The Away Thread

  • Immigration is giving me a hard time. Between that and everything else going on Narfell hasn't been at the top of my priorities list which… is really unfortunate. Knowing where I stand now with the gov'm'nt I'll at least try to be around with more frequency.

  • It's time for my annual trip to Ohio to do my mother's taxes. If all goes well and the weather cooperates, I should be back to Narfell sometime late Friday afternoon (Feb 26).

    Login: AubreyMaturin

    Characters: Romulus Grey, bard the bowman
    Trotter, spooky Halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • I apologize for my hiatus the last month or so, life's been hard and I just have not been feeling it (playing narfell, or any game really)

    If any DM reads this and they see Gringat's girl (whose name sadly eludes me now, sorry >.<) let her know she has permission to get a copy of Anna (Hedia's) housekey, thank you!

  • @5cbf0f6cf2=Wywernywin:

    I'm back. πŸ™‚

    Uh oh! πŸ˜‰

  • I'm back. πŸ™‚

  • This week was the first of the (school) semester, so I will be even more scarce than I already am for the next 15 weeks.

    Stay classy, Narfell!

  • According to the weathermen, the Washington DC area (near where I live) is supposed to get socked with a huge blizzard later today and extending until Sunday morning. They are predicting high winds and heavy snow, perhaps two feet. All the schools have closed, the government is shutting down at noon, the Metro transit system is closing and all the airlines are canceling their flights.

    We are prepared to stay in for the weekend, but high winds and heavy snow on trees usually means power outages in Northern Virginia. So I may be online all weekend (since all my rehearsals are canceled), or I might be reading books by candle light. If so, I'll see you all when the power is restored Sunday or Monday.


  • And the fan club goes wild! πŸ‘

  • Update on Wywernywin. His fan arrived in Finland and he expects to return to Narfell by the end of the week! πŸ™‚

  • Wywernywin would like you all to know that his fan still hasn't arrived, and that's why he's not been around. πŸ™‚

  • I said I'd monitor forums - but unfortunately the old GPU fan stopped entirely, meaning I won't risk turning the computer on after this post until I get the new fan. Estimated time of arrival is 3rd of January.

  • Merry Christmas folks! Johant and I are off to my family for the next couple of days, may the Sloth be with you all!

  • As a heads up to the players involved in my elections / plot.. I won't be able to make it IG this month, my GPU fan failed and the replacement will take a while to arrive. I'll try to do some things over the forums though, we'll see. Sorry guys.

  • My son bought me a new computer for Christmas. He came over to install it last night, only to discover that the video card had not been shipped with the rest of the machine. So he's re-enabled my old machine while he waits for the card. During the transition to the new machine (total wipe and reinstallation of everything), I'm unlikely to be able to play much Narfell. I have two concerts this weekend anyway.

    So I hope to see you all back in business in a week or so. I hope my NWN Diamond disk and key are still valid.


    Characters: Romulus Grey, Bard the bowman
    Trotter, Spooky halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, Red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • More like the 4 month period of new game releases. Just when a guy gets bored of Fallout they release Just Cause 3. And Steam sales don't help. Sniper Elite 3 for Β£8? Oh I think so. I think so indeed.

  • Legion


    So this is the four month dead period correct?

    Or you could say that it's the prelude to the alive period.

  • So this is the four month dead period correct?

  • Thanksgiving is family reunion time for me. I will be heading to Ohio on Wednesday and return sometime Saturday. I might have forum access if my mother's computer is still working, but don't expect me in game before Sunday.


    Characters: Romulus Grey, Bard the bowman
    Trotter, Spooky halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, Red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • I'm going to be scarce during the comings weeks. I'm currently working full-time, enrolled in school part-time, and, as of Sunday, picked up my first ever commissioned project as a blacksmith (super excited!). Any free time I have during the week is now devoted to said project, but I'll be around over the weekends.