Rando speaks to the townsfolk

  • Rando speaks to the towns folk gathers near the site of the old well

    _"people of Norwick, i have served this town for near 70 years in on form or another. its not been easy and some of you may not have agreed on what i have done, but i have always had one thing in mind and that's to keep you all safe and protect the town. i have defended the gates from to many foes to remember but time has come for me to step down and let someone else take the reins of this fine town. i am nearing 95 years of age and would like to take a back seat for a while.

    Before i go i am going to change some laws to make it seem a less harsh place the rule changes are

    Weapons to be allowed to be carried in side the town walls, but subject to good order and can be removed if militia requires them to be

    Helms may be allowed, but the militia can asked for them to be removed at any time.

    Familiars and companions will be allowed within the walls, but they are to be kept under control, any breach of this and the animal or familiar can and will be killed to protect the citizens.

    Magic may be used except offensive spells unless the town is under attack or the militia has given permission for it to be used.

    This will hopefully make us seem a less harsh place and will bring back some trade to this one great trade centre.

    It has been my honour to serve you all and i will still defend this town if its being threatened. I shall retire to my house in this town and gather my thoughts.

    Thank you again and helm watch over you all"_

    Rando finishes and walks over to the bench and sits with Krig and Maythor

    " well i thought i would join you two in retirement as you seem to be enjoying it.. so what plans.. something like the old days?"

    Rando smiles and feels better since the weight has been lifted of his shoulders

    (ooc been a blast these last 3 years with norwick, but all things come to a end. thanks to all the Dms past and present who have made norwick interesting. this is not a quit post, just want to try something different with rando as he has achieved everything he ever wanted in Norwick

    The law changes were oked by the SDM)

  • ICC

    Kull listens to Rando´s words. He then lifts his head, and nods at rando like saying : Guud job Rando, thank ye fer yer dedication to norwick un itz habitants

    Knowing that his strenths are not words, kull turns his back and hopes that rando understands the nods he just gave, relaying on an old saying " An image (picture) worth 1000 words"

    KULL (Half Orc Barbarian, Training Officer and Major in the Legion)

    “To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!”

  • …and somewhere within the Hall of Heroes within Tempus' domain...

    Maya smiles.

  • Orc Man looks at Rando and gives him a slight nod, not feeling the need to elaborate on his feeling publicly. He then turns to Milshot

    "looks like it's up to us lot to keep the torch burnin, or some shite like that, eh?"

  • Nicely done, old friend.

    With these new rules, bein a Militia member just got a bit easier, eh? Maybe we wont get spit upon no more!

    Ya done well, lad. Ya done well.

  • Paci stands a little in the side looking thoughtful for a brief while after Rando has finished the speech. When a flask of Milshot's dwarven stouts reaches his hands, his expression quickly turns into a wide and wry leer and he raises the toast with everyone else.

    "Cheers an' happy retirement, Rando! Good on ya ta bring tha amount of laws to uphold down a lil'."

    Paci empties the stout with one gulp and heads towards the militia barracks.

  • Nicahh smiles broadly hearing the news. She opts not to comment upon her feelings towards Rando and how he has choose to serve the town in his own unique, tyranical way, but simply smiles and says:

    "When will a new leader be brought in? I pray the town is wise enough to see one who has worked behind the scenes for years to serve his home."

    She is then seen heading to the barricks, looking for Milshot.

  • ::places his hand on Rando's shoulder::

    It been a long haul me friend an' although there been some things we done dis'greed about o'er all te years, yer time an' energy ya done devoted ta the town been admirable. Nae a doubt ya maked some enemies runnin' te town an all but me hope ya be able ta sit back an' enjoy some relaxin'. An thank ya fer standin' down te laws tha done caused so much conflict o'er te years as ya step down.

    ::smiles, opening his pack and offering several dwaven stouts to those gathered::

    A toast ta yer job 'ere comin' ta a end…

    ::raises the bottle to them all::

  • ICC

    ::Ruggvar ponders the words a while before he speaks::

    Ah' ain' always agreed with ever'thin ye done or said, Rands'… but Ah fight' beside ye many a day defendin' the good folk of Norwicks. Ye done well fer the folk, an despite dem politics of yers, goot' job, lad.

    Ah say ye, May an me start a brewery.

    ::munches on a roasted potato::