Aid to the families of the fallen...

  • Nicahh is seen asking around Peltarch who, or what organization, is taking donations to help the families of the fallen. It appears she wishes to make a donation or start a fund herself.

  • _Nicahh does not seem at all interested in collecting donations, rather she seems to be searching for someone that is working on such a project. Although some whisper that Nicahh has the strange ability to coerce gold from men and women alike, and might make a good spokeswoman.

    In regards to Elissa, Nicahh seems to show great restraint in keeping from choking the woman as she adds "mmhmm" every ten seconds in the conversation. Finally ending the talk with the following:_

    Do what you can to gather gold upon your own, however, you suffer the same social issue I do. Few trust either of us, and for good reason. However, if you truly wish to help, I have only one request. Find the person, be it senator, magistrate, whoever, that handles welfare in Peltarch. Perhaps we can just make a donation into the welfare pot. Or perhaps the goverment can assign someone to take such a project on. Oh, and it might not hurt to let them know that the donation I was looking at placing, ranges from 15 to 20 thousand gold, depending on who is spearheading the campaign and how they wish to spend the gold.

    Otherwise, the Sisterhood will keep the gold and issue it to the needy on a case by case basis.

  • Sir Richard Luis offers out of his money bag what he has. Due to his involment with the orphanage he is unable to assist in a full time manner but states he will try to help out as much as he cans.

  • Elissa offers Nicahh her help with this, showing her willingness to help or build up a fund. She also points out that it's in the interest of the church of Beshaba to help protect and ward those unfortunate widows and orphans from further bad luck, as thus she's more than willing to collect the funds, but also points out that, sadly, some people likely have difficulties trusting her with the running of such a beneficial institution.