A call to help Ormpur

  • //We rescued the citizens of Ompur awhile back after the attack (refugees holed up in a cave near Ompur) and brought them back to the Temple in Jiyyd (we being Calendel, Lyte, Wolf, and some others). Since then I have heard and seen nothing else related to the status of Ompur//

  • //Anyone mind giving me a rundown of the summary of what had happened in the events of Ormpur so far? The lack of post in the open forum regarding of the progress is difficult for everyone to track of what happened to the plot so far after I return from weeks of afk due to exams.

    This thread is meant for the Ormpur event and for anyone who had participated in it to post here so that its easier to keep track of the happenings so far.

  • Jeremy grumbles and hesitantly can be heard telling Zoma

    "Give me the word Zoma, me sword is ready aye."

    What possessed Jeremy to change his mind all of a sudden is somewhat of a mystery.

  • @ba315a7381=Zoma_Nogardis:

    The number of caravans are currently…


  • Wolf, hearing of this for the past several days, offers whatever help he can for the venture.

  • //Just so everyone knows, I'm changing from Meredoc back to my main character Elradriendir Elrithremir (Elrad).

  • The one eyed swordsman offers the people who accepted his call a word of thanks, as well as those who had been giving him messages in discreet manner to participate in this Quest.

    "It will be soon. The number of caravans are currently…enough to be deployed. For now I believe the Spellweavers may need abled men to aide them in their investigation in the broken ward that relates to Ormpur's current weather.

    It will be a dangerous task for them as the journey may possibly involve deep into the Coldstone mountains. Seek Attentus or Genzir just before they set off for the expedition that you wish to aide them in their quest.

    As soon as we are able to get the sufficient supplies and the confirmation numbers of druids willing to aide, the caravan will then depart with a notice beforehand."

    //Time for SW event: Saturday 10 - 11pm GMT. I hope the people in charge of the event do not mind me informing it in public.

  • While waiting for the relief/rescue effort to begin, Z repairs more wagons…

  • A small boy walks up to Zoma, and tells him that Ezachiel would be more than willing to assist in this ende…ea...something.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    If this pain-in-the-arse druid can be of any use, you need only ask.

    Fad grins

  • Lyte speaks up

    "Happy to help, and I'll bring along whatever legion soldiers who arent otherwise occupied with duties when you are ready to go."

  • Several wagons have been fixed.

    Relief supplies can now be sent efficiently and the evacuation of Ormpur (if that's the plan) can begin.


  • Z is seen fixing up several wagons in front of the Guardians' headquarters. Salvaging parts from some to rebuild others, Z works tirelessly to get the job done as quickly as possible.

  • Although a hin, Meredoc is always looking for ways to be of assistance. He will gladly volunteer.

  • Keira is, as ever, more than happy to visit strife-torn areas of Narfell.

    To help, obviously.

  • Jeremy seems confused a bit

    "Volunteers? Aren't them the crazy loons who don't be gettin paid for doin work? I ain't gon' be no volunteer."