Romancing the... Strange Woodsman (hilarious)

  • the following is a transcript of some time spent with Sil and Cike, but first let me set the stage

    Sil is invisible, and is naked next to a waterfall in Jiyyd…

    Sil : [by the side of the stream is a pack and a few weapons - Sil's equipment]

    Cike : looks about Ah Sil, where have you…?

    Sil : [also, you notice a pile of clothing]

    Cike : looks down Ah!

    Sil : [as you look around]

    Cike : blushes

    Sil : [you notice Sil's figure outlined by the mist on her body from the waterfall]

    Cike : Ah Sil I did not know, I am sorry.

    Sil : [she seems to be smiling and laughing quietly, her hand over her mouth]

    Cike : pulls hood lower and turns away

    Sil : [you cannot see the expression in her eyes, but you can feel it - she is extraordinarily happy]

    Sil : [she speaks slowly] …Cike...

    Cike : plops down on all fours

    Several minutes of laughing on my end ensued... if someone has a place to host the pics, I will post them... bot the situation and the tells are hilarious.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    You can sign up for an account in coppermine (a section in narfell) where you can upload pics to be hosted yourself there.