Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • @3a51538630=SummonerX:


    After the gleeful hail of stones, the badly bruised little mermaid creature's spirits had been visibly low, though as what later proves to be the last day of singing dawns, a new strategy is employed. Empty bottles of rum bob ashore during the day, as the mermaid's singing grows ever more raucous, though thankfully most of her words are lost on the audience, due to a failing voice and an increasingly slurred quality to what remains of it. Several times, the mermaid reels precariously on her rock to finally, as the last rays of sunshine spread their mild golden light across the waves, slowly, almost gently topple into the Icelace, disappearing.

    Assuming this is in sight of local residents of Peltarch… once news of the helpless mermaid reaches Ronan's ears, and the fact that a banned Umberlant is encouraging this rather torturous act, he informs the guards and defenders of what is going on and asks that the Sabre mermaid be retrieved. Seeming more urgent when the poor mermaid topples into the sea ever so gently, the white haired senator seems keen on aiding a citizen of Peltarch... even if it is an infamous Black Sail.

    Making sure an amulet is on tight, Yana sighs and jumps in. After a few minutes, she hopefully drags Sabre the Mermaid ashore.

  • @1af757f171=Karnivor:

    After the gleeful hail of stones, the badly bruised little mermaid creature's spirits had been visibly low, though as what later proves to be the last day of singing dawns, a new strategy is employed. Empty bottles of rum bob ashore during the day, as the mermaid's singing grows ever more raucous, though thankfully most of her words are lost on the audience, due to a failing voice and an increasingly slurred quality to what remains of it. Several times, the mermaid reels precariously on her rock to finally, as the last rays of sunshine spread their mild golden light across the waves, slowly, almost gently topple into the Icelace, disappearing.

    Assuming this is in sight of local residents of Peltarch… once news of the helpless mermaid reaches Ronan's ears, and the fact that a banned Umberlant is encouraging this rather torturous act, he informs the guards and defenders of what is going on and asks that the Sabre mermaid be retrieved. Seeming more urgent when the poor mermaid topples into the sea ever so gently, the white haired senator seems keen on aiding a citizen of Peltarch... even if it is an infamous Black Sail.

  • @1c05967bf6:

    And lo', on the seventh day of Sabre's confinement to the rock, the mermaid's siren song was faint and raw, and her skin like unto a patchwork of bruises. And the mermaid didst drink deeply from the elixir of sailors, and her words didst grow lewd, and redden the cheeks of honest men. And as the sun didst sink below the Icelace's frothful waves, so too did the mermaid, seen by surface eyes, nevermore..

    After the gleeful hail of stones, the badly bruised little mermaid creature's spirits had been visibly low, though as what later proves to be the last day of singing dawns, a new strategy is employed. Empty bottles of rum bob ashore during the day, as the mermaid's singing grows ever more raucous, though thankfully most of her words are lost on the audience, due to a failing voice and an increasingly slurred quality to what remains of it. Several times, the mermaid reels precariously on her rock to finally, as the last rays of sunshine spread their mild golden light across the waves, slowly, almost gently topple into the Icelace, disappearing.

  • Word begins to trickle trough the city that Adrian, the city's self-proclaimed Patron of the Bards Senator and his lovely wife Kallista are expecting their first child. And there was much rejoicing.

  • Rumors spread, particularly amongst the guard, that Magistrate D'Arneau has finally chosen an Inquisitor.

  • Legion


    With the Senate reputedly in heated debate once again regarding trade arrangements with the infamous city of Oscura, the League of Guilds has also called its own extraordinary meeting to discuss the issue, with the impressive array of Guild Leaders from all the city's trades gathering in the Amethyst Festhall, many of them casting baleful eyes at City Hall as they pass by it. After some time with the Senate in City Hall, Senator Wesley Hardin later emerged and walked across the commons to join the League at the Festhall, no doubt updating them on the latest developments.

    After hearing about this Marty is very keen to speak with the head of the league of guilds.

  • With the Senate reputedly in heated debate once again regarding trade arrangements with the infamous city of Oscura, the League of Guilds has also called its own extraordinary meeting to discuss the issue, with the impressive array of Guild Leaders from all the city's trades gathering in the Amethyst Festhall, many of them casting baleful eyes at City Hall as they pass by it. After some time with the Senate in City Hall, Senator Wesley Hardin later emerged and walked across the commons to join the League at the Festhall, no doubt updating them on the latest developments.

  • @089e85d499:

    From the Second book of Ishmael, verses 23-24…

    _23. And lo, on the fifth day of Sabre's confinement of the rock, that was a rock i'th' midst of the Icelace, a dwarven sailor of her acquaintance did take a coracle, and row, and went unto the forlorn mermaid, rebuffing the waves. And before going unto that place, she did gather stones together of all sizes, the stones that skip and stones like unto a large turnip, that sprouteth not, and bruiseth the flesh of man with mighty impact.

    24. And in that place, the dwarf, who loved kindness not, having settled her small boat in range of the forlorn sailoress on the rocks, who was not a virgin, did with gleeful malice like unto a fiend of hell, fling the stones at the settled mermaid and the waters by her. Mighty ploppings sounded. And great was the mirth, in the bosom of the unmerciful Mercy…_

    After four long days, shivering in the Icelace, her voice like sandpapering a kitten, the mermaid's fortunes shift with the approach of a small, bobbing craft in the water. Settling a fling's distance away from the clam-titted sea-strumpet, the boat's occupant releases a hullabaloo of hoots and darting specks of some flung airborne missiles, the lithe, trouted rock-occupant looking to be slithering about frantically to avoid her cruel pelter.

  • A much thinner, paler, and generally poorly looking Marie Scuttlestone has been seen in Peltarch after a month long absence… apparently she was out in the wilderness for some reason. Her face shows a grim determination though, as she searches the city high and low for her husband to be.

  • Taking pity on the poor shivering mer-creature, Terren dutifully has himself rowed out by a local sailor, after paying a reasonable tip of course, to chant a spell of protection from elements on the mollusk-enshrouded female. Whether this is true pity or merely an excuse to get a closer look at her bust remain up for debate; however, it is rumored Terren prepares many more clairvoyance spells for that week.

  • _Bending an ear to the outrageous rumours concerning this "Mermaid of the Icelace", oral historian, gastrognome and all-round dandy Perriwig P. Doubleday saunters to the wharf to eye for himself, certain that the miraculous, fey creature dockhands boasted over was simply a bit of seaweed snagged on some exotic flotsam, tossed from the boat of some sinister trader. He is agog when he is living witness to the sight, rummaging about for a telescope better to view the curves and bends of this mermaid.

    Laying hold on one, he trains it on the rock, only for his wide eyes to widen and his mouth to dangle open. Confiding in a nearby character, the gnome asks…_

    "I say, I do believe that mermaid has had work done on her roots! Can be believe it? That is no colour known in nature. Marine vanity, alive and admiring its reflection, down in the briny deeps. What a find! The face seems somehow familiar… mmmhmm. And she seems to have some sort of mange afflicting her flippers. Perhaps we should send some brave mariner out to rub ointment into her! Or perhaps codliver oil may be more appropriate…"

    "Any volunteers?"

  • _A curious phenomenon can be observed over the course of a full week along the waterfront of the Peltarch harbour, as a shrieking cacophany of sound, almost resembling song, can be heard drifting across the waves. Keen-eyed observers might soon spot the source of the abysmal sound far off in the icy waters of the bay - a small fish-tailed figure seated on a rock. Should any interested party examine this mystery mermaid more closely, for instance by sneaking a sly investigatory glance through a spyglass, they would likely spot several oddities in her appearance: the fishtail itself, on close inspection, appears splotchy as if made up of a patchwork of different fishskins, and the raggedly blonde-curled mermaid seems to be outfitted with a rediculously oversized clam shell brazier, hanging loosely on her slim, shivering frame.

    From dawn to dusk, the little mermaid stays firmly seated on her rock, though her voice seems to grow more hoarse and faint as the week progresses - doubtless to many a seaman's relief._

  • Legion

    Over the past few weeks Senator Marty has been working furiously toward getting Ashald park ready for the wedding. She has the help of a handful of druids as well as a few muscly folk.

  • A certain red headed hin hasn't been seen in town for quite a while, rumour has it she's disappeared into the wilderness… most unusual behaviour for one about to be wed.

  • Legion

    //just thought it was cool.

  • Several guards on the walls and several very surprised fishermen and sailors swear to all the gods that they saw what appeared to be supernaturally fast horses with riders blast past the walls of Peltarch and across the Icelace Lake, travelling so quickly that they kicked up walls of water behind them! Of course, no one takes these tales all that seriously…horses can't run across the water and certainly not across the Icelace.

  • Legion

    Peltarch is abuzz with the news that Sergeant Benji confessed is love for Marie not much more than a few months before her wedding.

  • Legion


    There was an unusual scene in the commons earlier tonight… a pair of hins talked for a time in low tones, then something was said that changed the mood drastically... both gentle and harsh words were then spoken, and the talk ended with the gifting of an amulet, a kiss on the cheek, tears, and a very fast exit for one of them.

    The other one spends the rest of the week staring down a glass of ale in the Mermaid while idly scribbling on a piece of paper.

  • There was an unusual scene in the commons earlier tonight… a pair of hins talked for a time in low tones, then something was said that changed the mood drastically... both gentle and harsh words were then spoken, and the talk ended with the gifting of an amulet, a kiss on the cheek, tears, and a very fast exit for one of them.

  • ICC

    half-orcs Grak and Gruul Korgak were seen hauling bulking sacks from orc infested farmlands. Shortly after haggling with merhants these two croocks descent into the sewers, emerging shortly after with Grak having a sour face