Missing valuables

  • It is reported by some of the shop keepers and the inn keeper that items have gone missing. Not just a mug from the bar, or a belt from a shop, but things such as paintings from inn rooms, porcelain mantle decorations, valuable gems or even finely crafted weapons. In some cases the items are recovered, but found in a shallow hole buried with what looks like dried blood on them and totaly destroyed. Most things found one can barely put a name to. Even the gems are found smashed into little more than fine powder and chunks.

  • The disciples of the Order of the Iron Fist are seen by the more perceptive members of the community, skulking in the shadows and watching for roguery in general.

    The Nameless Monk has been heard speaking out on the topic:
    "We do not prey on each other, in Arnath. There are ample targets above ground…"