
  • Kudos to Void and all in attendance that deffended the city from all manner of blindness, level drains, demons, orcs, and fel hoards oh my! Absolutely splendid, can confirm being leveled drained to level 1 is as scary as sin!

  • Kudos to Emer also, and to the group that managed to keep Walter alive through a whole event! I'm really liking the new system that you're playing with. ๐Ÿ˜„

  • Kudos to Emer and the players involved in the Nexus suicidal party, it had been a long time since I really played Narfell and even if I was feeling very rusty, I enjoyed it thoroughfully!

    thank you, was great, and can't wait to repeat ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  • @2b70bc653e=Voight:

    A huge kudos to Dorakhan, Narfell's sole developer who to this day is hard at work fixing bugs and updating our little world. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thank you Dorakhan!

    This isn't said enough! Same to DrD for keeping this home away from home up and running. Thank you dudes!

  • @a9bc1a064a=Voight:

    A huge kudos to Dorakhan, Narfell's sole developer who to this day is hard at work fixing bugs and updating our little world. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thank you Dorakhan!

    Hear, hear.

  • Kudos to DM Holy Stuipedness, Void and Gnarl :!:

    Last night was certantly a night to remember.

  • A huge kudos to Dorakhan, Narfell's sole developer who to this day is hard at work fixing bugs and updating our little world. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thank you Dorakhan!

  • Kudos all around, this has been a fun and plot-thick weekend, full of everything from lighthearted giggles to oh noo, we're all going to die panic, a good dose of rowdy combat, exploration, an extraordinary amount of poisonings, as well as surprise demons, dragons and mysterious portals of dooOOoom!

    I loved it all, though the giggle of the weekend has got to be Little Bjern, aka Krovel. xD

  • Kudos to the creeper of kings for a fun night as well as all those that attended!

  • Kudos to the King of Creep DM_Braveheart. First and foremost a belated kudos to you sir for that full, entire day of catering to the players. What a fun day! I know KC was dead tired by the end. Another kudos for today's (Saturday) Raider event! We were all geared up for war and clicking massive amounts of red things.. and in the end we had to diplomacy our way out of it! Very cool.

  • Kudos to Void, and King all the players involved from Abigail to Boz for that awsome quest you guys put on for us on Friday night. Even with the issues we had getting things go you guys made it happen. Always appriciate you guys taking the time out of your lives to serve the community. Great plot, amazing characters that I -hope- will show up in the future. Totally catered to our MGS style of play and made it super challenging. And also our favorite part was "Hubbib and his many wives!"

    I've been playing nwn for a looong time, played on every server in and out of the book, even DMed for a few of the big ones back in the day. Very, very few dms know the art of a proper quest, and I know someone taught you guys and I have to say you guys do it right. 9/10 easily and it wasn't a 10/10 because we want more Hubbib!. Keep up the great work

  • Kudos to DM Braveheart & Void for peppering the side of steak that was my weekend with fun times, and to all the great players who showed up for it!

    Highlights include Rude the Pixie and the "fat hair" conversation, as well as Krovel and Isolde's epic battle of the snakes. "We don't need a proper fighter, we'll just go exploringโ€ฆ" :lol:

  • @fced8165fe=Mooncandies:

    Kudos to void and all those that participated in the hobgob town attack and retaliation!

    Echo'd it was quite well done and well balanced, we almost died, we almost won, we ran dry on supplies and it was wonderfully fun.

  • Kudos to void and all those that participated in the hobgob town attack and retaliation!

  • Kudos to void for being awesome and making trips fun as usual.

    Kudos to all the new players as well that are helping to breath life into this server!

  • Pssstโ€ฆ hey, kids... "Wanna buy some strawberries?" :lol:

  • Sssshhhhh. I'm not supposed to spawn those. :oops: :lol:

  • I want to give a shout out to Cardman for is rp with Rico Swift Junior. Played him very well. And also DM void for his intervention with the harpies trying to take all of Rath's loot and DM Braveheart for that great interaction with the succubus and bringing the bowl to get us to drink from the bowl!

  • Huge Kudos for Void and Hen's event. Even when I couldn't stay long for the loot share, I had a blast with the thrilling deformities and the last epic battle.

    Also I'm sure some of us shall never forget that hellball. ๐Ÿ˜›

  • Giant Kudos to Void for a fun filled nearly 3 hours of last night.

    Also Kudos to everyone who showed up and endured!