Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • _A decidedly less good time at the Ferret began in the same manner as most amicable evenings at that particular establishment - with a few drinks and a bit of violence. Intent on testing their martial skills, several Sails entered the fighting arena alongside Senator Redralen, Celebring, Raul and Cerulean Captain Kenton Seth. Something quite out of the ordinary took place downstairs, however, as powerful magic shook the floor and the people slowly trickling outside all seemed far too upset for a simple contest to have been all that transpired.

    Pale and tight-lipped, the manager Sabre Seesaw announces the basement of the Ferret to be closed during the following day, for repairs. Little else is revealed, though wild rumours have it both Senators Ashwynd and Redralen were petrified and several Sails near killed by a mystery assailant._

  • The Lucky Ferret was once again the sight of a great deal of merriment and other assorted goings-on, as Eowiel Senella, former senator and bardess of much renown, showed up with a blue haired girl, a smiling beauty who promptly magicked her own hair green for a drink upon entering and learning of the famous bardic juice of creativity.

    Lots of drinking and rowdiness ensued, with Eowiel apparently decided to test Rhiannon the blue haired bardess for entry to the college.
    Singing a rowdy song about a drink of some renown, Riskey, that she made up on the spot, and cracking a whip in the room, and ending her song by leaping up onto the table to take her bow, the young woman was promptly tipped handsomely, a key part of her tip!

    Thrilled, she celebrated with several members of the sails, until a fellow who learned about Riskey right there on the spot decided to have at a bard-off with her. His name was overheard to be Vash't.

    He was not a bard by any means, but could string together a rhyme better than some, and by accounts of the bouncer and barstaff, took Rhiannon's poetic chair-to-the-face with a grin… after picking himself up off the floor and splintered chair bits.

    He was soon after thrown out after the barkeep told him he had "Had enough", which prompted an argument, one-sided to be honest, with the bouncer tossing him out on his face most unceremoniously.

    Ah, a good time at the ferret.

  • _Words spreads of yet another fighting tournament having taken place at the Lucky Ferret inn recently- This one was dubbed "A Hard Knife Life", and featured teamed knife fights in a playful gang style, the contestants cheered on by the Ferret's own working girl cheerleaders and a rather eccentric fellow referred to as "Bananaman". The scandalous miss Rhyla Featherdown is also said to have made a guest appearance during the evening's activities.

    Appointed gang leaders Celebring, Hedia, Telli and Jarkin McFarkin lead their small, stylish gangs of Blue, Red, Yellow and Green into the ring. The unfortunately named Gang Green was first to taste bitter defeat at the hands of the merciless Reds, while Gang Blue narrowly outshanked the Yellows, Celebring proving a surprisingly merciless street fighter. In the end though, none could stand against the mighty gang Red: Hedia, Jay and Rhyndar, but all bets were of course off for the grand prize: The Silver Shank. The former team mates fought tooth and nail for this silver-coated trophy knife, reigning Axe Night champion Rhyndar ultimately proving the most resiliant and adding another Ferret Fight Night notch to his belt.

    In an additional free-for-all fight, Sails members Jay, John, Luke, Sabre and Senria duked it out for the title of guild knife champion, with Luke opportunistically dodging, stabbing and knocking enough of his guild mates on the arse to claim victory. The blonde sailor naturally celebrated the feat with a bottle or three of his own creation - aswell as the night's theme drink - Riskey._

  • The Docks district is filled with amorous tales of the city's latest arrival; the infamous Waterdhavian Harlot turned Adventuress, Rhyla Featherdown. Rumour has it she is in town looking for a coven of vampires, a nest of young red dragons, or simply another stop on her travels. Either way, the rumours about her not having relinquished her old line of work when she became a much renowned adventurer have made her a popular topic in the Dock's taverns.

  • _Propping up the bar in the Mermaid, Perriwig P. Doubleday is only too pleased to outline the explosive narrative presented by Gaerielle and Elidur in the Bardic College "The Night the Walls Fell" - or whatever they specifically called it. He alerts innocent bystanding drinkers that the tale was explosive, and included a number of thrilling revelations about prominent Peltarchian characters. According to the colourful gnome - who by now seems sticky and sozzled on the fenberry wine - after a fine razmataz from the talented pair of bards - "Marty" entered stage right, flinging herself to the floor before the hardy handsome figure of General Lavindo (and notably blessed with an artistically licensed mop of hair). With tentative tenderness, something of the romance sprag up between the half-pint would be senatorial candidate and the bluff old soldier - expressed with quivering-stiff-upper-lip undercurrents and electrified by a frisson of sexual tension.

    Summoned away to the walls, the romantic pair are suddenly reunited - Marty trawling through the streets, crying for her "dada". Perri grows a little confused at this point - attributing it to a lack of clarity on the pair of the playwright - but somehow it seemed that the would-be lovers had discovered in the interim (no doubt during a moment spent away from slaughtering Eastlander dummies) that they were in fact father and daughter, and that their love that would not speak its name, should not speak its name at all. Exclusive: revealed there first. Marty, daughter of Lavindo. Scandalous.

    Veering off on a jolly tangent, the bluff gnomish gastrognome reports that the Seafarers came in for a bit of a pasting during this romance, with pointed commentary made about chubby looking wagon drivers escorting caravans bursting with foot away from a starving Peltarch. Either way, he protests his extensive appreciation for the players and playwright - and wishes Marty and Lavindo well with their new found father-daughter-almost-incestuous-narrowly-and-gratefully-avoided tenor of life._

  • A wonderful play took place in the theatre tonight, drawing quite a crowd. Gaerielle and Elidur sang and acted their way trough a reenactment of the battle against N'Jast, where the walls were breached, and outlined the heroics of General Lavindo and Marty. With plenty of music, props and decorations, and the help of the college' latest student Nure, as well as the senatorial candidate Adrian, the play was a great success.

  • Elidur Ginen shows around a piece of paper that's been badly burnt, the readable text seems to be part of a speech in favour of Chadwick Whyte, and indeed has "Vote Chadwick Whyte!" along it's burned header.

    When asked about where it came from, Elidur normally tells some elaborate story involving sorcery and divine punishment - but the meat of it is normally that it drifted from a charred corpse, another victim of whatever is happening to the campaigners' allies.

  • ((Some ooc posts removed, please keep this thread IC, thanks.))

  • _As the close of the elections draws near, tension is building among the would be Senators, affecting most candidates bar the still leading Kaster Lavindo. Sergeant Barriston Shift has regretfully been forced to withdraw from the campaign, citing his wife's ill health as the primary factor. He has urged the Peltarch Guard who supported him to give their votes to Lord Ryan Fisher in his stead.

    The campaign to associate Chadwick Whyte with Norwick came at a poor time for the Seafarer candidate, and no doubt in the wake of the embarrassment he has suffered as a result of it he is regretting making mention of Norwick at all. Nonetheless, unless he makes another error between now and the day of the election, he remains a lead candidate (especially after his rumoured involvement in ousting the ever increasingly unpopular Vaster Ashald) along with Wesley Hardin. Ronan Redralen's name also crops up frequently where Vaster is concerned, many people thinking perhaps he might be capable of following through on his promise to fight corruption after all. Another source of tension recently a talking point in the taverns and estates was the impromptu spot of debate between Martouscha Leaffall and Adrian Petrarch, with popular opinion suggesting Sir Petrarch came out of the exchange the better (though talk of the exchange has promoted both candidates a fair amount). Another talking point for Miss Marty were her exchanges against the Seafarers Guild and Chadwick Whyte's response to it. At the time, popular opinion was certainly in her favour and in support of Duncan Hertwell's plight, however the ouster of Vaster Ashald coupled with Chadwick's generous rent price freezes has softened public opinion of the Seafarers. The Harvest Union on the other hand, and Lord Harry Filtan, remain decidedly unpopular as a result of the affair.

    Baron Gormonlythe and Lord Ryan Fisher maintain a decent level of support, the former for his promises of lucerative arrangements with Damara and the latter for his paternal, populist appeal.

    Of particular note are the crucial interests of support who have yet to declare in favour of any one candidate. These are; the Daedelus Family, the Peltarch Defenders, the Snydders Family, as well as a variety of minor noble houses and lower guilds whose support would have less of an impact._

  • Elidur Ginen has been talking, when faced with the discussion of politics anyway. Apparently he's in full favour of Marty's campaign due to her interests with the Bardic College, but is more often saying things like;

    "And, how many giants have you seen around here?"


    "Well - she does grow a grand cabbage!"

    He fails to comment on any stance with the Guilds, however, or indeed anything truly political.

  • Legion

    ^ _Anyone spotting Marty at the show would have seen her wearing a fine dress - an uncommon sight indeed! Since the show she has not stopped talking about what a brilliant productin it was.

    She sings praise for Gaeriellle who played the villian, Elidu playing the good knight and especially for Marenna who played the Maid. She states that that her favourite part was when the maid stood up for herself agaisnt the villian, and when she vainted after her struggle … such drama!_

  • Rumour spreads of a local theater performance, the first in a long time, being shown at the College. While many state how good the show was, and how ably performed it was, many also speak of the attendance of Marty, clearly supporting the local arts of the city.

  • Ashen Politics

    It's not even the first time, or so they say, that some powerful wizard, druid or god took offense to someone on the rant stand. Maybe this time, though, it was aimed at someone advertising a candidate for the senate. Lightning struck out of the clouds, and hit a man on the rant stand, just as he was giving a speech, killing him instantly and charring his body almost beyond recognition. Maybe some even suspect that the constant, constant rain over Peltarch is only there so whoever directs those supernatural attacks can hide behind 'freak accidents', and some might even remember a time of freak accidents from not so long ago…

  • Several people can be seen canvassing the city asking polling questions over a few days.

    In most of the city this seems to be a normal inquiry.

    In the docks however, at the end of the poll a number of extra questions are thrown in:

    "Did you know Calen Ashwynd has never publically denied being a cannibal?"

    "Did you know General Kaster Lavindo was voted Most Heroic Man Ever last year?"

    "Did you know paladins frequently refused to associate with Ronan Redralen for fear their god would turn from them?"

    "Did you know Lord Fisher is called a genius by many?"

    And many similar in this vein.

  • Legion

    *Upon hearing of Rass' attack against Norwick, Marty begins going door to door to ensure folks have a good supply of buckets, and that they are all filled with water ready to extinguish any fires. She also encourages home owners to include as a part of their "dragon drill" unlocking the entrance to thier basement so folks can escape from the street. *

  • During broad daylight, there was a commotion near the commons between three Seafarer guards, citizen Ronan Redralen, and magistrate Shannon. It appears the three guards were quite upset with Ronan for some reason and attacked him right in the streets. The mage defended himself without any lethal force, which allowed Shannon to stun them with the word of Torm, along with the aid of another wizard by the name of Tom. The three seafarers were taken off to city hall, while Shannon and Ronan walked into the city hall as well, dissapearing for a short while before the two were seen leaving and heading toward the dock district…

  • Legion

    Without fuss of fanfare, General Grag awarded Corporal Marty Leaffall the Troff Legion Heart medal as a squad of legion troops rested around the campfire west of Peltarch. The medal was awarded in recognition of her actions during the conflict with Ostromog, and for her efforts during the war with N’Jast.

    Later that night the Halfling gardener shouts a round of drinks at the Mermaid.

    The next morning she is spotted curled up under the oak tree in the commons (with a splitting headache).

  • At the Lucky Ferret Inn, cook Nancy has recently been receiving extra help in the kitchen. Armed with mop, brush, rag and slop water bucket instead of his usual sinister-looking dark metal armor and blade, Black Sails thug Jay can be observed scrubbing pots and pans, swabbing floors and cleaning work benches. The new kitchen aid performs these chores for a fortnight's time, (probably) leaving the kitchen sparkling clean.

  • Stories persist through all taverns and other places drunkards tell tall tales. Stories of livestock and wild game outside city bouncds found dead with their eyes missing, as if scooped right out of the skull. The more colorful tales include gruesome recounts of a few kobolds or orcs or even an unlucky citizen of the city or two being found, the body missing its eyes the same exact way.

  • ICC

    An ugly halfling with a bald pate and a fine red beard can be seen walking towards the West lazily, his pack over a shoulder and filled with food. Those who have seen him before know him as Aalaril, the insane halfling. Anyone who watches him go notices he says no goodbyes, and obviously has no intention of returning.