our debate about Law and Greater Good. I was a bit annoyed at having my talk to Braeth interrupted, but I decided that politeness was best. Bugged me that Braeth wouldn’t whisper like I did. At least by talking to Philomena and then Galnin when he arrived, it looks like I will likely become part of the militia. They are at least willing to appoint me unofficially until we can talk to Gulir.

    After Braeth left me, I talked to Attentus. I can’t believe I forgot who he is. I’m usually pretty good at remembering people. But then I had only met him once I think. Anyways, we had a nice little conversation, and then we returned to bed. Okay, not really exciting, but I figured I’d mention him so I don’t forget him again.

  • ((OOC - Hey, Riverthorn… I don't mean to burst your bubble, but Monkey's already reviewed the diary and I've been given the XP.))

  • Reviewed. XP Pending. (For Journal entries 7 through 45)

  • Entry 83 –

    Boy, what a day! So full of ups and downs. I suppose that it was a good day overall. I got to have some fun at the Midsummer's Eve Festival!

    Ah, the festival… I needed a night of fun. The whole thing started out with some bards spinning tales at the Inn. It's been a while since I've gotten to sit down and listen to a bard tell a grand story or sing a song,
    which made it all the more fun for me to do it last night. And many friends were about having fun.

    I ran into Karli, which was great because I really needed to talk to her. I was concerned for Meril, and thus wanted to make sure she tries to talk to him, and I also had some questions about some feelings I'm having toward Braeth. Karli, bless her heart, was kind enough to sit with me at the Friar's house to talk. I started to tell her about Meril, and she responded that she had already spoken to him. It was quite a relief to know that she did get to talk with him and I hope their chat helped him out.

    I then told her about some of the concerns I've been having over Braeth. Lately, I've been seeing this side of him that really bothers me. The way manner in which he is so willing to disregard the law for the "Greater Good" really rubs me the wrong way. Sure, I can see the need for such actions if the law is Unjust and out of control, but it really should only be a last resort. Laws are here for a reason. Some order has to be maintained, boundries set to guide people into doing what is right. He just wants the easy and quick resolution, at least that's how it seems to me. But do the ends really justify the means? I can't say they do. I tried to approach him about this before but he seems pretty adamant about it. So I asked Karli for some suggestions on how to handle this problem.

    Karli took in everything I said and then prayed to Sune for guidance and wisdom into my situation. She then asked me a couple of tough questions about Reginald, Braeth, the whole situation of me cheating on Braeth, my feelings for both of Braeth and Reg, how I felt about my god… I think the toughest question she asked was if I'd erase the night I spent with Reginald if I could. It was a question I couldn't answer for sure…

    She then gave me her advice. Karli thinks I shouldn't have a relationship as I don't know where my heart lies. I had wounded Braeth when I had cheated on him and drove him to break the bond. She says I can't heal that wound, for I don't have all it would take right now to do it. I have to sit back and take a look at myself and be honest with myself, and figure out what I want and need. I must say that what she says makes sense. Things do feel different with Braeth. Things have changed between us. I think he and I expected we could just go on as if nothing happened, but obviously we can't do that. Something did happen and I have to face it.

    I just hope Braeth can take this in stride. His quickness to anger is another thing that bothers me...

    After our little girl talk session, Karli offered to buy me a couple of drink as we continued to enjoy the festival. So we returned to the Inn and I grabbed some wine and sat down to enjoy some singing. Reginald was there and he sang a short little song, but then was interrupted by a rude halfling. After that another bard sang a song, and then Karli and Jenna performed a song and dance. A very… passionate song and dance. After that Sakura asked me to sing a song. I was a bit drunk, so of course I agreed to sing. The only song I could think of was the one I sung for Reginald. He seemed to have ducked out of the room, so I didn’t see the harm in it. I think Karli would be the only person to understand why he reminded me of the song. I didn’t do to bad for being drunk and not having any formal training as a bard. It’s a sad song though, not really good for a celebration, but people loved the beauty of it.

    The festival died down soon after. I left to walk about the town, and for some reason had decided to go to the north gate. I heard a bit of a commotion, so I opened the gate and saw Jade and Jubei in a stand off, with Wilhelm in between. Jade was wanting to kill Jubei, saying that it was commanded that he die. Her eyes flashed blue. It must be Devon controlling her. Jubei ran off and she chased after, but I think he got away.

    I headed back into town and after a bit I saw Jubei again, heading to the general store. I followed and approached him. He was wary of me at first, understandably. He immediately said he wasn’t hunting Jade anymore. I know he at least is a person of honor, so I believed him. Also from what it looked like, it was likely the roles of hunter and prey were reversed. Jubei asked about Seven, she was his “master” now. I ended up telling him that we think that Seven’s soul has been taken by Devon. He was quite bothered to hear this and ran off to try to find Seven.

    Which of course was stupid of him, as he runs into Jade. Wilhelm and I again try to talk her out of killing Jubei. Then we were interrupted by bandit attacks. Jubei got seriously injured during one attack and then ran off, trying to get to Peltarch since Wilhelm said he saw Seven there. Idiot. He of course got cut down by bandits. At least I think he did. I had run after him and found his dead body and that of many bandits, and Jade and somebody else was standing over him. She seemed not to remember wanting to kill Jubei though.

    I’m really worried about this. I hope Braeth has warned Rashid to keep an eye on her.

    Afterward, Braeth went with Kashan and some others to investigate a ruins. Braeth had gotten killed by bandit archers. Kashan did have him raised. I had planned to follow through on Karli’s advice tonight, but I thought it’d be too cruel of me to do so just after he had died. I just couldn’t do that to him. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

  • Entry 82 –

    I don’t believe I talked the whole day away. I really meant to go see Gulir today about joining the militia, but I ran into a few friends in the Inn and just got chatting so much. Not that I mind, really. I love having friends around me.

    First I saw Fishel. When he saw me, he tells me that he forgot to give me something, and then gave me a hug! I’m so glad he’s back, he’s such a great friend to have. And then Sakura showed up. She still seems unstuck in time. It’s funny, sometimes she just freezes, not even breathing. Other times she repeats herself, except backwards. It probably has to do with her instability in time. Amissa also stopped to chat. And an woman named Berret who is a friend of Sakura’s. And finally Call.

    Lots of people I talked to I realize. I really did talk the whole day away between them all. Twas lots of fun though.

  • ((OOC - Hee hee. I'll try to remember that next time. But before you get too interested in me, I think you should talk to Reginald and ask him what it's like to be hunted by an angry elf named Braeth… 😉 ))

    Entry 81 –

    I moved back to Norwick. The town was my home for about a year when I had first come to Narfell, and I felt that I should try to help out the town. I heard the militia needs members, as usual, so I plan to talk to Gulir as soon as I can.

    It was nice to be back in Norwick. Old friends seemed to appear out of thin air to greet me. And some new friends also. There was this nice woman named Jenna Joydancer. She’s a friend of Kanen’s actually. She seems to be a very nice person to know, very happy. And she should be, she’s a priestess of Lliira after all! I also met a paladin of Sune, called Magenta. Of course, she loved my red hair. Everybody loves my hair, perhaps it truly is a blessing. Let’s see, I also met a cleric of Torm by the name of Leon. He seemed a nice fellow.

    But the big shock was Fishel! He’s returned to Narfell! I couldn’t contain my joy at seeing him. He was such a good friend to me, even when though I seemed to bring him so many headaches. I pulled him aside into the inn and we had a nice chat about what was going on in each of our lives. He had left so suddenly because Valerie was sick. They decided to raise a family, and did have a son. But the birth had complications and Valerie had died. I then told Fishel about everything that happened to me when he left. He was quite worried about the state he left me in. He was happy to hear that I’ve overcome my problems and am doing well. As well as a girl can be with a Red Wizard tormenting her friends…

  • Ahhh….my lovely. I am called Caldor THE Great. Be sure to stress the "THE."

    You must forgive Caldor...my charms can at times overpower one's senses and one may not be able to deal with it. I know I am irrisistable, so do not be afraid to let your wants and desires show. You must realize how fortunate you are, that of all the women in the camp, I chose YOU to speak with. Many ladies would give up anything for such an experience.

    I shall fill your dreams for many nights to come, my delicate flower. 😉

  • Entry 80 –

    I saw Reginald and Wilhelm today. It’s been a while since I’ve seen Reginald. I must admit that I was missing him. Unfortunately, I didn’t get much of a chance to talk to him. He did like the armor Coin gave me though. I also met this one person by the name of Caldor. Calls himself “Caldor the Great.” Talk about annoying. Sure, I don’t mind having a few compliments on my appearance, but he was down right annoying. At least Reg has some class…

    Afterward, I was talking to Kanen. A little bird then fluttered down with a note for me. Braeth wanted to meet me at the theatre. So I went there, with Kanen escorting me. When I finally was let into the back room, I found Braeth in a meeting with Coin, Adam Bromley, Chaelvin, and Kashan. Kashan is an old friend of Braeth’s. Chaelvin was talking about some magical orb that let to the downfall of an ancient civilization. I wonder if this is related to the weapon of power that Vashere talked about.

    Unfortunately, the meeting was just ending. I can’t say that I understand why Braeth needed me there. It would have been nice if I could have gotten some kind of explanation.

    Kashan then got a message that Anselem was in trouble. Seems he wandered into some giants. So we went to rescue him, picking up Reginald along the way. Anselem was alright, and the others decided to repay the giants for their “diplomacy” toward our friend. Man, giants are huge, ugly brutes. Amazingly strong though. At one point, I saw one giant slam his palm into Adam’s chest. He fell down dead, his chest reduced to a bloody mess of flesh and broken bones. We returned to the city with his body and had him raised at the Temple of Tyr.

    Boy, those giants are scary.

  • _((OOC - Just thought I'd mention this little tidbit. A couple of weeks ago when Kara was still "Anti-Kara," I had heard this song by a group called Evanescence, titled "Bring Me To Life." First of all, I feel in love with the song because it rocks and has a great ethereal quality to the vocals. Secondly, the lyrics blew me away. If the "good" part of Kara could have broken free of "Anti-Kara" for a bit to send a message to Braeth, I think they would have mirrored the lyrics of this song. Anyways, this is a great band and I highly suggest you all check them out. Album comes out 3/4/2003.

    And on a side note: Notice whenever Kara gets better, things around her get worse?))_

    Entry 79 –

    Went on another dreamtrip with Kanen and Wilhelm today. This one was not so pleasant though. We found out that Devon had captured Jade’s soul way back when he had kidnapped her, and now he recently acquired Seven’s soul. Which means they are like Steele, walking about without realizing they’ve had their souls stripped from them.

    Quite depressing when you think about it.

    However, I refuse to give up hope. It may be harder to see it, but I can’t give it up. If any of us gives up hope, then we have lost. This is a dark time we are entering. But the blacker the dark, the brighter the light of hope shines. Like stars in the sky, let the hope of all the good people around me shine and allow it’s light to lead us to victory.

    I also have Cera to worry about. She says that she will go “boom.” As I understand her, the flow of magic goes into her, but is not leaving her. She’s building up magical energy and it’s only a matter of time until it consumes her. I keep telling her not to give up hope.

    Do I have enough hope for everybody?

  • Entry 78 –

    I decided to go visit Norwick today. I wanted to see how the place was doing, and possibly talk to Gulir. I’m not sure if I will move there, but I felt that I should at least look into the idea and start making contacts. The trip was pretty uneventful. Just one bandit attacked me, quite unsuccessfully.

    When I arrived, there was a big fuss happening near the well. Something about a naked elf acting like a spoiled little child, casting magic which thus causes wild magic backlashes, and all sorts of complications arising from that.

    I met some old and new friends while I was there. Earawien, Xixia, Redjack, Cera, Jorg. Yes, Cera was there. Katya wanted to know what was going on in Norwick. I think Cera wishes she didn’t go, because of that wild magic. It makes the many voices of Mojo in her head louder. Redjack, I can tell, is a man who likes to woo the ladies. Not that he got far with me. I’m already taken.

    Besides the craziness with that naked elf, there isn’t a lot to really write about. But the town did seem to be in some disorder. Makes me think that I should return to Norwick.

  • Entry 77 –

    Again, voices in my head. At least this time proved to be beneficial. The day started out with a voice calling out to me to meet Kanen in the Gypsy Pass. So I sat by one of the bonfires. Then I started to hear Kanen’s voice in my head. Boy, was he surprised. And then Wilhelm too.

    Soon we had gathered with each other, and then met the one who called us all together. He looked like a ghost, half-transparent. Kanen sensed a dark aura in the man… or phantom… whatever. The man wanted to tell and show us something. He spoke about Devon. We all agreed to go on a dreamtrip.

    We found ourselves on a boat. A large tiger named Jarra approached us and spoke to us. Kanen, of course, was still flipping out. Wilhelm was calm as he’s done similar things as this dreamtrip, and I have been dragged along on a trip with Yohan. The boat docked, and we all got disembarked. Jarra led us to a set of ruins and told us to wait for the “master.” I thought it was going to be Devon, but I was wrong.

    After waiting a few minutes, a voice called out for us to come to a gate. We stumbled around and finally noticed a bridge, and on that bridge was a gate. The gate opened and this gigantic demon stood there and told us to follow it. It lead us through a winding path and stopped at a campfire near a cliff edge, and told us to wait there. And so we waited for another minute or so and the man that gathered us back in the camp approached us. And this time he was dressed in black.

    Well spoke the words “A man in black…” I suddenly remembered Yohan’s latest riddle. The man then introduced himself as Caleb. The Caleb. As in Jade’s dead husband, Caleb. He asked if he could give us some history.

    Caleb told us about Devon’s past, which I can assure you is quite disturbing. He sacrificed his own family for power over death. Not just their lives, but their very souls! And he’s needing more. Like Jade’s. And Seven’s. And mine… And right now Devon is gathering a large army of undead. Oh, and I asked about the amulet. Devon wanted it because he’s also collecting artifacts to fuel the spell for immortality along with the souls he’s captured. Funny thing is that he can’t touch the little thing. End result though, is that two souls are free now, Yohan and Alexandria.

    After the dreamtrip, I saw Coin and Cera. Coin gave me a suit of full plate armor! Braeth also stopped by briefly. I told Braeth of the dreamtrip. After he left, I sat and talked with Coin about some problems I’m starting to see in Braeth. Braeth’s disregard for the law is really starting to both annoy me and worry me.

    Cera’s starting to feel better. I’ll continue to pray for her. Hmmm… lots of people to pray for. Cera, Braeth, Meril, Seven, Jade, Caleb…

  • Entry 76 –

    Huzzah! I’m all better and out of the temple! Not that I don’t like the Temple of Tyr, just that I was really starting to get a bit antsy at not seeing my friends for a while. So it was with great joy that I left the temple with Braeth and headed over to the Alliance outpost for a council meeting.

    I think I would have rather NOT attended that meeting…

    Each time we have one of these council meetings since Vashere left, I keep seeing a side of Braeth that is truly starting to bother me. The utter disrespect he has for Law and Order is like a slap in the face to me. I am perfectly comfortable with the idea that there are some times that Law can be wrong, and unjust. But he takes it to an extreme. I almost wonder if he thinks the only solution to problems are to handle it outside the law because it’s “quicker” or “easier.” The fast and easy path is not necessarily the correct one. I think Braeth’s attitude is pissing off Kanen too.

    What especially scares me is the fact that Braeth is now head of the Daggers, and with this attitude. I sorely wish Vashere never left. I keep muttering that to myself in these meetings.

    Afterward, I returned to the gyspy camp and found Cera. She thought I was angry at her for my amulet breaking! Doesn’t she know that she is so much more important to me than that amulet? I told her how I was away because I was healing my spirit and returning to my gods favor. She was happy to know I’m all better.

    An interesting man then approached us. Wilhelm and Kanen mentioned this man at the council meeting. He's got blue hair and wears blue. And seems to know a lot about others, including myself. Which is a bit freaky. His name is Trey, and he comes from Thay, which makes me even more concerned. But after a while of talking to him, I’ve decided not to totally discount him.

    The big reason why I feel a little better about Trey being so interested in Cera is because he apparently has the same ability to rift. He calls it “planewalking.” He wants to teach Cera how to control her ability. She’s agreed. I must say I agree too.

    Imphras drew an interesting mural on a cliff wall. It was a picture of the small group of us gathered. Imphras (I assume it was the man with the crown, by process of elimination), Cera (person with a big, black cat, almost blurred together), Coin (big, strong man), Trey (man with swirls all over him), and myself (he used blood to make my red hair).

  • Entry 75 –

    Okay, today wasn’t as relaxing as it should have been, but it still was pretty good.

    I began to hear a thundering in my head. Within the thunder I could make out two voices. The first was a harsh and cruel male voice, the second a gentle female. It was very hard to make out what the voices were saying, they were very distorted. The male voice said something about a “damned…” hmm… I remember “mur” and “ca…” Something about Seven and “dead.” The female voice seems to ask “What can we do?” Almost sounded like she suggested sending assassins to have somebody killed, perhaps Seven? The male voice then replied very harshly about him becoming a god and something about eternal sleep. After that, the voices and thunder faded away.

    Over all, a bit disturbing. The male voice has to be Devon. I have no doubt about it. Elf and Seven… Perhaps Jade is the elf? I do recall that Devon wants both Jade and Seven. But who is the female voice?

    I’d like to say that was all, but it wasn’t. I then had a visit from Yohan. That really shocked me. Of course, my vision went blurry. But I’m used to that. Then my body felt cold, really cold. I couldn’t stop shaking, shivering from the cold I felt. I fought off the shakes, but my right arm became numb. I could hear Yohan calling to me, “Amulet Girl…” I wonder if he realizes I have lost the amulet. He told me that Devon is very close to his domination of life. He said many have died, and many more will die, including close friends. I pray that Alton has not sold what was left of that amulet to Devon. Or if he has, I hope it is useless without the beads we have. I asked Yohan what can be done, and he replied with another of his damned riddles. “The man in black…the dragon....the dragon has the key...the man in black has the answer...”

    He then said that his master was coming. I then felt a hand at my neck, and then tracing down my back and up it again. It lingered on my neck as a voice whispered into my ear. Such dirty and unclean suggestions it made, yet the voice was gentle. Then I felt the hand on my thighs, making me feel uncomfortable. I then heard a laughter. The cold then lifted and my eyesight returned. My arm gained it’s feeling again, though a little numbness seemed to linger.

    I resumed my praying, though my mind kept wandering back to what happened. Luckily Braeth walked in, offering a good distraction for me. Well, sort of. I did go and tell him what I heard from the voices and Yohan. But it was still nice to see him. I rarely get visitors.

    I’m still bothered by one thing though. Why is it that my mind seems to be so… open? Why is it that I have spirits easily contacting me, or people? I’ve had Yohan contact me, that woman that Devon used, she spoke to my mind, and Sir Wulf’s spirit had contacted me when he had died, and then the hissing voices that tempted me, and now I hear a conversation that was most likely from Devon?

    I do have one theory. Could the Elven Bond I had with Braeth somehow had a side effect? Could it have made my mind more open to spirits and the thoughts of others? I wonder…