The Rawlinswood and Nars Pass
_A disease has fallen upon the Rawlinswood. Norwick has assigned several more guards to the Southern Gates… and scouts are frequently sighted stalking the nearby wood.
The aura of unease is subtle, but persistent. The woods are quiet... and animals skitter about quickly, fear in their eyes, spending as little time out in the open as possible before they retreat to enclosed safety.
The trees have begun to wilt, some now bare - what few leaves remain do little to hide the gnarled branches.
Undead activity is at an all-time high, and rumors spread of goblins near Maria's Tower exhibiting very strange behavior. They appear to be rotten.. swarming with insects and emitting a strange glow.
Meanwhile, travelers along the Nars Pass have reported increased instances of undead sightings. Shambling zombies wander aimlessly up and down the roads._
Rumors of increased undead sightings in the Nars Pass have reached Peltarch. In addition to the usual slow zombies and rotters, two wraiths, a spectre, and a troll were encountered by a recent traveler in the hills and bottom lands west of the Nars Bridge.
Characters: Romulus Grey, bard the bowman
Trotter, spooky halfling ranger
Shesarai Foutopolis, red-haired cleric of Mystra