Returned Part II : The Updatening

  • Hey Narfell!

    So, I'm sore, and happy, and proud to announce, that I got my last battery of tests back on Wednesday, and not only is everything clear, but they authorized the removal of my port from my chest!

    Not only that, but they cleared me to go in THE NEXT DAY.

    So, a busy week has topped off with me having surgery, and I'm now chemo-port free, cancer-free, and free to play more Narfell. 😉

    Though, October is proving to me mightily busy, so my weekends have been pretty largely booked up. We'll see when I can sneak on! Please PM me if you need me, or better yet, add me on Facebook so you can message me directly.

    I'm well known for logging in when somebody says, "Hey, get on! There's stuff and things!"

    SO … thanks to all my pals here for the thoughts and encouragement. I'll see you soon!

  • I'm going to belatedly echo the sentiment that it's good to see you back, and good to hear things are looking up. 🙂

  • Glad to hear all is looking well, Jerrick! Welcome back!

  • WB ^.^

    ┏(--)┛┗(-- )┓┗(--)┛┏(--) ┏(--)┓┏(--)┛┗(-_- )┓

    Time to get back to doing crazy things!

  • move to NYC, I'll hire you!

    (you might have to hang from a tree in the interview process)

  • Glad to hear things are looking up for you. We never realize just how basic good health can be to our happiness until we lose it.

    Best of luck Friday!

  • Thank you!

    And holy smokes, the way I saved my Narf files transitioned over perfectly! I literally dropped the folder on my desktop and pow! In game!

    So … yeah! Feel free to message me on Facebook or IRC when you're in! I'll try to leave IRC up when I'm at the computer, but otherwise, FB is always the best way to get in touch with me.

  • Great to see you around and well Jerrick. Welcome back! 😄

  • Great big update!

    Getting the final verification on fully being cancer free on Friday, and as of this point, i'm 100% done with chemo!

    Holy crap, hardest thing I've ever gone through, hands down.

    I'm broke, looking for a good job again now that I can do things again, and looking to move into a house soon with my girlfriend, so life is crazy, but I'm still alive! And healthy, too.

    Missed you guys. Trying to get NWN running on this iteration of this machine. I have a slightly better graphics card now, salvaged from somebody else's machine, but I moved to Win10 to get a clean install after my last one went wonky.

    Here's hoping I get it working, and that my machine lasts a while longer, as it's probably due for an upgrade XD

    See you soon?

  • I feel bad to have just seen this thread. I hope you are doing well, Jerrick. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.

  • Best wishes and good luck, Jerr!

  • Best wishes to you, bud, and I hope 2016 is the year you beat cancer once and for all.

    I've walked for Rely for Life (American Cancer Society) every summer for the past 12 or 13 years. I know we don't know each other IRL, but I'll be thinking of you (and others I know who are fighting cancer).



  • hugs Thinking about you, fingers and toes crossed.

    strews out the tiny christmas piggehs in a new year's burst of pink

  • First round of chemotherapy complete.

    The 5 days in a row of it? Not that bad. The resulting weekend and days after? Fucking miserable. I start again on the 4th, but hey, so far so good. 🙂

    My fundraiser also completed this week, too, so it's all paid for too!

  • Hey bud,

    It was great to see you back in game a while back. I hope you keep it up.

    I'm really sorry to hear about your cancer, though. Over the years, we've adventured together a few times (you should have stuck with crafting!), but we've had enough interactions IG, PMs, and in the forums for me to know that you're a good person outside of the game.

    You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Take care, and I hope to see you IG soon.


  • I believe it is illegal for a company to fire an employee for a medical reason.

  • Man hugs Sorry to hear about all this bud. Fucking employers need to be more sympathetic about that shit.

  • –---------------------------------

    My bloodwork came back, and I still have cancer cells. Not sure where, why, how etc, but it's there, which means it's follow up time.

    I have an appointment Monday morning, and will go from there.

    I also lost my job due to absences like going to the doctor during work (Coincidentally ... Doctor ) hours. They let me leave on "Medical" instead of firing me, and even tried to backtrack at first, but laced it with lots of "Oh, we can let you stay, BUT ... "

    Nuh-uh. You're going to let me go because I need to tend to my health a couple hours a week? Fuck off.

    So, back to the grind, hopefully will find a way to pay rent, and get a more understanding employer.

    Wish me luck, and come see me in game ^_^

    Missed you guys...

  • Heya jerrick welcome back to the server

  • Managed to catch you already, but great to see you around again! That's a harsh deal to get and even though it might read like some fortune cookie bs, I hope you continue to stay positive through life's challenges cuz it makes all the difference.

    Much love hugs