
  • Kudos to Flom for the tense event. Nicely done 🙂

  • Belated kudos to Void for a thrilling trip to a terrible place 😄

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Kudos to the whole party crew! And especially to Flom for joining the DM team!

  • Ah, congrats Flommuxed! Looking forwards to what your devious mind might concoct for us. 😄

  • Kudos to Void, Flom, Kat, and others for making the night fun with the brawling and auction!

  • Kudos to our newest PDM, Flommuxed, and his breakout event which was very detailed, scary, and thrilling. Good job! I had a ton of fun and I loved being rendered useless right from the start. Congrats and thank you. 🙂

  • Kudos to Void for a difficult and interesting event in Shedaklah. Also kudos to every player that joined and provided their unique accent to the adventure. Nuwairah might not get along well with a couple of your PCs, but you're all great company. 😄

  • Thanks to DM void for fun today! And a very own custom Orc head!

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Kudos to everyone I've RP'ed with or who's DM'ed for events I was in since coming back. Y'all are great!

    Extra kudos to Emer for running one of the biggest plots I've ever seen!

  • Kudos to Anna, Lunia, elvadriel, and Alvaniel for a thrilling trip to the Lava pits, very much the fun.

  • A broad kudos to all DMs and all players who have helped give this server a second wind, breathing life into it once more!

  • Kudos to the shiny, shiny medals for ~everyone~ partaking in the siege - I am very fond of little commemorative items like that, and it was nice to see so many PCs turn up to enjoy the set-up and Emerwyn's incredible effort to make it from A to Z!

    And another kudos to KingCreeper for yesterday's woodland crawl, that was some seriously gritty fighting, with fun and atmospheric touches all throughout. Somehow everyone survived too, so well played all! 😮

  • Kudos to the intrepid quintet of Grey dwarf hunters and explorers!

  • Heaps of kudos to all involved with the Nexus War. Haven't seen that much multi-layered epicness in a long, long time. While so many people chipped in and made it explode, special thanks go to Emer for masterminding the ordeal -and- seeing it through to it's conclusion, something many events have lacked in the passed few years.

    As hard as it is for me to find free gaming time these days, it was well spent here and thoroughly enjoyed. Cheers!

  • @5bbd4bc1e0=Caoimh:

    What a spectacle yesterday was, immense kudos to Emer and Void for a sensational climactic affair that had me on the edge of my seat all day! As well a tip to everyone in the siege party, I especially enjoyed the hilarious begrudging banter between IBM, Krovel and Darvan! Also all the clerics who kept us alive!

    Who are you again? :roll: :twisted:

  • What a spectacle yesterday was, immense kudos to Emer and Void for a sensational climactic affair that had me on the edge of my seat all day! As well a tip to everyone in the siege party, I especially enjoyed the hilarious begrudging banter between IBM, Krovel and Darvan! Also all the clerics who kept us alive!

  • While some small things are left to RP yet, (and I'm yet to hand out delicious rewards for everyone - fret not, they're coming!), seeing this one-year long plot finish left a nice after-taste of accomplishment, and let me tell you, there are a lot of times when you doubt if you'll manage to pull through. Time constrains, motivation, and burn out can hit you hard in the face of commitment, and the reason for you keep trying as hard as you can (with a falter here and there) is because of the players, the true protagonists of a story like The Mor'Salen, who keep making you want to go on, because they are worthy of your time and effort.

    So I'd like to thank all of those who, by being supportive, friendly, or simply enjoying the story and demonstrating it with their actions and the actions of their characters have managed to convince me that this was worth doing, and truth is, it was.

    Some things could have been done better, and others could have been done worse, but the general feeling I get is that we all crossed the goal line, and there were only winners.

    The downside is that this drained all of my DM juice, and I'll probably be taking a step back to flush out. Chances are that sooner or later I'll be brewing something else.

    For now, thank you for being my travelling companions in this story. I hope to keep seeing you all in Narfell.

  • Yes, kudos all around! To Emerwyn in particular for the entire Mor'Salen plot with all its atmospheric and intense moments, epic in all the best ways, to the DM team for really turning the siege into a server-wide, around the clock tense drama, to all the great players participating and throwing in their time, effort and creativity. Well done, all!

    As usual, it was completely nerve-wracking to witness the build-up in Peltarch and know that I had to be elsewhere, hearing the shouts of potential doom! Meanwhile, the Nexus event began with tension of a different kind, the party being trapped in time and space and having to work our way out. I love that there was not just fighting, but a great deal of space for character choices and thinking, the pace gradually building to that great finale, emerging at last in Peltarch!

    All hail the tentacle!

  • Kudos! Man, it was such an epic feel when the nexus party finally arrived to Peltarch. The intrigue and tension all these weeks was outstanding. Also, I can't believe my bull didn't got butchered by demons and orcs during all these weeks. We almost made it with no casualties!

  • Kudos to Void and Emer for the Nexus War plot. The best war event on Narfell since the Eastlander War. 🙂