Feeding Jiyyd

  • Mirkali blinks, watching Fadia speak softly to Nicahh, quite dumbfounded

  • The Halfling Defence League

    the diminutive elven druid crouches down in jiyyd's fields and simply continues blessing jiyyd's crops, as she always has, and stops as Nicahh begins her talk. After the speech, fad pulls Nicahh aside at the first opportunity

    she speaks softly This is all a very positive step forward, and will take a lot of pressure off the town. Just remember, though, that there will be no substitute for saving these fields.

    she smiles That said, if there is any way I can help your group, I would be more than happy to, Nicahh.

    she glances briefly to Tiggles

    This town has protected me many times in the past, and I'd like to repay that. If there is any aid that a druid can give in this, I volunteer to join you.

    she then looks up at the sun, and, seeing that the circle's meeting time draws near, she excuses herself from the proceedings and sets off down the near east road

    //not sure I can make it, but if nobody has a problem with me tagging along, i'd love to be a part of it :)//

  • Elor is immediatly interested, and will try to make it if he can