Ortherion, Knight of the Father

  • (( I'll say at the start here… I am not entirely sure why I wrote this but for some reason the picture had me writing at random today, its not done but I am sure I will finish it soon? Hopefully you enjoy.))

    _I have lived countless lifetimes; I have seen the strong parade victory over the weak, I have seen kingdoms come to ruin, Encampments flourish into cities of grandeur, I have seen the light of ten-thousand new moons, I remember the times of peace and I mourn from the times of war. I have known the pain of a thousand cuts and I have learned from each of them; however nothing could have prepared me for this. I have spilt rivers of blood in the name of my people but never have I seen mine flow like this. This metallic taste that drenched even my mouth, the coldness of my frame… this shortness of breath.

    As I kneel here indifferent of my own situation thinking back on how it has come to be, after so many moons what had changed. What had I done so different this time unlike so many before; did I wake up defeated, did I overestimate myself, did I forget myself? Everything came so quickly the tears, the fear, and the overwhelming regret that I felt after a life so long yet so devoid of meaning. Only then did I realize I had lived for the whim of others and I had died for the whim of others… my life was never my own to command. What a fool I had been to thrust my life at the feet of others but was it truly for nothing… I did it for my king… for my country, I should be so proud._

    **So the elf knelt with the rain falling over him as he reflected upon his life and questioned his duty, his honour, and his life’s purpose. Rain fell over the vast battlefield littered with the carcasses of the Elfish and Orcish kind while the sun desperately tried to break the desolate scenery that stretched for miles. Around him rang the cacophony of ringing swords and shattering shields that broke the endless cries and screams of death for just moments. Raising his head slowly he took in a wheezing breath as blood slowly trickled down the sides of his mouth to drip into that ocean of carnage around him. Finally he was able to look down upon himself in the surreal reality he found himself in, in this moment he was mortal and he truly felt it.

    Looking down himself he saw his own mortality as clear as he had seen so many others he had taken. The crude metal spear protruding from his abdomen was slowly washed clean of his blood by the falling rain, he could only sigh. The arrows that pierced through his fine elven mail where no smaller a problem as they caused his arms to feel so heavy, cumbersome even, in the plate he had worn for centuries. Coughing softly as he chuckled blood flowing down his chin now as he sighed looking to the snapped short blade that rose from his thigh.** I did well didn’t I Father? Look what it took to stop the conviction within me, the burning desire to serve and protect in your name.

    **Resting his head back then the man would look around himself, his vision slowly fading the fading light in his eyes reflecting the battle before him. A large muscle bound creature of rage swinging its maul high and low as it chased the fleeting image of the elf before it. The Elf pressed foreword only to be pressured back by the pure might and tireless swing of the orc before him however it would take more than a simple orc. A flourish of elven steel caught its opening, the orcs wild swing over his head, he brought the blade up carving through and gutting the orc. Just as quickly as he saw the fight it was over his kin finishing with a well-practiced flourish from pelvis to neck before stepping on and into the battle once more.

    Closing his eyes then he settled himself and closed out the pain, he closed out the noise of battle, and pushed his hands upon his blade. His blade stuck into the ground and his powerful arms pushing down willing himself first onto his left foot, then his right struggling to stand. This was the purpose behind his life the meaning of it all was his resolve to protect the weak from the strength of our enemies; he didn’t need the selfish desires or regrets. If he could just keep going… Stepping his right foot foreword he let out a slow groan as he pulled himself from the spear that skewered him.**

    It was not the whim of others I fought but for my own pride my own fulfilment that drove me to this spot. Please… Father, if only for a little longer sustain me so I may protect my people, your people. Raising his hand slowly he waved it before him he wanted to stop the actions before himself the deaths of his fellow soldiers before his eyes weighed heavily on him. He could no longer move nor would his mouth allow him to shout… Watch out brother… He pleaded hopelessly as another was slain before his eyes. Slowly the light of his eyes dimmed the soldier stood with his hands upon the hilt of his sword, arrows decorating his body as he breathed out the last breath he had the darkness overtaking his vision.

    Ortherion (Ore-there-ee-on), can you hear me? Ortherion! A tall elven woman cried out looking over the bloodied and dirty body of her brother, the mourning women placing her hands tightly over the slowly bleeding spear wound. She had never felt so powerless as she watched the colour slip from the already pale elven face trying desperately to bring him back. Please Sehanine! I beg of you it is not his time, he can do so much more in the name of the Father! You need not take him from this place yet… please spare him. She begged, groveled, and prayed to Sehanine Moonbow in hopes that she may hear her and stave off her gentle guidance.

    Cries of despair and hope echoed in the halls that night as the moon came to ferry those who lost their lives to a place of peace, where no one else could hurt them. Priests worked up and down the corridors of the barracks skipping those who cried desperately for help it almost seemed cruel to let them suffer but those who made no sound needed the most care. Outside the walls the ringing of steel, shattering of stone and splintering of wood was a constant reminder that nothing was truly safe not while the battlefield remained at the door. Do not worry brother you breathe yet and I will not let that change, rest now forget the troubles beyond you and recover… Father will be so happy.

    To be Continued. I hope? Who knows inspiration is quite rare for me!