Two Lliirans visit the Shrine of Dawn...
The elven bard Eowiel Senella payed a trip to Norwick recently, apparantly visiting a friend. She and her apprentice Ocean were seen headed to the Lliiran shrine with the green haired elf in tears. They prayed along with Priestess Rith for friends lost to the Collective, hoping their joyful goddess could ease their grief…
The halflings Ginger, Lavender, and Scorpius were seen on the edges of Norwick taking a limp halfling body to the Shrine of Dawn. The halfling body had no visible wounds, and is said to have been yet another victim of one of the deadly crystals. After hours of fervent prayer and a conversation with Rith, the fourth halfling regained his spirit. After camping in the shrine and saying goodbyes to dear Rith, the halflings may have been seen sneaking north.
Whilst visiting the Lliirans may have discovered what appears to be the remains of a campsite nestelled in the rear clifface of the shrine's valley. They may even have caught a glimpse of an elf garbed in dark red and earthen coloured leathers.
((For God's sake Cust; must you turn everything into an OOC argument?
And Kate! Shame on you too!
::disappears into the distance, nursing his hangover::))
(and I'd appreciate an IC response to an IC response
///I'd appreciate knowing how the IC response got to two people in Peltarch
Lost to the collective?
We haven't killed anyone…
///lost doesn't have to mean dead.
Shortly after ensuring Eowiel is safely back in Peltarch Ocean heads out again, returning many hours later also apparently having been crying.