Build 916D
- NWN optimizations (better area loading times and others)
Godess of Spite
- New area design
Goddess of Spite + its_a_fire
- New vacation must: Pocket Plane of Negative Energy. This creepy lab has more options than Build-A-Bear! If you can find the buried entrance, send your kudos for the squicky interiors to Goddess of Spite.
- Dev Tools: OnExamine language and skill checks (see forum).
Lence + Dorakhan
- Detected and added missing scripts to some areas that are supposed to give discovery xp.
- Reduced spawning rates to get Skilled Outcast Raumviris (on foot and riders) dramatically for certain encounters.
- DMs Possessing creatures with custom AI (Nilbogs, Hydras, Blackpuddings, etc.) should not break their special behavior anymore (notify if something weird happens). -- Thanks to @KingCreeper for all the testing!
- AI tweaks.
- Overriding the Hit Points of a creature with the
!dm_npc hp override
command should now work as intended.