Grand Conference of the Arcane - (1st April 2006 - Sat.)

  • DM

    The Magistrate announces that after years in the planning there will be a grand


    to be held in the glorious City of Peltarch.

    1st April (Saturday) 2006

    It is known among the city notables that the magistrate has always been a steadfast ally of the arcane and a fast friend of Knight Henry a mage of some repute in the Cerulean Knights as well as supporting them often in their endeavours.

    It is also rumoured that the magistrate has put many thousands of his own moneys as a magistrate amounting to much of his humble savings as a public servant into the affair.
    It is also rumoured that the day proposed is the esteemed Magistrates' Birthday, and though he is not immediately forthright about his age it is guessed that it is a significant milestone.

    The magistrate sends messengers to every local population centre, spellweaver keep (with the exception of norwick itself) on henry's request as well as far east, west and south to the elven settlements as is possible. An entire half-year of notice is given to allow for foreign visitors time to arrive. the conferance will be over many days depending on interest, and the magistrate books a large number of rooms in the mermaid for select VIP's.

    "The conferance shall dwell most prudently on not the
    parlour tricks to entertain children, but instead will
    bring together in a display of common interest, the
    advancement of knowledge and the value of the city of
    Peltarch in defending the rights and power of not only
    mages and sorcerors but students of lore as well as
    giving honour to the deities that concern themselves
    with the weave and knowledge."

    1 - Presentations on fields of study and expertise, dogma and lore presented in the spirit of shared knowledge of the wise.

    The magistrate offers invitations for the wise to speak on a proposed topic to present a brief synopsis to his office.

    He states that the most promising 3 presentations will be invited to speak in the view of the cerulean archivist henry and himself. If more excellent speakers present themselves this number may be extended.

    2 - A dinner will then be held for the arcane and invited religious attendees, followed by further academic debate and discussion among the guests. Demonstrations of magic or other prayers and practices can later be undertaken on an individual basis.

    He asks for the presence of Mystran, Azuthan and faithfuls of Oghma and other faiths of magic and knowledge to bless and contribute fully to the conference. In the spirit of tolerance of the city no one faction or group intimate to the study or knowledge are exempt from proceedings though he reserves the right to exclude those not condusive to good order through reputation or their mere presence.

    Privately he reminds city employees to remain vigilant for any attempts by destructive forces to wreck this display of unity and order and to remember to not reveal the slightest piece of secret or private information to visitors.

    Personal Invitations go out to the following local Organisations and Guilds:

    Spellweaver Keep
    Phoenix Guild Hall - Peltarch
    Temple of Tyr
    Temple of Helm
    Temple of Kelemvor
    Bardic College
    The Druid Circle
    The Wolves of Narfell

    (Ic-Responses please to this thread, any OOC questions PM me or catch me on IRC).

  • Bub and Lucidious, arriving post conference for the free booze, overstay their welcome and party well into the morning. They pass out near the podiums after proclaiming various grisly death sentences on their enemies, leave their patrons no gratis, and are summarily shoved out into the street by an irate half-orc laborer with a push broom.

  • rilia having lost track of time as usual shows up as the conference is ending and expresses extreme regret at missing it.

  • (( I'd attend to stir up trouble, but I don't think mingling with magic on April Fools' day is a good idea… ))

  • @1ac4cc156c:

    huge splits in the weave and explosions of wildmagic


  • A relatively late letter, apparently delivered from beyond the region, to the office indicates that someone from the Divine Shield, Elena Arguyle, would be making a presentation ((gmt 1530 -onwards)) on sympathetic magic and its applications, and if occasion permits, another on harmonics.

  • Adrian wanders by, and smiles upon hearing the conference, making a mental note to attend.

  • Word is sent by the magistrates office that the temple of Kelemvor will be pleased to accept the invation and have a presence at the coming gathering. The runners that left from the south were apparantly paid before they set out and deliver word as swiftly as they can.

  • tala replies that she will come to the fest hall and hopes to bring a few wolves with her as well.

    rilia sees the postings and is excited at the opportunity to speak with others that might know some new tricks

  • ((Unless somebody runs stuff late night on the eastern US coast (after 11pm EST) I'm going to miss this all due to family visits. 😞 ))

  • Lt. Olsen looks sadly on some of his yet-incomplete military history documents, part of a broad-reaching military history of Peltarch he has been picking away at for some time… He resolves to send an Aide to watch the proceedings and learn what knowledge is presented.

    //I'd be there but have prior committments, Hjoichi loves this sort of thing.//

  • DM

    OOC Note:

    This event is an all-access event for all DM's to chip-into all day from 10am GMT to 11pm GMT - and beyond if you like.

    I will be running a variety of things, during the day for players as a DM as well as appearing perhaps once or twice as a player just for effect.

    It is an opportunity for magic concerned or divine magic concerned characters to be there and gather in a unique way. I am not setting a specific time for any event as it all depends on when i am on, but those who spend time in and around the Festhall (near to the Peltarch Commons) will be in position to enjoy them IC.

    Happy for any players to run any independant things they like, competitions, trading, discussions, (duels in the western foothills) etc, huge splits in the weave and explosions of wildmagic (only joking) 😉

    Its what you make it, an opportunity for players to show their creativity too.

  • Those who know the mage Khyrill may have heard him mention a possible presentation on the menhirs for the Festival.

  • DM

    The Magistrate Barrim Announces, that his Grand Conference is due to be held on the 36th day after trademeet, (1st April 2006).

    (someone tell Panache) 😉

    The conference length is extended to a full tenday, and he declares that the city shall bid welcome to all and sundry subject to their lawful adherance to polite society and manners as well as the laws of the city.

    The Peltarch Amythyst Festhall is reserved for the use of speakers, interested visitors and officials from all towns and regions.

    The Magistrate makes a quiet request for the pride of the city for all ceruleans to make attendance to show the refinement, skill and respectability of the city's guardians of the weave.

    Letters of invitiation are extended to spellweaver, and all official guilds and institutions of the region interested in the weave.

    The magistrate Barrim still hasn't announced how old he is, but as the festivals date is said to correspond to his birthday, he will be there for much of the occassion.

    (( all players, DM's IC Crusaders, Arnarchists and Celebrants are welcome))

    There is rumoured to be fine food, fine conversation, wine, song and serious discussions of the arcane with no subjects taboo for discussion as fitting the tolerance of the city.

    Traders, magical teachers and students, as well as bards, alchemists and sages are all welcome and expected.

    erected over the door to the festhall will be a large banner, announcing the conferance with the symbols of mystra adorning the doorposts in long fine blue cloth hangings in respect of the lady of magic

  • A reply comes upon parchment bearing the seals of Spellweaver, the Seafarers, and House Ashald

    My Dear Magistrate:

    I will be in attendance. Unless the Keeper has objections, I will extend your invitation to the members of the Keep.

    Most Sincerely,

    Arien, The Lady Ashald

  • When word of the grand conference reaches Raisa, she copies the relevant information and has it relayed to her sisterhood in Rashemen.

    ((Evenings EST are best. Weekends iffy.))

  • Mirkali nods slowly hearing this

    Could be interesting to attend… Think I'll be able to make it... depending on when they have it.